Jasmine was highly confused. Why she had been transferred to this school of all places was beyond her. She let her mother handle that kind of thing. Jasmine simply went with the flow and did as she was told. It made her job simpler. The American brunette wandered the halls of her new school, trying to get acquainted with the large building. Her mother must have really outdone herself trying to get Jasmine in here. Ouran Academy was huge and everything looked very expensive. Classes had gone smoothly and the uniform was even decent. She had always been told she looked good in yellow. Personally, she detested the color, but she had to admit that it was flattering to her face. And she needed all the help she could get. Her bushy hair was simply annoying, so she had cut it short as soon as she moved to Japan. What Mother doesn't know won't hurt her.

In the last lesson of the day, Jasmine noticed another girl in the back of the classroom. For a moment, she had thought there was a mirror in the room, but then realized the girl looked almost exactly like her. Her hair was slightly more rumpled-looking than Jasmine's. Jasmine's was just poofy, so she never could do much with it besides tuck it behind her ears. This girl, though… She'd styled it to look enticingly touchable…. If that hair was on a boy, Jasmine would have had an urge to run her fingers through it. But she would not, whether on boy or girl. This girl also had highlights in her cropped locks. She seemed bored with the class, staring out the window. And she looked exactly like Jasmine. Same facial features, same body build…. She even had the same freckles on her arms and face!

Jandra felt someone staring at her. She turned to give a glare in return, but stopped short when she looked into mirroring eyes. That girl a few rows up looked exactly like her. Her hair was frazzled, but it looked like she couldn't help that. Jandra got over their likeness quickly and smirked at the girl, who jumped back and stared forward. Jandra chuckled to herself, admiring the glint of the sunlight on her mother's Claddagh that she wore on her right ring finger. Her one soft spot: her mother.

When class was over, Jandra found the girl standing outside the doors, looking like she didn't know where to go. Jandra stood next to her.

"Frazzled, huh?"

Jasmine had seen the girl approach her. What surprised her was the accent.

"Are you… Irish?"

"What of it?" Jandra asked, raising her left eyebrow.

"Hmm, I wish I could do that," Jasmine mumbled. "I can only raise my right eyebrow by itself."

"Well, then I guess we're more mirrors of each other than copies," Jandra said. "You're thinking it's possible we are twins separated at birth, am I correct?"

Jasmine nodded.

"There's not much explanation for it," she said.

"Well, I don't think it's possible," Jandra. "We simply got skipped in the whole 'physical' aspect of individualism. God's funny that way, huh?"

"Yeah… funny…"

"I'm Jandra, by the way," she said, extending her hand.

"Jasmine," smiled the American, taking the offered hand. "Oh, wow, a Claddagh!" Jandra pulled her hand back and to her side.

"Aye," she said simply, showing no emotion.

"My aunt bought me one for my birthday last year," Jasmine said, extending her own hand.

"My, how traditional-looking," Jandra commented.

"Yours is prettier than mine," Jasmine mumbled. "But I love mine because it was my aunt that bought it for me. It isn't even close to the one I asked for, but it's nice either way…." Jandra had begun to walk away. "Wait!"

"What do you want?"

"Um… I think maybe we should hang out sometime," Jasmine said. "I don't think we look alike for no reason. We should learn more about each other."

Jandra looked at Jasmine. They were both foreigners in a strange land. They were both loners. And something inside her tugged her towards this girl. Some abnormal, yet perfectly natural, bond….

"Sure." And she continued walking.