The Dmgirl: I am BORED! I'm trying to work on two stories at the same time along with taking care of my exams, and I am so bored. I don't really want to work, but I can't do anything, else I feel dumb. Ugh... I hope that the laziness will leave soon. Before I forget, I would like to thank both Miss Taranea and Mr. Zoran Prower for their contribution to the story. Miss Taranea was nice enough to let me use an idea she had in "Once Upon a Time" about Sonic's family which will be arriving later on and Mr Zoran Prower is my Beta Reader for this story. Both of them also do a wonderful job in writing, so I suggest that all of you, if you have the time, pass by these authors and read them also. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic and company. Sega and Sonic Team does.

Dim Lights

Chapter I: The Pro

The music was so loud, the whole place was trembling, and the lights so dim that you couldn't see further than your nose. Yet, everyone was shouting in joy as they jumped up and down with one hand in the air, bobbing their heads before half the people screamed while a circle was cleared near the entrance. The door was opened and three persons came in, making a few girls swoon. The first one was a young anthropomorphic fox, his blue eyes shimmering in delight as he recognized the place. Of course, the vulpine was dressed for the occasion with a large t-shirt and rather loose pants. Behind him was an echidna with about the same style of clothing and a leather jacket. He was practically pushing everyone away from the last one who kept shaking and kissing hands depending on what was appropriate.

A thumbs-up was given to the DJ who grinned and changed CDs, slightly giving the music something a lot more tangible to dance on. The young fox rose above the people using his two tails, while creating a circle that the echidna gave him a hand with. The music then stopped for a minute or two as everyone practically held their breath. All who came here at this time of night were there for this. He never came alone, always with a few people, and, eventually, he gave back the dance floor to the crowd, but he never let them down, nor did he refuse requests either. He was, in some way, the attraction of the place, and in no way would it ever change, at least not in the next ten years.

The music started, making the place thump wildly again, but only one person was in the middle of the dance floor, a blue hedgehog that never seemed overdressed. His muscle shirt was covered by a loose zip-up hoodie that was kept open, and the baggy jeans crashed against the red shoes, white strap holding the top in place. A smirk appeared on his muzzle as a foot became tapping against the floor with the beat. Gloved hands slowly slipped out of his pockets as lids lifted, revealing emerald eyes to the world. It wasn't long before his feet took control, his hands moving accordingly.

Everyone shouted in glee as the young fox joined in, following the hedgehog in perfect sync. The echidna was the next and probably the last to form the group, as the rest of his usual team seemed away for tonight. A gloved hand hit the floor as the blue one spun, legs going from spread to held together in the air as he continued to turn, his grin only growing. The crowd broke slightly as a pink hedgehog made her way to the circle and the echidna and canine slowly disappeared as the male's hand took the female's, both twirling along the floor as green never left jade.

The music then changed and the two turned to look at each other as the echidna and fox returned, the female joined by a white bat, making it clear that the rest of the gang had arrived earlier, probably unknown to the rest of the crowd. Then again, the most known one was the male hedgehog. Everyone in the place could remember his first arrival; the way he had directly went to the DJ and asked for a song change, taking everyone by surprise. He had stayed on the dancing floor for a few minutes the first time, just enough time for one song, and had left for the back, giving the dance floor back to the partygoers. Many girls had watched from afar, for he had come alone and one had been daring enough to ask him for a dance. It wasn't the young lady who now seemed like his official partner, even though he did dance with a few other girls once their performance was finished, but it had been enough to leave the audience stunned.

He had swerved and danced with that girl as if they had been a perfect match, leaving no flaw obvious into his way of dancing. And it was the same with every woman he had danced afterwards. All the lady had to do was sway her hips a minimum and the "pro", as everyone called him, would practically do all the work, making the young woman he would dance with look like she was a precious gem, something you could look at, but not touch. The males were jealous of the hedgehog for that, the girls usually forgot their boyfriends on that special night, just to have a dance.

