Hiya everyone. :D I was finally able to fix the computer problem. Hope you didn't have to wait too long.
Disclaimer: I don't own bleach.

A Vampire's Love

"Why would I need this piece of junk?"

Orihime glared at the dispenser clearly annoyed and she went straight to the kitchen and threw it in the trash can.

"And good riddance!" Orihime went to the living room and watched T.V until it was 10:00. Orihime was really sleepy and she walked back to her room and almost had a heart attack when she noticed that right on her bed was the Black cat dispenser.

Orihime went to her bed and picked up the dispenser tentatively, she then looked around her room worriedly. Maybe an intruder came in and put it there. She continued to look around her whole apartment but saw no sign of there being an intruder. Suddenly a thought popped up in her head.

"Maybe I'm just dreaming... yeah that's it and once i pinch myself imma wake up and laugh back on this weird dream." Orihime quickly pinched herself but instead of waking up she flinched in pain she then looked back at the dispenser that was she still was holding, and sighed in defeat.

"I guess it's not a dream..." Orihime's eye's began to tear up and another thought popped up in her head.

"Maybe I'm going crazy..." She shook her head. "No, I-I'm not going crazy, though i have no idea on what's going on right now, one things for sure... I am not going crazy."

Orihime looked at the dispenser one last time before putting on top of her dresser, she then got in her bed and snuggled in.

"Maybe if I get some rest I'll be all better... and maybe when I see all my friends in school imma be all better... or maybe if I see..." Orihime suddenly felt herself drift off to sleep, not being able to finish her sentence.

While, and before, Orihime was sleeping, there were some people who were watching her every single move.

"I told you it was a bad idea Urahara."

"What are you talking about, I think it's going quite well Yoruichi-chan."

"She thinks she's going crazy, I don't think that's "quite well.""

"Well think on the bright side Yoruichi-chan."

Before Yoruichi could say anything she was beaten to it by a new voice.

"What bright side?"

Urahara and Yoruichi turned and saw Rukia along with Ichigo and Renji by her side.

"Wow! Look at you three my how you have grown. I still remember when you were all little munchkins, oh how adorable you all wer-."

He was suddenly interrupted by Rukia. "Urahara stop."

Urahara looked at Rukia seriously. " I see, you all want to be treated as adults,-sigh- well I guess me and Yoruichi are getting pretty old, but can't you guys at least talk to us like the goo-"

Urahara was once again interrupted by Rukia. "Why did you give Orihime "that""

Urahara looked at Rukia before sighing, "That's none of your concern."

Rukia glared and this time Ichigo was speaking up. "What the hell do you mean it's none of our concern? Not only is it our job to protect Orihime from those freakin blood suckers but she's also our friend!"

Yoruichi felt the sudden tension and decided it was her turn to speak. "We're sorry Rukia, Ichigo, and Renji...What Urahara meant to say was that there's really nothing to worry about and that-

"BULLSHIT!" Renji cursed, everyone turned to him. "We all know Aizen is up to something, and the organization is worried about that and you guys are also worried about that, but why are you bringing Orihime into this?"

Yoruichi looked at Renji calmly. "Renji if you probably haven't noticed, Aizen has his eyes on Orihime and-"

"We know that all ready!" he yelled.

Yoruichi grew irritated on the fact that they were always being interrupted. "Then why the hell are you asking!"

Renji glared at her and grabbed the hilt of his sword ready to attack before Rukia stopped him. "Stop Renji..." Renji looked at Rukia, then sighed and turned away, Rukia turned to Yoruichi and Urahara. "We're sorry about that Yoruichi and Urahara, We just wanna know why Orihime's being targeted and why you two deemed it necessary to give her that thing."

Yoruichi looked at Urahara till he nodded and she turned back to Rukia. "We don't actually know why Orihime's being targeted but the reason for why we gave Orihime "that" is because she's going to need it... You guys don't actually expect Aizen to not send anyone to get her, that would be very out of character for him don't you agree?"

Rukia and the others nodded in agreement.

Rukia then sighed and looked at Urahara and Yoruichi. "Thank you for telling us."

Urahara raised and eyebrow. "You have to go already?"

Rukia nodded. "We were only planning to do a quick check up on Orihime. She seems alright so our job for today is done."

Ichigo and Renji looked at Rukia till she nodded and they all left.

