Gaara's Adventure and Revenge

Summary: Gaara allows Naruto to convince him to go to the beach... bad move.
(Based on comics called Gaara's Aquatic Misadventure and Gaara's Revenge.)

Warning: OOC-ness. Bad writing :P
(Takes place after the whole Gaara vs Kimimaru thing.)

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Naruto either... if I did, then, well... never mind...

"Are you sure about this?" Temari asked, almost cautiously. "You can always change your mind if you want."

"It's okay, Temari." Kankuro butted in. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Temari gave her brother a small worried look.

"Kankuro's right, Temari. I'll be fine." Gaara said, his voice monotone. He currently wore deep red swimming trunks and a black shirt with small white letters in the middle saying 'leave me alone.' Next to his gourd on his back he had a small bag consisting of a towel and extra clothes. Temari sighed, but gave a small smile.

"Well have fun then. Oh, and tell the crybaby I said hi." Gaara gave a nod before heading towards the door.

"See ya." He then disappeared into the swirling sands...


Gaara couldn't believe he let Naruto talk him into this. He was indeed the solitude type, though he was still struggling to put that behind him. It wasn't like himself to go and hang at places with 'friends', but he felt as if he owed Naruto this. So, quietly, he agreed to meet Naruto at the beach today; along with two of the blonds friends. But still, Gaara had that feeling in the back of his mind. The feeling that told him something was gonna go wrong...

He arrived at the beach five minutes early, not being the type of person to keep others waiting. He crossed his arms and stared out at the ocean with his observing dark eyes. He had hardly ever seen it in his life, the giant ocean of the world. In fact, this was probably only the fourth time he's ever seen it in his odd twelve years. A flash of orange in the corner of his eye tells him Naruto has arrived, along with only two other friends. He quickly recognized Shikimaru, the one Temari called 'crybaby'. The other friend he recognized as Ten-Ten, the girl Temari had fought in third part of the chunin exams. Naruto ran up to Gaara, his trademark grin upon his face.

"Gaara! Glad you made it!" The boy says, happily. "Well you ready to swim then?" Gaara didn't answer as he didn't have time to before the hyper blond ran off towards the water, Ten-Ten right behind him. Shikimaru stood by Gaara, also observing the calm water.

"Temari says hi. And she's still calling you a crybaby." Gaara says without facing the other ninja. The lazy boy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Women, they always bring up the past..."

"Gaara! Shikimaru! C'mon! The water's perfect!" Naruto waved as he shed his shirt and ran to dock. Shikimaru took off his shirt and set his items next to Naruto's and Ten-Ten's. He then slowly entered the water and swam out past the docks where Ten-Ten was currently treading.

"I wish I was a cloud..." Shikimaru quietly mumbled to himself as he stared at the giant white fluff-balls in the sky. Gaara slowly unhooked his gourd and set it on the ground, along with his bag shoes and shirt. As he stood on the beach with no shirt, he crossed his arms, feeling completely exposed. It didn't feel right not having a shirt on, it felt very uncomfortable. He made his way to then end of the wooden dock and stared into the water, his surface almost mocking him.

"Come on in! The water's great!" Ten-Ten cheered, splashing water at Shikimaru who just mumbled something lazily; although a smile did appear on his face.

"Um..." Gaara really didn't know what to do, he was at a loss. Should he jump in? His instincts said not to. After he didn't really know--

"In you go!"

"Ahh!" Gaara felt himself being shoved off the dock and into the cold water below. He was suddenly surrounded by water, and for a second, he felt at peace in the cold environment. But then he realized that was sinking deeper and deeper by the second and had no idea how to get back to the surface.

Naruto knelt on the docks, his orange swimming trunks waiting eagerly to get wet. He watched bubbles emerge from the oceans surface where he had just pushed Gaara in seconds ago. Shikimaru and Ten-Ten continued to tread water when a question entered the male ninjas head.

"Do people who live in deserts ever learn how to swim?" Ten-Ten and Naruto stared in shock at Shikimaru for a second before Naruto suddenly stood back up.

"Shit." Naruto dived into the water and quickly spotted Gaara sitting on the ocean floor, his arms crossed over his chest...


Gaara glared at Naruto, the younger ninja shifting uncomfortably under the insomniacs glare. "I said I was sorry, I didn't know you couldn't swim."

"Well maybe you shouldn't randomly push people into the water if they're just standing there." Gaara quickly replied, still a little pissed at the incident.

"At least I pulled you out before you could drown..." Naruto mumbled. Temari and Kankuro appeared on the scene. They quickly notice Gaara's glare.

"Alright, what happened?" Temari asked, ready to kick someone's ass if needed.

"Naruto pushed Gaara into the water and almost drowned him." Shikimaru slowly responded. "Of course, he quickly pulled him out when he realized sand ninja can't swim."

"Lets go." Gaara said, suddenly wanting to get away from the beach as far as possible. Temari was about to protest when she saw the annoyance in Gaara's face and decided it was best to just leave. As he and his siblings turn to leave, Naruto called out.

"Oi, Gaara! No hard feelings right? To make it up, wanna go swimming again next week?" Gaara glared at the blond ninja before speaking.

"Like hell I will."

Ok, so before you kill me and everything, I know everyone is OOC, and yes, this is based on comics. I know I suck at writing and this story is pretty bad...


So, if you actually liked it, please review and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Thank you!! ^^