An: New Story, Enjoy!!(:

You Remind Me

Chapter One

Stupid truck. Stupid Rosalie for saying that she had fixed my stupid truck. Obviously she was wrong, cause as of now I'm sitting in my beat up Chevy somewhere in the middle of La push and Forks. I sighed deeply as I watched the heavy rain pelt my windows like speeding bullets. I laid my forehead against the steering wheel.

"Think Bella..." I said to myself. It's raining; my truck is broke down in the middle of somewhere. And here I sit without a phone and no way to get home. I should have got that phone - like Charlie said - but no I needed that new 'Jane Austin' collector's edition book that came out. Jeez I'm so stupid! Only one thing left to do, was to go look for help. I hopped out of the cab and walked to the back of the truck and reached over the side rail and pulled out my flash light. Thank you Emmett! I walked back to the driver's side and pulled the keys out of the ignition and my back pack out of the passenger side. I walked to the opening in the forest. Lord please don't let there be any thing in there that might harm me in anyway, amen. I did one quick prayer -which I never do, and walked into the dark uninviting trees.


After about 30 minutes or so of venturing in the dark forest, I came to an old looking Victorian styled house. It was beautiful, and gave me the creeps - they were telling me to stay away, but I had no other choice. With one last calming breath, I leaned forward and knocked on the door backing away quickly. I waited.


I leaned forward again, and knocked again but harder this time and resumed my position, as far away from the creepy door as possible.

Still nothing.

I groaned and rang the door bell this time. I was getting impatient. It was a haunted sounding door bell. You know the kind of door bell that you see in horror movies? And you scream at the TV telling the stupid idiots to, 'Don't go in the house!' but they don't listen and go in anyway. Well I was that idiot this time, but I needed to use a phone. I growled in frustration when there was no sound or movement impending from the other side of the door. I turned around and made my way to go find someone else, when I heard shuffling and the door open with an unnerving creaking noise. I cringed slightly as I turned around.

It was man, a very tall man in a robe. He had piercing green eyes and a menacing smile plastered on his face. I was actually regretting wasting my time waiting for him to answer the door. Once again, I'm so stupid! I shivered - but it had nothing to do with the coldness. He looked me down, I crossed my arms in front of me; feeling very uneasy.

"May I help you?" His voice was a raspy smoker's voice. I nodded, unable to find my voice to speak. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for something. After a second of silence, I realized he was waiting for me to say what I needed. I cleared my throat - dryness making it hard for me to swallow.

"Oh. Um, sorry to bother you sir but my truck just broke down about a mile from here. And I was wondering if I could use your phone, to call my dad for help?" I asked him nervously. His eye brows furrowed causing wrinkles to form on his forehead.

"Hmm, I see. Well Miss I'm sorry to tell you this but I don't own a phone. You're welcomed to stay here for the night. I can give you a ride tomorrow" he said pointing to the old car sitting in the drive way.

I tried to smile nicely, but I'm sure it came out as a frightened smile. I fidgeted a little and eyed him warily.

"I don't know if I shoul-"

"Oh no, I insist. I have a spear bedroom upstairs. I really don't want you to get hurt. So please come in" he pleaded as he moved aside for me to come in. I shook my head in protest.

"No sir. I think I should be going" I said backing away. His expression turned hard, but softened so quickly I wouldn't have caught it if I had blinked.

"Miss there are crazy people out there. I couldn't live with myself if you were to be harmed; when I could have prevented it" he begged.

As he begged I was having a mental battle in my head. What should I do? Go inside? It will only be for one night. What could this old man do? ... I was about to say yes, but then my subconscious interrupted.

Bella, I hope you know what you're doing. What if you're making a huge mistake? I don't want us to get hurt!

I shook my head, and looked at the man who was eyeing me weirdly.

"Okay...Just for one night. But then you'll take me to forks police station?" I asked. His smile widened.

"Excellent. Oh and yes my dear, I will take you to your destination tomorrow. Now please come in. Make yourself at home" He said. I slide in past him, into the living room. It was dusty and dark. Kind of like those old movies; very dull. He walked in after me.

"What's your name?" He asked me as he backed me further into the living room. I gulped, my mind was screaming at me to get out of the house now!

"I'm sorry this was a mistake I have to go!" I said quickly, making my way to the door. He laughed an ominous laugh. And shook his head.

"Mm-mm nope, your staying remember?" He asked coming closer. I pulled in a shaky breath. Just listen to him Bella. You'll be gone tomorrow! I pep-talked myself. I'll just act. Here goes nothing. I straightened up and forced a smile onto my face.

"Oh, never mind sir. I'll just stay, I'll probably get a cold if I keep wandering outside" I said letting out a nervous chuckle. I hoped he thought other wise. He backed away and a smile came back to his face.

"Yes that is true. Now please my dear. Your name?" He asked again. I smiled a forced smile once more.

"Marie" I blurted out, no way in hell would I tell him my real name. He chuckled.

"That's a very pretty name Marie; you know that was my wife's middle name. Elizabeth Marie Masen, ah how I miss her" He said sounding sad. I actually felt a little of pity for him. I nodded sadly. I didn't wanna ask what happened, but he answered my unspoken question.

"She died giving birth to our son, Edward. What a shame, he's a waste. It would've been better if he died rather than her" he said with a grimace. And just like that the pity was gone and was replaced with disgust.

"Where is he now?" I asked him. He looked up from the ground. His eyes glaring at me.

"Edward?" He asked, I nodded. His lips pressed into a line.

"He's put away" was all he said. Great, now I'm even more disturbed. Just drop it Bella, so I did.

"Um, what's your name sir?" I asked changing the subject. His glare disappeared.

"It's Edward Sir. Elizabeth named Edward after me" he said with abhorrence. I nodded. I shifted on my feet."Uh, Sir?" I asked. He looked up.

"Mind showing me to the bedroom?" I asked him. He smiled, with a nod and motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. Once at the top he turned to me.

"Marie, call me Edward, it makes me feel younger" He practically demanded. I nodded.

"Edward" I whispered. His smile grew.

"I love it when you say my name. You remind me of my wife" He explained. I shuddered. Um, what is one to say to that? I just smiled. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, okay Marie bathroom is right here" He said pointing to the door at the end of the narrow hall way. I nodded.

"And your bedroom for the night is right here" He said pointing to another door, sitting next to a beat up old door with huge chains and locks on it. I tilted my head in puzzlement. He must have seen my curios eyes.

"Oh that, uh that's just a storage closet" he explained. I nodded skeptically.

"Thanks, Edward. I'll be going to bed now" I said making my way to the bedroom I would be sleeping in. He put a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump from surprise.

"Oh I'm sorry my beautiful Marie. I was just going to tell you that I have something for you to sleep in for the night" He said sliding his hand down my shoulder and down my side. I shuddered. I didn't like it at all, but nodded. Must behave Bella! I kept telling myself.


An: So tell me what you thought. Should I continue, or just give up on it...The choice is up to you!


Samantha ^____^