"You wish to see me Yamato-Sama," a woman with long black hair hanging in front of her. She had on a caption cloak with four on the back. She was standing in front of a very old and tired looking man. The man was sitting on a throne like seat with both hands in front of him on a wood walking stick.

"Yes. It seems that a large amount of deaths have happen in the last hour. I want you to go with Caption Yoruichi here to look into this," Yamato nods to the woman standing next to her.

"Where are we going Yamato-Sama," the woman with the black hair asks.

"The Elemental Nations. I would send another caption but you know it better then any one here Caption Unohana," Caption Yamato told her. Unohana shifts just so slightly only Yoruichi catch's it.

Unohana only has been there once before for ten years on a long-term mission to look in the vanishing Vasto Lorde that had been happing there. She remember when in time only one of them live. Then a human foolishly split it into nine beasts. Just by being split made them weak. A different animal ate each one. A raccoon, a cat, a turtle, a monkey, a horse, a wolf, a beetle, one that some how were eaten by a bull and an octopus at the same time, then lastly a fox. Out of all of them, the only one she ever saw was the fox. She still remember it, the Kyuubi is what made her come home since she no longer had a reason to stay there any more.

"Every will Yamato-Sama. When do we leave," Unohana ask still feeling uneasy about going back there. She did not tell any on but she lost too many things five years ago.

"At once. The people you are looking for we believe our call the Uchiha's," Yamato told them. Both Yoruichi and Unohana bow before leaving.

"So Unohana want to tell me why you look like you want to Kill Caption Yamato," Yoruichi asks as they make their way to the Senkaimon.

"Yoruichi-san I would like if you do not ask about my personal life," Unohana tells Yoruichi making said person eyes get big. Never in her years of knowing Unohana did Yoruichi see her act this way. Once at the Senkaimon Unohana mumbles something making it open.

Unohana was the first to step out of the Senkaimon over looking a village. Looking up at a cliff she saw four face carved into it. Looking at the one at the end Unohana smiles. Yoruichi walks out a few seconds later to see Unohana looking down at the village.

"Yoruichi-san can you go looking for the lost souls. There is a place I would like to visit first. And one last thing, the living here can see us," Unohana said before vanishing. Yoruichi let out a sigh before getting to work.

Unohana reappear in front of a stone. Looking down at the stone, she only saw one of the two names she was looking for. She turns when she feels someone walking up behind her. Standing behind her was a small five-year-old boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Next to him was a woman with long flaming red hair. The woman looks at her in first shock then in anger. The boy was just looking at her for the first time trying to under stand why she was dress that way.

"You bitch showing your face here," the woman yells at Unohana. "leave Unohana. I do not know why you are here. But Minato would be greatly disappointed at you, for leaving."

"Kushina I'm here because of the death of the Uchiha clan, and to visit my husband and sons grave," Unohana told the woman.

"Your son is right here you bitch. You left him to the village. If I did not know about him he would have been dead with in a week," Kushina kept yelling at Unohana.

"Oh could he have died if his body was already destroyed by the sealing. Tell me Kushina why do you make me relive this again," Unohana said as she pulls out her Zanpakuto. Kushina pulls out two pieces of papers.

"Unohana you may not believe me. However, you will believe these, if you still do not please leave and never return here. I would also like to have them back," Kushina tell Unohana as she hands them to here. Unohana takes the papers to see they both are pictures of two small blond boys. Unohana at first they both weir Minato when he was younger but then notes one of the boys had whisker like marks.

"No. It can't, they said he was dead, why," Unohana cries as she drops her Zanpakuto and falls to her knees. Then starts to repeats, "I left him. I left him. I left him."

Kushina slowly walks over to her. Kushina then sits down next to Unohana.

"I left him," was all Unohana could say still after five minutes. Kushina felt someone land near by turning she saw Yoruichi standing there looking piss off.

"I am never going to send those stuck up bastard back to the soul society. Hell the only one who sounds like being someone to send is some woman name Mikoto," Yoruichi groans not seeing Unohana until after she finish her rant that went on for five minutes. "Unohana what happen to you? And who are you?" she ask pointing at Kushina.

"I'm Kushina," Kushina answers before helping Unohana up, "And right now Unohana is having a mental brake down, after finding she had the worst prank ever pull on her. If you could help me we can taker her back to the compound."

"Ok," Yoruichi says as she help Kushina move Unohana.

