Chapter Two: Gaara's Revenge

Summary: Naruto goes to Suna to deliver a scroll... and Gaara hasn't forgotten about the incident at the beach...

Warning: Lost of OOC-ness... and bad writing.

It had been two weeks since Gaara's incident at the beach with Naruto. Gaara stared out at the open desert, his eyes searching the sand dunes for any signs of movement. He had gotten news that Naruto and Neji were to be coming to Suna to drop off a scroll for one of the council members here. And Gaara was assigned to watch for them coming over the hills and guiding them to their destination.

And so far, they were over an hour late.

Gaara resisted the urge to give a sigh as he still found no signs of Neji and Naruto. He knew you could easily get lost in desert, but with Neji, he thought little of the possibility. After all, the kids got the weird byakugan thing. Finally, the red headed ninja spots two heads peek over a tall dune to his left. He holds in a small chuckle as he watches Naruto trip and tumble down the giant sand hill, rolling faster faster as he neared the bottom.

Naruto grabbed his head in hope that dizziness would stop soon, his face buried in the sand. "Buh, I batte ba fhsnd!" Neji gave an irritated sigh as he rolled his eyes.

"I can't understand what you're saying." Naruto lifted his head from the sand and looked back at Neji.

"I said I hate the sand."

"Well that's not nice." The two ninjas looked up to see Gaara standing there, waiting. "No wonder the sand doesn't like you." Naruto made a face.

"What does that mean?"

"You're over an hour late." Gaara faced Neji, ignoring Naruto for the moment.

"Sorry, it's all his fault." Neji's head motioned towards the hyper blond. Gaara nodded.

"This way." The two ninjas began to walk towards the village when Naruto suddenly got up, wiping his new orange pants clean of any sand.

"Oi, wait for me!" Gaara led the two leaf ninjas through his village, earning quick but curious glances from the locals. They finally reached their destination, Gaara crossed his arms.

"I'll wait here." While Gaara waited he just stood near the door, ignoring all the looks his villagers were still giving him. Finally, he spotted Kankuro, his brother.

"They still inside?" Gaara gave a nod. "So you gonna take em back to the sand dunes?" Another nod. "I guess I'll tag along then." Kankuro grinned. The younger sibling studied his brother.

"What did you do Temari?" Gaara asked, his voice just barely carried a little curiosity. Kankuro blinked, then sighed.

"I hid her fan... How'd you know I was in trouble with her?"

"You normally wouldn't be so happy to walk Naruto to the dunes..."

"Am I really that annoying?" The blond asked as he and Neji made their way out of the building.

"Yes." Neji and Kankuro responded at the same time. Naruto mumbled something under his breath. "Let's go." The small group quickly made their way to the dunes, picking up water and snacks along the way. Neji looked at Kankuro.

"Aren't you kinda hot wearing black in a desert?" Neji asked, only slightly curious. Naruto crossed his arms over his pure black shirt, staring at a swirly shape in the sand. Gaara stood just behind him.

"Hey! Gaara! What's that swirly thing on the ground? It looks cool!" Gaara's eyes moved to the 'swirly thing' Naruto was staring at, a quick shine of mischief crossing his face.

"Your brother is wearing black as well..." Neji continued, looking over at Naruto and Gaara. Gaara quickly faced Naruto's back and punched him, knocking him forward. Though his eyes were hidden, Kankuro knew mischief gleamed in his eyes. Naruto tried to balance himself, his arms flailing in front of him as he slowly fell towards the 'swirly thing'.

"Arrgh!" Naruto fell right in the center of the swirly thing, his body quickly being covered with what felt like moist sand. Gaara clapped his hands clean from any sand, a victorious smile on his face. Neji and Kankuro continued to stare as Naruto's body slipped beneath the sand, leaving only his hand waving above the surface. Kankuro cleared his throat.

"It's quicksand." He replied to Naruto's question, though he had now completely disappeared under the sand. Neji and and Kankuro ran to the sand as Gaara knelt near the beautiful swirling sand.

"Byakugan!" Neji stared intently at the sand before a smile over came his face. "Don't give up now, Naruto! You're only fifty feet under!" Kankuro sweat-dropped. Gaara couldn't help himself as he opened his mouth to add to Neji's scentence.

"Believe it!" Neji and Kankuro broke into laughter...

Naruto glared upward through his closed eyes. 'Great, this is just great. Now I'm gonna die in this so called quicksand.' He would have crossed his arms if he could move them. 'Not only did Gaara have the nerve to push me in, but he had the nerve to add believe it to the end Neji's sentence! Wonderful.' Naruto thought. 'Insult to injury.' Suddenly, he felt himself stop sinking, and start to rise. Sunlight broke into view as he took in a breath of air, coughing and spitting sand out of his mouth. He glared up at Gaara, who still a smirk on his face.

"What. The. Hell. Gaara!" Gaara shrugged.

"Revenge for what you did at the beach."

"Hey, I didn't know you could swim! This is unfair..." Naruto grumbled. Gaara's smirk remained on his face, even growing a little.

"Revenge is a bitch, get over it." WIth a few more words exchanged, the two leaf ninjas headed out back to Konoha.

Tsunade stacked up some papers on her desk. That was the last of her paper that was needed to be done that day. Her door was suddenly slammed open, revealing Neji and...

"Naruto, why are you covered in...wet sand?" Naruto glared at her as he gave her the scroll and headed to the door. "Okay, never mind. So, how was your time in Suna?" Naruto groaned as he left the room.

"I hate sand!"

Haha I fail at writing this x)

Well, that's the last chapter. Go google Gaara's Aquatic Misadventure and Gaara's Revenge to see the two comics that I based this on.

So, I know this sucked, but hey, what are ya gonna do? Review if you feel like it please! Thanks XD