A/N: One of my SPN friends that I'm following on Twitter didn't know what idjit meant so she asked. English wasn't her first language. So, I explained it to her. I thought it would be a cute idea for a fic. Besides, I've been meaning to write a good Bobby piece like Dean said: he's awesome.

Mark My Words:

By: LOSTrocker

Sammy put down his PB+J to look up at Bobby who sat across from him. "Uncle Bobby?"

Bobby saw that look in Sam's eye. There was nothing wrong with the sandwich. The boy had a question like he always did these days. He was prepared for anything Sammy through his way. However, he wasn't expecting this. "Yeah, Sam?"

"What does idjit mean?"

Bobby laughed so hard that he almost spit out his beer that he had taken a sip of.

If it was one word that he heard the most in his short 5 year life span it was that one. His Uncle Bobby used it a lot mainly towards his dad or brother. He tried to ask Dean what it meant but all he got was the usual answer: "You're too young to say it."

"Is it a bad word or something?" Sammy had asked.

"Yeah, or something." Dean answered which wasn't much help.

Sam figured it couldn't be that bad if Bobby said it. So, he made a mental note to ask his Uncle what it meant the next time he went over which was now.

"Idjit?" Bobby repeated.

Sam nodded.

It wasn't a bad word. Bobby just had to watch what he said around the kids. He didn't like half the words that came out of John's mouth. Dean was all ready picking it up. He didn't want Sammy to do it either. Still, this one was okay.

"Well, you do know what idiot means right?"

Sam smiled. "You mean like Dean?"

Bobby laughed again. "Don't call your brother a idiot." he said. "Dean is just... Well, Dean." That the only thing that Bobby could come up with. "Idjit is just another way of saying idiot. It just sounds cooler."

"Idjit." Sammy repeated. It did sound better than just plain old boring idiot.

Why did Bobby have a feeling that he was suddenly digging himself in a whole here? He would know why the next time John brought the kids over.

"Watch your brother Dean." John instructed as he pulled Bobby into the den.

"Idjit! Idjit! Idjit!" Sammy ran around Dean saying it over and over again when their dad and Uncle had left.

"I'm not an idjit! You're an idjit!" was Dean's reply.

John pointed back at his two sons. "You see what I've had to deal with for the past few days?"

Bobby tried hard not to laugh but the look on John's face wasn't making it easy for him. It was like Sammy had something worse that that.

"I don't have to guess where he got that from." John continued at Bobby. "Why did you teach him that?"

"Hey, he asked." Bobby came to his defense. "What did you expect me to do."

"Lie. What else. Told him it was a bad word. Anything!" John answered.

"It's not." Bobby reminded him.

"Thanks to you he won't stop saying it!"

Bobby crossed his arms. Oh, so John thought he could place all the blame on his ass. Well, two could play at this game. "If you would stop giving me reasons to use that word then maybe I would stop."

John gave him one those I'm-so-going-kill-you looks of his. Bobby just smirked. "Would you rather me use stupid sonabitch? Bastard? Asswipe-"

"Are you done?" John asked him.

Bobby was glad John was finally seeing his point. It wouldn't be long though. Bobby knew in a few more years those boys would be cursing like sailors. At least he could say that wouldn't be his fault. Well, for the most part anyway. It wasn't easy putting up with someone like The Winchesters and sometimes things had a tendency of slipping out.