With in minutes all three of them weir moving over the rooftops at high speed. Not caring if they run over a few ANBU and other Ninja on the way. Landing out side the compound gate Kushina made a hand seal to open the gate fore them. Once in Yoruichi notes the ground was covered with plant life. Right behind the wall was an open field with bushes in random places. A few yards back was a forest with a trail leading through it? Yoruichi notes that the trees seem to be overly large then they should have been. Once through the forest they came a pond a large pound, no make that a small lake with an island in the middle of it with a large house. Getting close to show the house was just sitting on the other side of the pond (I am not talking about the pond that sits between the USA and Great Britain). Half of the house was sitting over the water.

"You said this was a compound so far I have only seen one house. Unless everyone else lives in the trees," Yoruichi states more then ask.

"They do," Unohana, moans, speaking for the first time in ten minutes. "This is the Senju compound. Why are we here?"

"Because Tsunade-san wanted her grandson close to her to keep him safe," Kushina said as the cross a small wooden walkway over the pond.

Yoruichi now notes the house had what look like a Green House running all around it. The house was two stories tall. The second story was panted a Kage red. On one part of the roof was a widow walk. Walking into the green house Yoruichi let out a gasp seeing all different kinds of flower and herd growing. She spots a few that she knew of but most of them she had never seen before.

"Who takes care of all of this," Yoruichi asks still in shock.

"Naruto-kun, he love to garden. It took him a year to get it like this but he really does have a green thumb," Kushina said with a hit of pride in her voice.

Kushina lead them into a sitting area. The area look larger then Yoruichi family meeting room. The room took up almost half of the first floor not counting the Green House. Looking to her right Yoruichi spots what looks like an eating room of some kind. Kushina lays Unohana down on one of the couches in the room. Then leaves saying she was going to find everyone. Yoruichi who never like sitting or standing, for that matter, still for longer then need starts to walk around. She soon found her self out in the Green house again. Only this time she saw flowers everywhere. Sitting in the middle of the room was a woman with blond hair who looks like in her twenties reading to a small boy who was sitting in her lap. The boy was holding a small Fox with what look like nine tails coming out of it in his hand. Near them was what looks like a small Teapot. Staying back, Yoruichi watch them.

"You can join us if you wish," the woman said with out looking at Yoruichi. Yoruichi eyes got big at this. "If you wonder I knew you weir there as soon as you came into the room. Now please take a seat."

Yoruichi took a seat across from the two. Now being closer she notes they both had the same hair color. However, the eyes and the face were different. The woman had honey color eyes weir the boy had blue he also had what look like whisker marks on each cheek.

"Naru-chan is you going to say hi to our guess," the woman asks the boy in her lap.

"I was going to Baa-Chan," the boy says with a playful pout looking up at the woman. Looking back at Yoruichi, he gives her a fox like grin. "Hi I'm Naruto the next Hokage and she's my Baa-Chan."

"Nice to meet you Naruto-kun and you too Baa-Chan. I am Yoruichi Shihoin caption of Squad Two," Yoruichi says with a playful smile.

The older woman smiles softly, "I'm Tsunade Senju. Now do you know the caption of squad four by chance?"

"Yes she came with me. Why," Yoruichi asks.

"Naru-chan go and play out side for me," Tsunade ask Naruto who pouts.

"But Baa-Chan, Kushina-Obasan was post to take me to see Otou-san to night," Naruto whines at her.

"I will take you tomorrow ok now go," Tsunade said giving Naruto a small push.

Naruto mumble something before leaving Yoruichi notes Tsunade seem to let out a breath as soon as he was gone before taking a pill of some kind. Yoruichi eyes narrow at this.

"You want him out so he would not see you like this," Yoruichi states.

"Yes I do not need him to believe he is going to lose another family member. He has lost too many already. In addition, here I am the greatest Medic alive and I cannot find a cure to the poison. The only one who probably cures me would be his mother. That is why I ask," Tsunade says showing pain on her face for the first time. Yoruichi also notes she seem pale for her age.

"What poison you," Yoruichi asks.

"An old teammate when he found out I was returning here. He tried to get me to join. You probably can tell me what happen next if you think about it," Tsunade says with a sad smile. "But I get to be with my grandson for what I hope is a few more years."

"How does the poison work Tsunade-san," Unohana ask showing up herself looking pale and tired.

"It attacks the music and bone cells first. That is why I am here. I took the guess bedroom on this floor just so I did not need to move around that much. Even then it hurts to move a lot. It slowly attacks the lungs and heart. Other then that we could not find any thing else about it," Tsunade told Unohana as she sat down next to her.

