Part 7 - Epilogue


Mattaki looked out over the shrine grounds with a pensive smile.

It had been six months since he'd taken Kagome as his, and he'd had no cause to regret it. She was everything he'd known she would be, and he loved her more with every smile.

Not that they didn't have their fights - they were both stubborn, strong-willed alpha's - but they always made up, usually within a few hours, because neither was able to remain angry at the other for any length of time.

His gaze traveled over the assorted guests and landed on Kagome, who was talking quite animatedly to some family member or other, and Rin.

While Kikyou kept away from Kagome, Rin and she had picked right up where they'd left things in the feudal era. Even then, they'd been fond of each other, though it was different now, of course, since Rin was an adult - one much, much older than Kagome.

They'd become almost inseparable, and he was really happy for that, because it meant that his relationship with Sesshoumaru had grown even more since her advent into his life.

He'd always loved his son, but with past circumstances, things had been strained between them for a very long time. Even after his return to life, they hadn't been as close as he'd have liked.

That had finally happened. Kagome just had that effect on people - Sesshoumaru was even oddly fond of her, and almost as protective of her as he was of his own mate and children. She was pack.

Kikyou, however, was not, and that had hindered his relationship somewhat with his younger son. That pained him - but not enough that he would give up his mate because his son's mate was such a jealous bitch.

He knew eventually Inuyasha would put her in her place, but things would never be comfortable with Kikyou, no matter what - not unless she changed completely.

As for Kagome's family, he was extremely fond of them. They were wonderful people, and it was more than obvious just where Kagome came by her warm, loving personality. Even her grandfather, with his traditional priest's attitude about youkai, had become a friend - Mattaki was certain that most of his youkai rants were just because he felt that he was following tradition, and not because he was really prejudiced against them.

He was pulled from his thoughts as his eldest son approached him.

Sesshoumaru hadn't changed all that much from what he'd been like in the feudal era - he was still stoic and controlled - just less so, and his violent tendencies had calmed.

He'd also given up on the whole 'Supreme Conquest' idea - round about the time he'd mated Rin. She'd bluntly informed him that she had no desire to rule anything more than his home, and that if he was determined to conquer the world, he could do it alone.

That had ended that, as Sesshoumaru had already been quite aware that he'd rather lose the Western Lands than Rin, let alone a world that was getting along very well without his help.

He smiled at his son as Sesshoumaru bowed his head to him. "Father. Though she is already your mate, I offer congratulations from both Rin and I on your marriage." He looked over to where his own mate and wife stood with Kagome, then looked back at him.

"You chose well... I know I have said that before - but I would reiterate. I always took Inuyasha for a fool for his choice of the dead one over her. But I think now that it was for the best - she would never have been happy with him."

Mattaki nodded as he thought that over. He had to admit, after forcing himself to look at it subjectively, Sesshoumaru was correct. Inuyasha was still, even now, quite immature - it seemed to be a permanent state with him - and Kagome was not. She had been young when she'd met him, but she had grown up while he had not, and he and his behavior would have quickly driven her crazy.

"You are correct, Sesshoumaru. They would not have suited." A frown forked his brow lightly for a moment. "Sometimes, though..." he sighed deeply, then finished, "I wonder if I was right to take her for myself. Can she really be happy with me for my lifetime? It is... a long time."

To say that Sesshoumaru was caught off-guard at that question was an understatement - for the first time in his entire life, he felt the need to reach up and pound his sire on the back of his head. He could not believe that he would really question the miko's devotion to him.

"Is it her that you do not trust - or is it yourself?"

Eyes widening in surprise, he turned to stare at his son, completely taken aback. Trust...? He thinks that I do not trust in her? He closed his eyes, then, as the realization of Sesshoumaru's words washed over him, and he opened his eyes back up and met his son's gaze somewhat sheepishly. It is not her...

"And that is proof that no matter how venerable and wise a being gets, he will still have a fool hiding somewhere within. Thank you, my son."

The younger daiyoukai chuckled, his expression lightening somewhat as he showed his amusement at his sire's words. "You are welcome, father." With a cocked head in the direction of their wives, he asked, "Should we go fetch our females before they forget we exist?"

He grinned back at his son and clapped him lightly on the back. "Perhaps we should - after all, I have a honeymoon to look forward to, but if she gets too caught up in her talk with Rin..." he trailed off mischievously, not needing to finish.

"Not likely, father - I may not have gotten married today, but I also have plans with my mate that do not include spectators."

With matching lascivious glints in golden eyes, the Taisho males moved towards their respective other halves.


Inuyasha watched his father from across the shrine grounds, and something ached within him as he easily caught the lustful glances he sent Kagome - his new wife.

It was something that he had not expected - these jealous feelings aimed at his father's relationship with Kagome.

He'd always had feelings for her, but they weren't as strong as what he felt for Kikyou. Or at least, the Kikyou that he'd known before she died. He hadn't been able to face the knowledge that she was not the same after her resurrection, and so, when Kagome had wished her back to life, he'd eagerly mated her.

That had proven to be rather foolish, because the truth was, Kikyou was still not the same as she once had been... it took several decades for his rather slow mind to realize why. Everything good that had existed within Kikyou had moved on at her death - into Kagome. All that was left in this Kikyou was the petty, nasty parts of her soul. And the wish had made that her permanent soul - Kagome had a large enough one to lose that piece with no negative side-effects to herself.

But by the time he'd had that little epiphany, it was too late, and over the centuries, he'd managed to dig up enough fondness for his mate to make life bearable.

Until he'd seen Kagome again.

