The Bones In The Lab

Brennan was typing furiously…had been for days. Now it was the weekend and even though he had tried everything he could think of, Booth couldn't pull her away from her writing so he decided to distract himself at that new website he'd found. It was about their show. It was a little unnerving what some the writer's were able to come up with but he couldn't seem to stop himself from reading. Especially the stories that had him and his Bones finally getting together. If only that could really happen. Booth chastised himself for the thought. He didn't want anything to jeopardize the friendship he and Brennan had. Even if it meant he could finally stop hiding his true feelings from her. He knew, though, that if she ever found out some of the fantasies he had about her she would probably kick his ass.

So that's what Booth was doing that Saturday afternoon. He had logged on to the new BY site that Bugaboo had started when the network decided to switch the old one over to the new format. Now why did they want to do something as stupid as that? The old one was just fine…and it kept those writers in line with that PG13 rating limitation. This new one was starting to scare him a little. Wow those writers had some REALLY dirty minds. Booth couldn't help but blush a deep red as he remembered some of the things Trussell had posted in the last 24 hours. He had to admit, though…his fantasies put to shame anything the writers were coming up with. He couldn't help but snicker at that. Bones would not only kill me…she'd flay me alive!

As he logged on he noticed there were a lot of new posts for that newbie writer he'd seen log on a couple days ago. He hadn't read any of her stuff yet because he was just too caught up with Trussell, Tempest and Jev's stuff. Well…no time like the present to go see what this BoneExpert101 had posted. *Snort* BoneExpert101…The only one who can really claim that title is my Bones and she doesn't even know about this site! She'd shut it down in a heartbeat if she ever found out about it, too! Booth seriously hoped THAT would never happen. He was quickly becoming addicted to The Lab.

As Booth started reading the newbie's thread he decided that maybe this person really could lay claim to the title of Bone Expert. She was very knowledgeable and used a few scientific terms he had to look up in order to follow the story completely. They way she described the crime scenes was incredibly detail oriented. He was really getting into this story, and grinned at the part of the story that had "Booth" catching the murderer and "going Federal on his ass." But he really started wondering about who the writer was when it got to the part of the story where "Booth and his Bones" went back to his place to celebrate the close of the case. He was used to the steamy scenes the writers like to put in at this point in these stories. Ok well maybe I'm not exactly USED TO them…but at least I know what to expect from most of them. This one however seemed to have gotten into his head and into his dreams, because this 'celebration' was so close to his fantasies that he had to stop reading for several minutes to get control of his own reaction to them. By the time he was done he had moved from his couch to his bed and had had to strip down to his boxers because of the heat they created in him and because he just couldn't stop himself from gripping his erection and releasing the tension as he read. He had just finished reading the last post and was finishing off with his last release when his phone buzzed. That final orgasm had been so powerful that he was almost too spent to reach over and pick it up, but when it began to ring "Hot Blooded" he managed to grab it off the nightstand.

Oh God! Ok Booth get a hold of yourself…not like that! Just calm your breathing or she'll know exactly what you've been up to!

"Hey Bones!"

"Hey Booth! What are you doing?"

*Gulp* "Uh…not much. Um…what's up?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you'd like to come over and have dinner with me tonight."

"Really? Why?" Why? What did you ask her that for? Idiot! Just say yes and get over there!!

"…well, I know Rebecca kept Parker again this weekend and I don't want to worry about you wallowing in misery, so I thought I'd keep you company."

That sounded a little like an excuse to him, but he wasn't about to say so. "Um…ok, Bones. Sure. Um…just give me time to take a shower and get some clothes on and then I'll be right over."


"Yeah, Bones?"

"Why do you have to take a shower and get dressed? What have you been doing all day? Why don't you have any clothes on?"

Crap! What am I gonna tell her? There's no way I'm telling her the truth! Wait. Why did Bones sound out of breath when she asked me that?

"Um…I was cleaning the house…and I was…just finishing…and I was about to get cleaned up. You know…cause it makes me all sweaty…and stuff." Booth hoped that sounded believable to her cause it sure didn't sound believable to him.

"Um, ok Booth. I'll make the Mac 'n Cheese you like. Can you pick up a couple of your beers you like on the way over? You drank the last one the other night."

"Sure Bones. See you in about a half an hour?"

"Ok Booth. Dinner will almost be done about then. Bye Booth."

"Bye Bones."