DG sat on the steps of the winding staircase watching the people moving below. The Northern Castle was her favorite place to be. Her mother and father preferred the royal towers in Central City and Az preferred Finaqua. But for DG it was the Northern Castle that she felt most comfortable at.
Odd since this was technically the place that she has been killed. Cain had almost been killed here too, She remembered. Speaking of….DG watched Wyatt Cain cross the marble floors and speak to some of the guards below. A smile curled across her lips as she watched him speaking to the poor man who clearly had done something to piss Wyatt off.
Turning her head slightly she grinned at the curve of his ass in his….well painted on pants. The man had an ass you could bounce quarters off of. MMMMMMM or licking whip cream off of. NO…stop that. You can't do that with Wyatt.
She had been calling him that now for about two months now. The agreement between them had been he would call her Deeg instead of Princess and she would call him Wyatt instead of Mr. Cain. Resting her elbow on her knee she let her chin rest on her hand. Smirking as the guard who was having his ass handed to him was shaking like a leaf because of Wyatt Cain.
Suddenly he turned his head slightly and they locked eyes. DG grinned and lifted her other hand to give him a small wave of her fingers. Seeing the slight twitch of his lips as he tried not to smile before turning back to finish ripping into the guard.
"He really does look good in those pants. I can see why you like them so much."
"Mmmm yea. Wait…what?" turning her head DG saw her sister was now sitting next to her and grinning at the interaction between Wyatt and her.
"Don't try to pretend like you weren't sitting here thinking that."
DG blushed and cleared her throat. "Actually I was thinking more along the lines of licking whip cream off it."
Az burst out laughing and every head turned to look at the two woman sitting on the steps. One who was laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her face. And the other who was turning a deep crimson at all the eyes on them.
DG watched that left eyebrow of Wyatt's raise slightly and she bit her bottom lip slightly. "I think I have a problem Az."
Turning to look at her sister she saw that the laughter had finally calmed down. "Deeg…it's not a problem unless you want it to be. I've seen the way the two of you stare at each other. That man is head over heels in love with you, just like you are with him."
Turning to look back at Wyatt she saw he was finishing the conversation with that guard, who now looked like he was about to wet himself. "What am I going to do Azy?"
Her sister waved her hand a bowl of whip cream appeared on the floor. "Get ta licking sister." DG and Azy burst out laughing again falling back on the floor they laughed until there was pair of brown boots next to DG's face.
"Ladies, why is there a bowl of whip cream on the floor and why are you two laughing like there is a world of trouble heading someone's way?"
Az stood up and grinned at him. "Oh you have no idea Mr. Cain. As for the bowl of whip cream? Just ask Deeg, she LOVES whip cream."
"AZY." DG said as she quickly stood up and stared at her sister.
"Oh I'm sorry I've gota go. I promised Glitch I would play chess with him this afternoon."
DG shook her head as her sister skipped off laughing. Turning back to Wyatt she sighed.
"So, I'm supposed to ask you about the whip cream?" Cain raised his eyebrow again and his mouth twitched again like he was trying to fight a smirk.
DG ran her finger through the whip cream and slowly licked it off her finger. "It's for me to know..." Looking up at him she smirked when his eyes widened in surprise. "And for you to find out."
Setting the bowl in his hand she walked down the hallway towards her suites smirking as she heard Wyatt slowly cursing under his breath before the sounds of his boots following after her.
Wyatt Cain was beyond pissed off. He had discovered a new word for what he was and that idiot guard that let it happen was going to understand just how beyond pissed off he was. Crossing the marble floors of the Northern Place's main hall he approached the guard.
"YOU." He grumbled out at the blonde skinny boy who couldn't have been more than twenty annuals. "Were you NOT told that the Princesses were to stay inside? Who the hell let you think it was okay for them to go outside unattended?"
"I…I….I…."the guard was shaking with fear as Wyatt towered over him. "I'm sorry General."
"Damn right you are sorry. What would have happened if either of them were hurt or kidnapped or killed? Do you have any understanding of just how badly you've fucked up?"
The guard shook his head. "No sir. I am sorry sir. I assumed that the area had been swept."You assumed. Well you assumed wrong. Because of your carelessness one or both of the princesses could have been hurt."
Wyatt heard a sound above him and turned his head slightly as the idiot guard rambled on and on. He caught DG's eyes and fought a smirk that wanted to curl up on his lips. She gave him a small wave and it almost did him in. She looked absolutely beautiful sitting up there in her gray pants and dress shirt.
I wonder if she still wears that underwear from the other side. What was it she called them….a thong. Yea…thong…STOP IT Wyatt. You can't think about her like that.
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to jeopardize the princesses."
"Damn right you didn't. Because you will never be in a position to oversee them again, clearly you are unable to do anything let alone follow explicit directions that state the Princesses are not to leave he palace." Cain continued yelling at the now trembling soldier.
All of a sudden he heard Azkadelia laughing and immediately turned into her direction along with everyone else on the floor. He raised his eyebrow and caught DG's eyes. Smirking as she bit her lip.
Damn….to be that lip.
Turning back to the guard Cain growled again to get his attention. "Going forward you will no longer be responsible for watching over them. I will be reassigning you. And you should be damn lucky that I'm not firing your ass. Do you understand me?"
"Sir…yes sir General Cain."
Heading towards the staircase he took the steps two at a time until he stood next to DG and softly chuckled at the two giggling princesses. "Ladies, why is there a bowl of whip cream on the floor and why are you two laughing like there is a world of trouble heading someone's way?"
Az stood up and grinned at him. "Oh you have no idea Mr. Cain. As for the bowl of whip cream? Just ask Deeg, she LOVES whip cream."
"AZY." Cain hide his smirk as DG said stared at her sister.
"Oh I'm sorry I've gota go. I promised Glitch I would play chess with him this afternoon."
DG shook her head as her sister skipped off laughing. Turning back to him he waited for her to talk to him.
"So, I'm supposed to ask you about the whip cream?" Cain raised his eyebrow again and his mouth twitched when he was trying to fight the smirk.
DG ran her finger through the whip cream and slowly licked it off her finger. "It's for me to know..." Looking up at him she smirked when his eyes widened in surprise. "And for you to find out."
Setting the bowl in his hand she walked down the hallway towards her suites Wyatt slowly cursed under his breath. This is bad…oh god, this is bad…..this is good….this is sooo good. Follow her you IDIOT.
Holding the bowl in his hands he quickly took off after DG so he could find out more about this whip cream.