This is my response to Day 22 of Sinistra Black's "Sheherazad" challenge, and my prompt was the colour green.
The colour green did not make Pansy Parkinson think of grass, jade, bottles, peas or even the house to which she belonged and was loyal above all things; Slytherin. She had tried everything since the beginning of her fourth year to make it otherwise, but the colour of green made her think of Harry Potter. He was unexceptional in looks or intelligence. He lacked Draco Malfoy's wealth and breeding, yet somehow The Boy Who Lived had managed to work his way under her skin.
Smiling weakly at Draco for long enough to reassure him that she was engrossed in his story, Pansy was inwardly screaming- how could this have happened? She had never liked Harry Potter, and since their first year Draco, Slytherin's most sought after male, had been devoted to her. But it had happened; she was infatuated with the arch nemesis of the Dark Lord. Her eyes had wandered over to the Gryffindor table, watching Harry sitting talking with that insufferable Granger girl and gormless Weasley boy. Usually Pansy preferred that everything be meticulously tidy, however she couldn't help but find the ruffled style of his dark hair endearing.
For a moment it looked as though Harry was scanning the room from behind his glasses, as though he was searching for something. Pansy felt a wild and illogical hope that he was looking for her; that Harry would fix her with a stare from those emerald green eyes, but he turned instead to the Ravenclaw table and waved to that loony girl. It was not disappointment that turned the pit of her stomach to lead, Pansy told herself, but hunger. Dejectedly she sat and began spooning soup from her bowl. Never had she felt so alone whilst surrounded by the people she considered her dearest friends. Not a single one of them would even try to understand.
Green was a deceptive colour. To Pansy it should have represented Slytherin, at first glance a house no different from the others, yet home to some of the most brilliant, cunning minds the wizarding world had ever known. To Pansy it instead represented Harry Potter, an average boy who was somehow special enough to snake through every one of her thoughts.
Thanks for reading. Please review.