"Did you think of checking to see if it was two different poisons," Unohana ask as she runs a Kido healing spell.

Tsunade smacks her forehead, "I should have thought of that."

"Its seems I could make you a cure in a few minutes if the herbs and the blue water slugs live in the pond out side," Unohana says.

"The slugs live in the pond in fact the fountain has them in it, in the Rare flower part of the Green House," Tsunade said as she tries to get up only to be stop by Unohana.

"You stay put no moving from you. Yoruichi I need you go and get me three of them alive so put them in a glass bowl with water from the fountain in it," Unohana tells them as she move to the door to go out side. "How far from the house are they?"

"Just find your son he plays by them," Tsunade tells her, not wanting to tell her she could find them in the herb part of the Green house.

Unohana nods her head before Shunpo to find the herbs. After two steps she find Naruto playing with a stuff Fox with nine tales. Unohana takes a sharp breath seeing her son again. She knew the herbs weir here since she saw her son playing right next to them. She then notes he was not playing in them. Taking a deep breath Unohana forces herself to relax before walking over to her son.

"Hello," Unohana says gently once she was next to her son. Naruto looks up at her before grinning.

"Hi I'm Naruto the next Hokage," He said with a fox like grin on his face.

"Nice to meet you Naruto-kun. I'm Unohana, do you think you help me find some herbs," Unohana asks.

"What herbs are you looking for," Naruto asks, wondering why she was out here looking for them.

"I need to find Yarrow, Comfrey, and Mullein," Unohana says, as she kneels down next to Naruto.

"I know those. You use them to create antidote for weapon poisons. But why do you need them," Naruto ask shocking Unohana on how much he knew about healing.

"A friend of mine got poison in a fight with two different poisons and I need them to cure her," Unohana said not telling her son one of his caregivers was the person poison.

"They all grow close by," Naruto says pointing to a small planting patch. "Can I help you pick them and make the antidote?"

"Sure I would like the help Naruto-kun," Unohana says with a soft smile, hoping to get to know her son some more.

Walking over Unohana notes Naruto kept the fox close to him, "who's your friend Naruto-kun?"

"This Kyuubi-Chan. Ero-Sannin is trying to make a seal so Kyuubi-Née-Chan in me can use this Kyuubi-Chan to move around in out here. Will you be my friend," Naruto asks suddenly.

Unohana miss a step before answering, "I'm sorry Naruto-kun but right now I could not be your friend, but I would like to."

"Oh ok," Naruto says looking down before smiling again. "I bet your friend is really strong if she could fight two different poisons at once."

"She is. In fact I would call her my equal at times," Unohana tells her son.

"Can I meet her," Naruto ask once again not knowing he already knew the person.

"Maybe later," Unohana trying to wiggle out of it.

"Unohana-san do you have any children my age," Naruto asks.

Unohana does not say any thing for a minute making Naruto worry he said something wrong. "I have a son that's your age. But I have not seen him since he was born because of unseen problems," Unohana tells him finally.

"Oh I hope you get to meet him someday. I wish knew my Kaa-Chan. She vanishes shortly after I was born. What's was your sons name," Naruto asks looking up at Unohana who finally broke down again.

"Naruto I'm so sorry," Unohana cries before pulling him into a tight hug. Naruto stiffens before hugging Unohana back not sure why she was apologizing or hugging him but he like it, it was like when Tsunade or Kushina hug him but nicer. He thought it was like a mother hugging him. He was brought out of his moos when Unohana said sorry again.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you. I did not know please forgive me," Unohana begs as he holds her son like a lifeline.

"Kaa-Chan," Naruto inquires.

"Yes I am you Kaa-Chan Naruto. I am so sorry I thought you had died that night. I was told you died with your father. Please let me make it up to you," Unohana says quietly.

"I forgive you Kaa-Chan," Naruto says happily, as he returns the hug with his own tear only his weir of joy.

Time skip one hundred and twenty years

"let me get this strait you want me to help a bunch of teens brake into the Soul Society, free a person on death row and get back here," a small kid asks a person with a bucket hat and fan.

"What's about the most of it," the man says as he opens his fan.

The kid sits there for a minute before whacking the man on the head with a large stick, "are you crazy. I am not going to Kaa-Chan and Baa-Chan or Nee-san in trouble just for some brat's crush," the kid yells at him before whacking him again just for fun.

