The room was engulfed with eerie silence, as Zack tried to let the hanging sentence melt in.

There was nothing possible - that Zack could think off- that would keep Cody away from his beloved school, not even a fractured skull. School was his best friend, nothing ever separated them.

Something must be horribly wrong! Or maybe this was just a simple misunderstanding on Woody's behalf? Hoping for the latter, Zack couldn't seem to abandon the fear that gripped his stomach.

" A-Are you sure? Coz maybe you just d-didn't see him?"

"It's quite hard not to notice Cody in class! " Woody chuckled lightly, after all it was Cody who ran the class half the time, and it would take a blind and a deaf person to miss him.

The older twin felt his heart drop, his friend had a point. It was impossible for any creature – dead or alive- to miss Cody's presence in class. There just had to be a rational explanation. One he couldn't figure out. He always left such explanations and doings to Cody; he was after all the irrational and wild twin. Fear clutched his heart, what if this was the one time that Cody needed him to be rational? What if he wasn't able to do that? His younger brother might end up hurt because of his failure.

" Woody! Man, I'm begging you; tell me that this is a joke or that you're mistaken." Zack cried, his words filled with furry and anxiety, as his lower lip trembled with fear.

Taken aback by the intensity of the emotions that were visible in Zack's voice, Woody didn't know how to react. He wanted to comfort Zack and tell him it was all a joke, but he couldn't, not when it would be a lie. He wanted to tell him that it was all going to work out, but he wasn't so sure. He didn't want to give him false hope. One that could possibly devastate him in the end. As much as he disliked thinking this way, he was aware that life wasn't a piece of cake.

Woody lowered his head, too afraid to even glance at Zack's distressed eyes.

Zack ran for dear life, along the corridors, speculating all the while if it was a little too late. His mind was fogged with thoughts of Cody, as he absent mindly took a sharp turn to the right, causing him to lose his balance and fall face forward.

Pain soared its way through his body, as the world around him began to turn gray.

His head was pounding, his lungs were constricting and his stomach was somersaulting.

He wanted to lie there, to succumb into the tempting embrace of the seductive darkness. But some strange and foreign force wouldn't allow him. Something was holding him back, forcing him to endure this excruciating pain. Something he couldn't quite get his head around it. He knew there was something he needed to take care off. He just couldn't remember what it was.

He attempted to dig through his mind. To unearth what it was he was failing to remember. He found nothing but a sucking void. So tempted to give in, to seek refuge in the comfort of oblivion, he embarked on closing his somnolent eyes.

He was on the rim of losing consciousness when a thought lit his dim mind. Cody.

Oh Gosh, no! How in the world could he have forgotten?

He couldn't just lie here anymore. He had to get up and make sure his younger brother was okay. Time to define that word. He hardly made it without Cody last night; he just hoped it wasn't the same for his other half. He had the doctors bring him back, but Cody had no one and maybe—God forbid. He wouldn't go there..Not yet at least.

Zack had to grit his teeth against the pain he faced while attempting to get up. Holding on to the door knob beside him, he attempted to steady himself. To get himself back on track. He had wasted enough time lying there like a pathetic loser. Since when did a simple slip do this to him?

Since he got food poisoned and almost passed out not too long ago.

Speaking of which, just how long ago was it? Perhaps it was midday. Or maybe a little earlier. Requiring a confirmation of just how long Cody had been missing for, Zack decided to check his cell phone. The screen flickered to life, as Zack switched his cell phone on.

8:09 pm.

So that's what the nurse meant by finally…

Shit. There was no way in hell that could be correct! Just no freaking way.

If something had happened to Cody, then it was too late. Too stinking late to do anything. He felt himself hold back a strangled sob. He was anxious and worried. And he didn't know what to do. It didn't make any sense to him. Cody not being in his room all day, possibly all night, not attending school and worse of all not being seen by anyone after school time.

No one had looked for Cody, because they thought he was with him.

The words guilty and terrified could not even begin to clarify Zack's colossal grief.

He needed to sit down, think straight and stop being so feeble. For all he knew, Cody could be relaxing or partying somewhere, thanking the heavens he got rid of the annoyance Zack was. He was probably just overreacting. Those pills he took, earlier, must've played with his mind.

Zack knew he was in denial. Denial that his brother was in trouble.

He could somewhat sense his brother's discomfort and pain, in the back of his head, but he attempted to ignore it. Zack nibbled on his lower lip as he, unconsciously, perched himself onto the edge of his bed. He rubbed a hand over his face and let out a sigh, he felt hopeless and helpless. Logically, he should've checked Cody's room, but if Woody said he wasn't there, then he'd just take his word for it. This was too damn exasperating and he wasn't physically or mentally up for this.

Zack groaned in annoyance, as he sheltered his head with his trembling hands. Mere seconds after that did Zack's mind register that, out of the corner of his eye, he had seen a foreign object placed on his bed. Curious, Zack lifted his head and looked sharply to his right.

His breath was stuck midway, as he continued to stare at the object before him. He didn't know what to make of it. It couldn't be possible, not in a million years, but there it was in front of him. Was it for him? No, No! Don't get carried away! It had to obviously belong to Marcus. Only he or London could afford such a luxury.

Zack finally trusted himself to exhale. This wasn't for him and he knew it. He had to quit staring. The more he gazed, the more he sought it. As he was about to tear his gaze away and snap out of his dazed reverie, he spotted something. He bent forward and gently grabbed the creased paper, not wanting others to think he was meddling with their private stuff, that lay on top of the case.

His eyes were wide with shock. To Zack were the faint words scripted on the paper. Zack licked his chapped lips in anticipation, as he unfolded the paper with his trembling hands. His mind was vacant, no thoughts raced their way. However, his heart was thumping, half expecting it to pound its way out.

Dear Zack,

I know it seems like I'm trying to buy you back, but if that's what it takes, then I'm on it.

Zack, I may not have told you this before, but you're my superhero, my idol and the only person I look up to besides Einstein. Losing you is like losing me. It was never my intention to hurt you, to make you feel unloved and unwanted. I, always, thought that you'd prefer to spend your time with your other friends, rather than fritter your time with me. I just wanted you to be happy, Zack.

I don't hate you, and I never will. I'm sorry I said such a ridiculous and outrageous thing. I'm sorry I wasn't the brother you needed or wanted. I let you down, Zack. I don't think I could ever forgive myself. You were right, when you said; I don't deserve you as a brother. Hell, I may not even deserve to live.

All in all, I'm sorry.

I just can't leave without apologizing. I can't let it end on a bad note. One more thing, Zack, the love and admiration I hold for you, is never ending. I always have – always will- put you before myself and everyone else. You mean the world to me, Zack. I never want you to believe otherwise. I just wanted to let you know all this, before it was too late.

With plenty of Love and Wishes,


Zack felt the tears prick at the corner of his eyes. He felt his heart constrict as if he were being bound by ropes so tight, he would lose all breath. Was this really what he thought it was? Was Cody hinting the word "suicide"?

No blood would warm his skin until he found his brother. Preferably safe and alive.

A/N: Guys, I hope this was worth the wait, even though it didn't have much taking place. Hopefully, next chapter would be up soon. Do review, and let me know what you think. Suicide? I guess it's just been on my mind lately and it somehow made it's way on to the fic too. I write as I go, hardly ever plan! Oh, and thank you to all those who reviewed last time, my brother's good, it was just his tonsils. So yeah thanks to all those who asked. Hope u guys liked it =D