AN – Just to answer any questions or assumptions you might have: No, the dragon is not a Night Fury. Hiccup and Daven were the only known riders of one and Daven's was killed. Night Furies are rare and thus, there is no other in Berk (even after 10 years). The dragon Kelda is given is a White Dragon, taken from the books. I had a hard time choosing what kind of dragon they'd give her and finally chose this one. In order to prevent this from being a rant, see my profile for information about the idea for a sequel to this fanfiction.

Disclaimer: How To Train Your Dragon, the movie and the book(s), does not belong to me.

Claimer: The story and all original characters belong to me.

Hiccup of Stoick,

Falkor and I are doing well. The dragon egg you gave me is a young female who I've decided to name Asteria. Her scales are pure white and she is still very small. It's been difficult raising her as she's very rowdy and seemingly hot-headed; it's hard to tell. It will be hard to train her, but I plan on doing my best. She does have Falkor to help teach her, so I'm sure that Asteria will grow to be as strong and powerful as he.

Our village is preparing to move back into the Gaulish lands so it will be difficult to contact you for a while as we grow farther apart. These colder months are forcing us to our southern territory and its likely I will not visit during the remainder of the year. I do promise to bring you all lots of nice things upon my return. It's a secret, though, so I won't tell you what it is. Guarding my village has been easier as we haven't had any more trouble from Daven's village. But I fear that won't last long. Every day that passes I get a growing feeling that something worse will come. Nomadic tribes from farther north keeping passing by. Most of the people are weak or injured. I'm not sure what to expect. But for now, things are quiet in my forests.

I have been observing my people more. I come and watch them every day, looking for strong, determined people. I've found several likely candidates for apprenticeship and plan on training the one Asteria chooses as her rider. One particular person I'm really hoping for. But it will still be some time before Asteria will be mature enough to choose a rider.

I have found a few of Astrid's students down in my territory. No doubt she sends them to get some real combat training. The first one I was unprepared for and gave them quite a beating. I'm really sorry about that. But it has been easier to tell who's from Astrid and who's a real enemy. Tell her that her students are strong, but are not serious enough. It's obvious in their stance. That's why most of them come back bruised and bloody. I'm sorry that I'm so harsh with them, but I do not want them to be killed in serious combat.

I expect it will be difficult to respond to my letter, but I could simply send Falkor back soon to retrieve your response. I wish my people were not so stubborn in their ways; that they might come to stay in one place for the rest of their lives. But I can't ask that of my druid. At least, not now.

Please tell me how your village fares (and how to train your dragon).

Kelda of Vanora