And then to find out that she was his father's... the anger, pain, and sheer jealousy almost knocked him sideways. Even now, six months later, it hadn't abated.

So he did the only thing he could - he stayed away as much as possible.

His father's strengthening relationship with his other son also widened the rift. While there was no longer a desire to kill each other, and they could get along decently enough for short periods of time, they would never be close.

Keh. So while I distance myself from father, and Kagome, Sesshoumaru only gets closer to them. And all I have to show for it is a petty, spiteful mate.

As he watched his father and brother interact, then move as one towards their wives, he sighed almost bitterly.

If he could go back in time and kick his own ass, he would.

Then it would be himself mated and married to Kagome, and life would offer so much more happiness than it now did.

And the hell of it was, he only had himself to blame.


Two months later, Kagome smiled over at her mother, practically bouncing in excitement, trying to remain patient as they waited for the results of the test.

She had gone to visit her mother while Mattaki took care of some business for the day, and had spoken to her of her suspicions. Her mother, absolutely thrilled, had immediately taken her to the nearest pharmacy, and they had picked out the best pregnancy test available on the market.

Now, they were back at the shrine, and awaiting the results.

If they were positive...

I hope I am - it would be something wonderful to be able to tell Mattaki!

The timer went off, and Kagome was out of her chair like a shot and heading for the bathroom while her mother laughed behind her. When she got to the bathroom, she slowed, took a deep breath, and picked up the little test stick, closing her eyes tightly for a moment before opening them, and looking down.

The excited, joyful scream echoed through the whole house.


And the dream of grandchildren is finally coming true, her mother thought, throwing her arms around her precious daughter and hugging her happily.

She pulled back, and with a wink, asked, "So... how do you plan to tell that handsome husband of yours the news, dear?"


Mattaki sighed as he reached home, glad to be done with the business he'd been called away from his mate over.

He was an antique dealer and appraiser - after all, he'd actually lived through all those ages, and knew what he was doing. He could spot a fake a mile away, and he had a reputation that showed that.

This time, a museum had called him out to verify a certain piece's authenticity, as it had been called into question - rightly, as it turned out. The museum had, indeed, been gipped, and spent a tidy sum on the fake artifact, to boot.

Whoever created it did a beautiful job, but still...

He sighed as he came in sight of the house, and with a smile, parked and made his way inside. Sniffing lightly, he searched out his mate's scent... he'd missed her.

A light frown touched his brow, what is that strange edge to her scent? It's been there for several days, now...

"Mattaki!" He was pulled from his thoughts by his mate's happy assault on his person, and he had to smile. She was always so full of joy - she was his light. He wouldn't want to ever go back to a time without her in his life.

He pulled away after a moment, grinning down at her, then noted that she appeared ready to go out. "Are you going somewhere, Kagome?" he asked, brow cocked.

She shook her head. "No, I'm not going somewhere, but we are."

Not sure he really wanted to leave again, he asked, "Where is it that you are wanting to go, my dear?"

She practically beamed at him, then. "Into the city - I'd really like to visit Tokyo Tower tonight - it's supposed to be an exceptionally clear night," she said coaxingly, and he sighed. When she looked at him like that, he couldn't deny her anything.

"Very well, love - but perhaps I may be allowed to change, first?"

She stepped back and shooed him off. "Well, hurry up then. I'll be waiting in the car."

He shook his head, bemused, as she almost bounced out the doors, and wondered what had put her in such a good mood.

He would soon be finding out for himself.


By the time they actually stood atop Tokyo Tower, night had well fallen, and it was already rather late in the evening. Once they'd reached the city limits, Kagome had decided that she was hungry, so he'd taken her to dinner before heading for the tower.

He was sure that something was up with her. All through the evening, she'd been overly excited, like a kid who'd had too much sugar, but he wasn't sure why.

Perhaps it was time to find out.

"Kagome..." he said softly, coming to stand behind her as she stared out happily across the city, "tell me... what has you so excited? Why did you want to come up here, really?" He leaned his head down and nuzzled her, his hands coming up to cup her arms and rub up and down them.

She leaned her head into him with a smile, and he pulled her to him tighter, sliding his arms around her waist to curl her into himself.

Her hands came down to cover his, and she said, "I wanted to show you how I feel, and this is the only thing I could think of."

His breath huffed over her ear, inciting shivers down her spine. "How you feel?"

She could hear the question in his voice. "Yes. I feel like I'm on top of the world." She turned in his arms then, looking up to meet his gaze, and he noted the silver of a single tear sliding down her cheek.

Concerned, he frowned, but her scent showed nothing but happiness. He opened his mouth to say something, but she pressed her fingers over his lips.

"You've given me everything, Mattaki, and now it's my turn to give you something..." she closed with him, nuzzling along his nose with her own for a moment, then pulling away just slightly to meet his eyes, she finished with, "I'm pregnant, mate."

His eyes widened and he pulled back to stare at her, shocked. That edge to her scent... that's what it was! "You carry," he breathed. "This... it is the best gift that you could ever have given me, Kagome." Caught up in the moment, he closed the distance between his lips and hers, and pressed her to open for him. He needed to taste her.

Overjoyed at his reaction, Kagome immediately parted her lips, moaning into his mouth as he swept in and loved every inch of her mouth with his own.

On top of the world, was his last hazy thought before passion took over. Yes... now that I have her, I am on top of the world.

The dreams are over... because they have all come true.


A/N: And that's the end, folks! Like I said at the beginning, this was just a short romance, plain and simple. Hope everyone enjoyed it, just the same.
