I hope you enjoy this next part, as me and two of my friends, Racist Friend who will now be known as Big E and a guy nicknamed "Kenny from South Park" for... obvious reasons... Just read it and figure it out. I DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING THAT POPS UP IN THIS!!! I PROMISE!!!

Teme (Me... Don't judge me): Bold
Big E:

Kenny off of South Park: Underlined

Once Morgan Freeman was eating monkey liver when Michael Jackson was fucking a dead elephant's nigger ass. A fluffy zebra leapt over a /b/ conversation that was about CP Wednesday as a monkey fucked a little boy named Justin Bieber's nigger apple sauce and Pineapple. Then a sand nigger decided to try and kill Chris. Alas, he was saved by Savior King but still died. Then Zelda fucked the sand nigger in his ear with Chris' dead body.

The End.

Not as long as the previous chapter. I still hope you enjoy nonetheless.