"What if I came along," asks a masculine voice coming from a black cat.

The kid stops in med swing think about before answering, "Only if hold you the whole time and cuddle with you."

"No choking," The cat tells him.

"Yea," the kid yells before picking up that cat and hugging it. "Old man you got a deal. When do we leave?"

"In an hour," the man says with a grin before being hit again with the stick.

"You always wait till the last minute old man," the kid says before running of with the cat to wait on the others to show up.

---One hour later---

Four teens stood in a large room with what look like a sky overhead. The first one was dress in a white shitagi, black kosode, and a black hakama. Next to him was a tall Mexican in a white tank top and black pants. The last male teen was dress all in white with a short cape on his back. The last teen had on a pink shirt with white pants in her hair she had two flower clips. All other weir looking at the man with the bucket hat.

"You said we weir going to have two others come with us, where are they," the kid in black asks.

"Right here Strawberry-Chan," a voice says from behind them. Turning they see a kid holding a back cat. The kid had on black pants and an orange shirt.

"Hey you're that kid is always hanging out by the school," 'Strawberry-Chan' yells as he points at him.

"Kurosaki-kun you know Naruto-kun too," the female teen asks.

"Wait you know him Orihime," the teen asks turning back around to look at his friend.

"Hai. We stay in the same apartment building," Orihime tells him.

Turning back to the 'Old man' 'Strawberry-Chan' asks him, "wait you telling me this brat is going to help us out and the second person not here yet."

"I'm right here Ichigo," the cat tells him.

"Orihime, Strawberry-Chan is being mean to me," the kid as he hugs Orihime leg.

Orihime picks him up telling him Ichigo was only worry about him getting hurt.

"But I told you Onee-Chan I can't get hurt or Kaa-Chan and Baa-Chan will get angry and mean person goes bye-bye," the kids says with a fox like grin.

"Now let's get moving," Urahara says with a small clap. Naruto some how got Yoruichi back in his arms again and now was on the tall Mexican name Chad, who for some reason seem to by smiling lightly at this. Orihime knew why because she smiled like that every time she was holding Naruto. You could not help but to smile.

Standing next to a large white doorway Urahara began to explain to them how they would break into the Soul Society. After finishing, he opens the doorway and sending them through. Naruto jumps off Chad and runs through the portal laughing.

"Last one there is it," Naruto calls out as he runs away from them.

They all made it thanks to Orihime quick thinking. Ichigo stood looking at a large gate that Jidanbo. Who began to shout about how Ichigo would not cross or make it pass him alive.

"Ha, ha, ha, you Strawberry will not make it across no one has ever made it past since I became Gate guardian," Jidanbo states with pride. Pulling out an ax Jidanbo slams it into the ground making a wall blocking everyone from him and Ichigo. Yoruichi and Naruto, who still had her in his arms, seem unsurprised by this. As Ichigo defend himself from the rain of ax blows Naruto put Yoruichi down and walk away, saying he would be back.

Ichigo had blocked the tenth swing from this giant. Jidanbo reaches into his cloak and pulls out another ax.

"Die," Jidanbo cries out as he brings his axes down. Ichigo meets with his own attack swing his over size kitchen knife destroying both axes. Jidanbo hops back to his feet clamming he trip. Razing what is left of his axes he notes both of them have been destroyed.

"No my Axes," Jidanbo cries falling down throwing a fit.

"Sorry about that I probably could have just broke one of them," Ichigo tries to apologize.

"You are a very honorable man. I will open the gate for you," Jidanbo says with tears of joy now. Squatting down Jidanbo lefts up the great gate only to start shacking in fear for who stood on the other side. Ichigo walks around to see who it is. standing there was a man with a fox like grin silver to lime green hair. he had on a squad 3 cloak.

"Jidanbo what are you doing. Do you not know the rules. If you lose then you die. Shoot to kill," the man says as his Zanpakuto shoot forward to his Jidanbo if Ichigo had not got in the way to block it. This sends both of them flying back out of the gate.

Ichigo looks back at the closing gate to see the man wave, "bye-bye." "Wham" the gate was close.

"You fool trying to take on a caption level. That was Gin Ichimaru. You are lucky to be breathing," Yoruichi says after scratching Ichigo face with her claws.

"Hey," Ichigo yells.

"Come now we need to find a place to sleep," Yoruichi tells the small group of teens as she walks away.

There will be flash backs.

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