Author's notice: I am sorry about the late update. I've been caught up with school work, that I forgot I had the chapter in my notebook. Hehe sorry ^^" With a few adjustments, I hope this chapter is alright.

I think I've been watching too much Miyazaki films ._. Spirited Away FTW!

Lyrics to Cutie Honey and Secret do not belong to me!.











(Cue theme song cover by Luka)

Kono goro hayari no onnanoko
Oshiri no chiisana onnanoko
Kocchi wo muite yo HANII
Datte nan daka
Datte datte nanda mon

(Cue excessive sparkles and giant fan for dramatic hair blowing effect)

Imadoki ninki no onna no ko

PUKU- to BOIN no onna no ko

Kotchi wo muite yo HANII

Datte nan da ka datte datte nan da mon

(Cue clothes rip and CENSOR)

The pink-haired woman spoke in an adorable, innocent tone, "Tired of having panties that rip easily? Then you need the Resisting PANTSU! It's extremely durable, it's as soft as wearing cotton on your tushie, and you'll love the fact that it CANNOT rip!"

(Cue fighting shadowy demons that attempt to claw)

IYA yo IYA yo IYA yo

mitsumechau IYA


"Not a single scratch! Buy it at only stores of Kamui Gakupo's Feminine Aesthetics," Luka smiled widely and winked. "Now available in lusciously-sweet rose, warm-me-up white, sensual-touch nude, and voracious-vixen noir!"

Kawaru wa yo…

(Cue pink fiery finale)

"It's-, "he sniffed as a tear formed from the corner of his eye. "Perfect!" Gakupo exclaimed with jubilation as he blew into a tissue. He then admired the life size poster of Megurine Luka bent over as if she ripped her panties for she was wearing his most ultimate intimate piece of lingerie! Great legs! The delight of a nose bleed made the purple haired man sigh. This piece of art was certainly going to be hanging in his coveted walk-in closet. Right next to Mura-chan! (A/N – Mura-chan is his beloved overgrown eggplant named Murasaki preserved in a cryogenic pod.)

"Quit watching it already!" Luka complained. A visible blush spread on her face.

Gakupo shook his head and chuckled, "I can't." He showed her his reddened cheek of where she slapped him once she was off of the morphine. Thank goodness they recorded the commercial before she came to. "You're just too dazzling here."

"What's so dazzling about prancing around as a Cutie Honey wannabe in indestructible panties?"

"Cutie Honey is an inspiring woman, darling! She's bold. She's beautiful. She's-"

"Incredibly stupid," Luka sighed as she face-palmed.

"There is nothing stupid about art!" Gakupo defended. "Don't you see, this commercial is a message to the rape victims that they CAN resist!, that they don't have to bow down to-"

"Now you're just making up crap," she rolled her eyes. "What's your next idea; titanium bras with special bullet-proof padding?"

"Hey, keep that down low!" he hushed as he covered her mouth. That's not a horrible idea!

Tell me now, that you really like the show.

Tell me now, that you really want to get high.

Removing his hand from her mouth, he dug into his pockets for his phone. "What's up?" He swore he heard her giggle about using her song for a ringtone.

"Where are you?"

"Leon? I've just finished shooting a commercial with Luka."

"Do you know how much Luka's manager is harassing me?" Leon mumbled.


"The guy thinks she was abducted by the paparazzi!"

"No, she's been with me this whole time," Gakupo assured.

The blond-haired man sighed, "Yeah, but he doesn't know. I suggest you let him know about you two being a couple and your partnership."

"I will, but why didn't he call Luka this whole time then?" he asked.

"My phone's battery died yesterday," Luka meekly replied.

"Ah, never mind, Leon. Where should I meet him?"

"Ask Luka to take you back to the hotel she's staying at," Leon answered.




Word vomit: that perfectly described what was in Kamui Gakupo's mind. Barely relieved, he sat awkwardly on her bed as he was surrounded by objects of different shades in the pink spectrum. At least I'm color coordinated with black and purple. This woman's a furry pink troll! He thought as he resisted grimacing at the doily-covered futon or the furry hot pink walls.

"I'll be right back," she said as she stepped into the bathroom. Once he heard the door shut, Gakupo let out a sigh of his stress.

Her manager practically attacked me! Gakupo scowled. Does he spend yelling at himself in the mirror every day? What a maniac… His frown widened as he thought of the same blue-haired man screaming at his face, even claiming a restraining order against the musician.

From the corner of his eye, he caught movement in a tiny, opaque tank placed upon a small coffee table adjacent to where he was sitting. Creeping closer to the unusual pet, he let out a slow chuckle. I didn't think she was the type to own pets. It's probably a goldfish or a small turtle. Just as he was about to lift the lid of the tank, he pondered about its content once more, maybe it's a snake… she is a psychopath after all. Whatever it is, she seriously doesn't want people to notice it immediately. Well show me your face, little cu-! To his surprise, his hand let the lid shut air tight onto the tank and he shivered, trying to forget that THING.




"Don't they ever clean?" the pink-haired woman grumbled as she closed the bathroom door. Right away, Luka noticed Gakupo cowering in the corner, his arms folded across his body in fetal position. Gingerly walking towards him and tilting her pretty head, she asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"P-Pa-Pa," he sputtered madly. Hello Kitty and now this?

