I love disney! the old and new.

this came into my mind and i want to right it down. If anyone likes brother bear then please read and give me reviews on what i need to improve.

Because my writing is not brilliant. And another thing, in this story he doesn't meet koda, so in other words he not a bear but still a human.

i hope you all enjoy!

The rushling sound of feet hurling through the forest near the village as an angry shout echo closer towards him.

A boy who got his totem a year ago by the name Kenai is running away from his outrageous brother Denahi who beginning to pick up speed.

"Im so gonna get you Kenai!" shouted Denahi.

"You gotta catch me first!" Kenai replied back.

Kenai kept running till he found one of his favourite trees, one closest to the spirit mountain.

With his talent skill of climbing he got up the tree like a piece of cake.

"Kenai get down now so i can kill you!" Kenai saw Denahi below the tree with fury in his eyes.

"Why do you think i'm up here for?" said a laughing Kenai.

You see dearest Kenai decided to play a joke on his brother while he was taking a short nap. When Denahi woke up he found some of the village kids giggling at him. He got up and look in the water at his reflection.

The top of his hair was in pigtails with flowers wrapped around in between. He didn't even have to ask to know who did it.

"KENAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!". In result he didn't take the prank well.

And it brings us to the present.

"You are so going to pay!" Denahi said looking up the tree. His hair is now back to it original state.

"Ok but you'll have to come up here and get me" said Kenai smirking, not moving.

Denahi griited his teeth. He was losing patient. He put a hand on a branch, when he heard another voice so similar he turned to see Sitka their older brother.

"What going on here?" said Sitka carrying piles of wood on his shoulder.

"Well i'm trying to get that down here" said Denahi spating the word that at Kenai.

"I heard from a bunch of kids that your hair was in pigtails, am i right?" said Sitka raising an eyebrow with a smile on his face.

"Yes because of our lovely baby brother, i woke up looking like a girl!" Denahi said trying to keep his voice under control.

"Hey i'm not a baby!" shouted Kenai from above.

"Yes you are baby brother" said Denahi taking the micheal making Kenai lose his temper as well.

"Ok enough you two" said Sitka with demand in his voice.

Both brothers stopped bickering.

Sitka put the wood down and walked to where Denahi was.

"Kenai come down before you get hurt". said Sitka with worry in his eyes.

"But Sitka if i come down he will kill me" Kenai said whining pointing at Denahi.

"Well you did put his hair in pigtails so he has the right to give you a slap round the head" Sitka said in amusement.

"Oh fine, i'm coming". Sigh Kenai in defeat.

He began climbing down the tree when his hand grabbed a small branch making it snap and also making him lose control of his feet.

Kenai felt himself falling and his brothers shouting.

He closed his eyes waiting for the hard impact, but it was soft.

He opened his eyes to see Sitka underneath him, his hand on his head as it hit the ground.

Kenai got off his brother as he sat upwards.

"Are you ok?" said Sitka examing his brother's body.

"Im ok, are you alright?" said Kenai doing the same.

"I will be after this" Sitka slapped Kenai round the head.

"Ow! what was that for?" said Kenai holding his head.

"For scaring us that's why" Sitka said his voice calm. "Denahi your turn".

Denahi smirked as he came closer to Kenai and wacked him big time.

Kenai thought he saw stars.

"Payback is sweet, baby brother" said Denahi.

Kenai's face darkened. He got up but flinched sending him back down.

"Kenai!" said Sitka.

"I think i sprained my ankle" said Kenai holding his right foot

Sitka took off Kenai boot and saw his ankle purple.

"Yeah it defiantly sprained" said Denahi.

"Now you know why you should be careful" said Sitka strking a core in Kenai.

"I'm sorry" he said looking at his ankle.

Denahi sighed putting a hand on his head.

"Don't worry about it, you learned your lesson. Now let's go about to the village".

Denahi picked up Kenai boot and the woods from Sitka.

Sitka put an arm under kenai's knees and on his back.

Kenai felt himself being lifted.

"Sitka i can walk still" said Kenai feeling embarrassed of being lifted by his brother.

"You sprained your ankle so you can't and think of this as punishment brother" Sitka said smirking.

Kenai gave up and let himself be carried.

At the village Tanana was seen playing with little kids. Until she saw Kenal being carried.

"Oh my what happened?" said Tanana seeing Kenai's ankle.

"He fell from the tree" said Sitka straight forward.

"Oh dear Kenai, what are we going to do with you?" she said laughing slightly.

"Ok please come with me, i have just the thing to help Kenai" said Tanana adjusting them to follow.

They arrived into a tent. Sitka placed Kenai on the bed.

Denahi placed the wood outside the tent then went inside and sat next to Kenai.

Tanana was mixing a few ingredients and help with the pain. {i dont know what medicine they had in those days so bare with it. Although i beileve plants were good}

Tanana rubbed some onto Kenai's ankle making him flinch but kept quiet. He calmed as Denahi placed a hand on his shoulder.

Tanana put a wet cloth on his ankle making the swelling decreased. "OK that should do for now. It's best if you don't move for a few hours, so your ankle can heal nicely. Im afraid i'll have to leave you boys now. Please take care and no more accidents" she said mostly referring to Kenai.

Kenai nodded she then left.

"I forgot i had to give the wood to tanana, but i don't want to leave you" said Sitka looking at Kenai.

Kenai smiled. "It's ok i'll be fine please give the wood to tanana".

"You sure?" said Sitka.

"Postive" Kenai replied.

Sitka declined for a moment but then went out the tent.

Denahi sat with Kenai for a few minutes, when his stomach rumbled.

"I guess it's lunchtime. Do you want anything?" said Denahi

Kenai shook his hand "No thanks you go eat".

"Ok but i'll be coming right back" said Denahi ruffling his brother's hair.

"Hey!" said Kenai straighting his hair.

Denhai laughed going out the tent.

Kenai smiled looking out the tent. He couldn't have asked for better older brothers.

20 minutes passed as Kenai sprained his ankle, and his brothers have not returned.

"It must be taking longer than usual" he mumbled.

Kenai then heard two woman talking outside his tent.

"I feel sorry for them. I mean they always watch out for him, take care of him and yet he does something stupid like climb a tree".

Right then Kenai knew he was talking about him and his brothers.

"Well that's what you get for being an orphan at a young age"

Kenai's eyes widened at the statement.

"Yeah your right he was only 2 when both his parents passed away. And only his brothers along with Tanana raised him. But the brothers were awfully young as well only 14 and 9, so sad".

Kenai hid his eyes under his hair as they continued talking.

He didn't want to beileve what they were saying, even though it was truth.

He didn't know his parents at all.

All he could remember was his mother's slender warm hands holding him and her smile melting away the cold but that was it. Nothing about his father.

Kenai tighten his grip on his trousers.

He needed to talk to his brothers about his parents.

What were his parents like?