The music returned to how it had been and the five dancers left the floor, the sapphire one saluting the DJ, like every night before they sat a little bit farther from the dance floor, sweating from the exercise. Nevertheless, all of them bore a smile as they slipped into easy conversation as they did every night. The boy took off his hoodie, revealing his arms as he chuckled at a comment his two-tailed friend had made.

However, it was the echidna who replied while peeling off his jacket and shirt, unable to stand the heat anymore, "I don't think we'll ever know why they keep being interested, Tails."
"Simple, all good dancers usually end up on bigger dance floor than this, like contests and such. No one does that kind of stuff in clubs anymore, just show offs," answered the blue one, smiling at the packed dance floor.
"And you're not showing off, Sonic?" asked the one of the girls with a smile on her face, which earned her a scowl, "I'm just doing this to vent, Ames."
"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to give it another go. Not what we did earlier, but you know," commented the bat, making the echidna rise.
"We have time, I think. Just keep it smooth, Rouge," he replied, meeting a smile.
"No problem Knuckles."

Jade, emerald and aquamarines watched them join the mob of dancers, knowing that the young woman would probably have to fight slightly to keep him as he hadn't taken back on his shirt. Then again, Rouge was a very solid girl, and Knuckles was not one to cruise with other girls. All of them chuckled at the unsaid thought before slipping again into a small conversation, punctuated with giggles and chortles.

Sonic stopped abruptly as a hand landed on his shoulder, making him look up at a shy female orange mongoose with purple hair and green eyes. She was wearing a black shirt and shorts that showed her middle while her boots reached mid-calf. He smiled reassuringly, but his eyes immediately looked behind her. He recognized another girl, a squirrel with a dress that didn't go pass her knees, blue boots leaving only a bit of skin between. He had already danced with that girl, and she had probably dared her friend to do it.

"What is it?" he asked gently, now looking at the mongoose.
"Well... I was wondering if it was possible to... I asked for..." she stammered, and Sonic couldn't help but chuckle. What was with women and shyness? They locked in their beauty that way.
"You want a dance, right?" he inquired softly, only to be answered by a timid nod. He chortled, "Well, in that case, I'm just going to need one answer."
Her eyes widened in fear as they trailed to the squirrel with uncertainty, making him laugh softly, "Don't worry, it's just your name. I'm sure you already know mine, but I like to know with whom I'm dancing with."

Relief shone on her features along with gratefulness that only made his smile grow as his hand landed gently on hers as he slowly rose from his chair while she spoke with a lot more confidence than earlier, "Mina, Mina the Mongoose."
He raised her hand and gently kissed it, eyes never leaving hers.
"Pleased to meet you Mina," he whispered, watching her flush prettily before holding out his other hand to the dance floor. "Come on, I'm sure you don't want to miss your song."

His eyes turned to the dance floor as her own never left his face. For a fleeting moment, their eyes met and a small challenging grin flashed on his muzzle, as if he was daring her to keep up with him. Her green eyes went wide at the implication, remembering her friend mentioning this more than a few times.

Contrary to all the couples on the floor, her back was against his front as she heard him whisper in her ear, even though the music was pounding. She felt her heart constrict as the warmth fluttered around.
"Just follow my lead," he stopped and chuckled as he heard the song start. "I'm kind of surprised... You seemed so shy."
She couldn't answer, knowing her wouldn't hear her even if she tried. Her throat had gone dry the moment his hand had slipped on her waist, making it swerve slightly. He followed her movements with exactitude, as if they were made of the same mold. His hand slipped further along her side, reaching her stomach, as both started moving back and forth like live snakes, still staying in the same place they had started for now.

She didn't know how, but she felt his leg slip to meet the floor as she continued the previous movement, while his hands trailed along her legs. In an instant, she felt a surge of power and confidence, just like her friend had stated. That man was literally at her feet, and when he turned and their eyes met, she saw again that challenging smile that she found the courage to return. He rose smoothly from the dance floor, his hands finding her waist again. She knew the movement before he did it, separating her legs at the same time and bending over him as her hands went to his shoulders. She saw his lips move and made out the words "trust me" before being lifted off the floor and spinning around him before finding herself halfway atop him as he was still standing, her legs along his back.