"Pa-Pa-Pa Poker face?" Luka asked while giggling a little.

The purple haired man whimpered and shook his head rapidly. He hastily muttered more nonsense about a face that confused her further.

Already frustrated by his antic and not comprehending what he was scared of within a minute, she seethed through her teeth exasperatedly, "Just spit it, Gakupo."

At that moment, the tank shook with a tiny arm hanging out. Letting out a frightened squeal, his finger twitched as he pointed to the pink tank on the other side of the room. FACE!

Still puzzled, Luka headed to the direction. Yelping, the purple haired man held onto her leg with a vice grip.

"What?" she growled as she was unaffected to the bewildered look in his eyes. Once again, Gakupo refused to answer and only tightened his grip. Sighing, she dragged her leg with brute force despite the constant groaning pleas of the purple haired man whose butt was being chaffed by the surface of the fuzzy, pink carpet. "God damn it, let go!"

Just as Luka was about to lift the lid of the tank, Gakupo finally found the guts to let his voice scream out, "STOP!"

To this, she raised a brow. Strumming her fingers on the top of the tank, she coyly asked, "And why not?"

"It's not a pet!" He let out a scream as soon as her fingers were tightly latched onto the cover. "It's destructive! It'll destroy EVERYTHING!"

The pink haired woman feigned a gasp. "Oh what shall we do, Gakupo?"

"Throw it out window-no! Into the toilet or- hurl it into the firepla-"The purple haired man stopped speaking as his jaw dropped as familiar blank eyes stared into his, creating a terrifying and excruciating memory.

It blinked a few times. Gakupo blinked too.

It widened it eyes. Gakupo felt the need to cry.

It raised its tentacles. As if a loaded kamikaze suicide fighter plane was going to land on him, Gakupo screamed, "PONYO!" He dove for the frilly bed and hid under the pink covers, shaking. Don't look at it! Fish with faces will cause a tsunami!

"Look at her," Luka demanded.


"Just look at her for a sec."


"Look at her or else I slip her into the sheets."

"… Fine," he groaned. Withdrawing from the covers, he sat upright on the bed and he made sure to keep his eyes closed as Luka walked to him.

"Hold out your hands." Gakupo hesitated for a second, but obeyed to her order. He felt his heart dropped when she placed the cold, slimy "pet" in his hands. The weight of it frightened him, but he dare not look at it so soon.

"Open your eyes." Once he did, the purple haired man fainted as soon as he saw the tiny creature mouth opened to an o-shape.

What a wuss, she rolled her eyes and took her pet from Gakupo's hands. Luka helped him lie properly on the bed. She brushed the violet strands from his sleeping face, admiring how peaceful he seemed when he wasn't panicking. His lips were curved as if to entice her to touch them. As she was about to lean in, she felt her pocket vibrating. Sighing, she greeted in a monotone voice, "Hello?"

"Is this Megurine Luka?" an unfamiliar male voice asked.

"This is she. May I ask who are you?"

She listened to the uncomfortable attempt her caller did to clear his throat as if he was to share some bad news. He replied, "I'm an attorney called by-"He mentioned an unforgettable name, causing Luka to gasp. The caller understood her being shock, but continued, "He hired me to assist you with claiming his possessions. If you can come back to Kyoto at-"

As the attorney recited the address, her thoughts were in frenzy as more memories flooded into her head.

"You're going too fast!" a young Luka screamed as the wind whipped their hair.

The dark haired boy laughed, "Not fast enough!" He pedaled to make her squeal and laugh as she held onto his hips tighter.

A beat louder than anything she had ever heard was deafening her ears. Please…


"You listen to operas?" She asked with one of his headphones in her ear.


"Is there something wrong with a guy into Tosca?" he pouted.


"I-"she panted, feeling the room was spinning. Someone… Her lids felt heavy.


She breathed in his sweet scent of peppermint as she huddled closer to him for warmth. "Together?" She blushed when he smiled sincerely under the bright city lights.




Tears were already streaming down her face. Anybody…

"I'm sorry to say this."

The unconscious Gakupo didn't hear her muffled cries. God, just please…

"He's dead."

Not even Gakupo could hear the loud thud of the cell phone that dropped. Help me…

Author's note: Phew, that took some sleep from me, but I feel better that I got that off my back. What shall happen to Luka? Will Gakupo ever find out? Why the hell Kishes did make this chapter dramatic when it's supposed to be a humor/ romance story? Oh and for those who want the translation of the parts of the Cutie Honey lyrics I used, here they are (they're from Anime lyrics):

She's the sort of girl who's always in fashion

And her behind is the cutest one we know of

Please look my way Honey!

On account of, on account of just because

She's the sort of girl who's always in fashion

And her breasts are the nicest ones we know of

Please look my way Honey!

On account of, on account of just because

Oh, don't, No don't

Give me that look in your eye

Honey Flash!

I'm going to change…

The other lyrics are from Megurine Luka's "Secret," which is stuck in my head. Anyways please read and review! ^-' HONEY FLASH!