"They sure have grown up, don't you think Yoruichi-chan?"

"Yes, they have indeed..."

Urahara then looked at Orihime through her bedroom window one last time,

"Hopefully my cute little dispenser can protect our little Hime-chan."

Yoruichi looked at him seriously. "Yeah and hopefully it doesn't end our little Hime's life."

Urahara gasped. "Aw Yoruichi-chan don't say that about my cute little dispenser. It's the best thing in the world."

Yoruichi shrugged nonchalantly and said "Whatever you say Urahara." before leaving.

Urahara sighed and left as well, but not before wishing a silent good luck to Orihime.

Orihime woke up and turned off her chibi robot alarm clock it read 5:00.

"Wow! For once I actually woke up on time." Orihime then looked at her dresser and she spotted the creepy dispenser that looked as if it were staring straight at her soul with its plastic amber eyes.

"Mm, You're still here." Orihime grumbled, but then sighed and went to go change into her school uniform she then ate some breakfast before running off to school.

"Wow i think this is actually the first time that I'm actually coming to school early."

When Orihime finally reached the school she noticed that the school gates were still closed and locked.

"Huh? Did I come too early?" Orihime sighed and then waited next to the gate till the gates opened, hour were passing by slowly and before she knew it was already 10:00.

"What the? Why is the school gate's still not opening? Is there a lock down? Why isn't anyone else out here?"

Orihime continued to wait till it was 12:00 and the gate's still didn't open.

"Hey what are you doing young lady?"

Orihime turned and saw the same old man from her first day of school, the one that said that he was going call the cops on her...

"Um, I'm waiting for the school to open."

The old man gave Orihime an incredulous look.

Orihime looked at him confused and embarrassed. "What's the matter?"

"There's no school on Saturday's young lady..."

"Saturday?..." It finally dawned on Orihime.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S SATURDAY!" Orihime then ran back to her apartment complex frustrated, embarrassed, and tired, and just when she was gunna enter her apartment someone called her.

"Hey Orihime Darling."

Orihime turned and saw her neighbor.

"Oh hey Ms. Luce."

"Oh my dear look at you, you look like a wreck. What happened?"

"Oh nothing really I was just running back from school..."

"School? But it's Saturday."

Orihime nodded. "Yeah I just realized that when I waited there for six hours."

Ms. Luce chuckled."Well I'm sorry to hear that Orihime."

Orihime looked at Ms. Luce. "Um, not to be rude or anything Ms. Luce but what did you want anyways?"

"Hm. Wha- Oh yeah! A young man came by and he wanted me to give you this." pulled a little box out of her purse and handed it to Orihime.

Orihime examined it. "A young man?"

"Yes, and he was quite the handsome one." Ms. Luce smirked and looked at Orihime slyly. "Orihime you flirt, you have many admirers." Ms. Luce giggled.

"Um, did he tell you his name?" Orihime asked clearly ignoring Ms. Luce's last comment.

"Um yeah, um..." Ms. Luce was trying to recall his name and sighed when she couldn't remember it. "I'm sorry dear but I can't seem to remember."

Orhime looked at Ms. Luce understandingly. "It's alright Ms. Luce I unders-"

"He had blue hair, if that helps in any way."


Ms. Luce's eyes widened. "There you go! Grimmjow, his name was Grimmjow. Though he was handsome, I personally preferred that Ulquiorra fellow. Did you break up with him or something?"

"Ul-Ulquiorra?" Orihime face practically turned ten shades of red."Ulquiorra and I have never been with each other." Orhime looked at Ms. Luce purely embarrassed.

"Well I have to go Ms. Luce, thanks again and have a nice day." Orihime said hurriedly and then went to her apartment in a rush she then looked at the little box curiously.

"Why would Grimmjow stop by and give me this? I wonder what's inside it?... Well there's only one way to find out." Orihime began to open the box which had...

What's inside the box? Is it a ring? Another dispenser? Or maybe it's the blue prints to my next chapter... 0,...,0 to tell you the truth I have no idea as well I just make things up from the top of my head and go with the flow lol just kidding.:P well yeah I hope you enjoyed this chappy. Please READ and REVIEW and NO FLAMES! Though, I take suggestions with glad arms. ^,...,^ well that's all I have to say besides sorry for making the chapter a little short and for taking so long, I wrote my excuse in my profile so yeah lol. :P BYE!