She could see now that a circle had formed around them, as it always did when he danced. Yet, all that was forgotten as she slid along his back and her hand found his before she glided over the floor, and found herself bathing in emerald fire. Her hips swayed in time with the music as he bent to the ground, eyes never leaving hers. She couldn't understand his magic, but she felt invincible, wondering for a moment where her shyness had gone. She felt warm air as he whispered, seeming to have heard her train of thoughts, "Shyness only hides beauty."
His right leg pressed against her right and she took a step back as he lowered his torso, making them bend.

She saw his ears flick and a smile appear on his muzzle. The finale… and he knew exactly what to do. Once in an upright position, he slid to her right, laying his arms and hands along her shoulders, eyes gently telling her to do the same. They moved apart, arms slipping along each other before he caught her hand in his gloved one, making her twirl back to him. Her back met his front again and they moved in perfect sync, the girl unable to feel where her body stopped and his started. His arm snaked around her waist and she spun around, hands on his chest as they swerved across the dance floor. She only felt his hand brush against her thigh and she lifted it, wrapping it around him as he kept his other hand on her lower back. Both bent, her going farther than him and green eyes saw the spectators of the dance that would never be forgotten to her.

The last chord played and he helped her stand, his challenging grin gone for a calming smile. She felt heat rush to her cheeks, remembering how daring she had been. Then again, he had called to that. He had put her to the test, and gotten the best out of her.
"Not bad, Mina, you're a good dancer," he said a bit higher than earlier, and she could already feel some distance form between them. However, he still gently took her hand before leading her off the dance floor. She didn't wait to turn and speak, "Thank you… Sonic."
"Please…" he started, rolling his eyes, "I was only there to help you."

When she reached her friends, she looked at him one last time, feeling the tension slightly tear her apart. Nevertheless, she had to ask. If she didn't, she would never be sure.
"Is it true that…" she began, only to be cut off by a smiling Sonic.
"Yup. One dance per girl. Sorry, Mina," he apologized before taking her hands in his one last time. "Just remember that, someday, you'll find someone that'll make you feel the same way outside the dance floor. I'm glad we met, Mina."
After laying his forehead on her hands, he left without another word, joining his friends with a smile and a laugh. Her hands went to her fluttering heart, and she already knew she could never forget this night.

The group laughed whole-heartedly as they said their goodbyes, most of them taking the bus to get home. Luckily, there was a station right in front of the club, making it easier for them. Sonic waved as the last one left before starting to walk, whistling gently. His house wasn't too far, although his parents would have probably preferred if he had taken the bus himself. But since he was broke and never wanted to trouble anyone, the walk it was. Besides, he was a good fighter, having made his way through tough patches at school.

A groan broke his train of thoughts and emerald eyes looked at into a small road, not far from the one he had to take. Knowing that his parents would scold him later, he slowly walked, trying to pin-point the noise. His nose burned from a horrible smell when he found the source, but he couldn't care less as he stared, speechless, at the cause.

It was a male hedgehog of probably his age, whose obsidian fur made him almost melt into the night if it weren't for those red-streaks that traveled along his head quills and limbs. The only garment he was wearing was a shirt that was too large for him, no shoes, not even gloves. Sonic gently lowered to the ground while reaching out for the ebony one's shoulder, shaking it softly.

"Hey, buddy, you okay?" he asked, only getting a groan as an answer. The sapphire hedgehog sighed while taking off his hand. Unconscious… How long had he been there? Something sticky on his glove stopped his thinking as he lifted the glove to see. His eyes widened in horror. Blood… Not good.
"Mom's going to kill me…" he muttered to himself as he took the unconscious one in his arm. A second later, a sonic boom was resounding in the neighborhood, probably waking the people around.