Author's note. This is a story written using role play with me as Ratchet and Prowlsgirl as Thundercracker.

This deals with the subject of rape, just so you know and we've tried to handle it in a sensitive manner but if you are affected by the subject, don't read.

Enjoy and please review.

Ratchet growled softly as he sat on the hard berth. He'd been there for several cycles, ever since he'd been captured. It was beyond frustrating.

Thundercracker rubbed his wing and tried not to cry. Starscream had taken out his anger and frustration from another beating from Megatron on him again.

Ratchet growled again, he still could not believe he'd been taken by Starscream by all Mech's, after he'd just single-handedly driven off Soundwave and his Cassettes. Apparently, Starscream had been trying to make up for ruining Megatron's fight with Optimus by taking him, but Ratchet doubted this would have eased Megatron's anger.

The Medic shook his head, Megatron really was an idiot at times, treating his own soldiers like that.

Thundercracker was so busy brooding that he didn't notice where he was heading. He had been a loner for so long that his pedes automatically carried him to his favourite spots. He opened the door to the prisoner holding cells and sighed as it closed behind him. His entire body ached from the beatings from Megatron and Starscream. Megatron had beaten the entire trine for Starscream's failure. Follow that with Starscream's wrath and you got what Thundercracker looked like now: dents and gashes covering his entire body, Energon covering his body, and wounded pride and feelings.

Ratchet looked up in surprised as a Seeker entered and slumped to the ground, seemingly not noticing that Ratchet was there. This was a surprise.

As he examined the Seeker in front of him, he saw the clear signs of at least one beating probably more. Once again, Ratchet shook his head, this proved what he'd just been thinking. Knowing there was no point in being silent, he said.

"I can take a look at those if you want."

Thundercracker jumped up and looked around wildly. Who's there?! TC squinted, his optics not working correctly

Ratchet glowered as he saw Thundercracker's squint at him, obviously not seeing well. That Slagger had damaged his optics. Aloud he said, "It's me Ratchet."

"R, Ratchet? Aren't you that Autobot medic?"

Thundercracker's voice was full of caution with an undertone of pain

"Uh, huh. And you need to see a Medic" Ratchet said this kindly, he wouldn't sneer at someone who had gotten an undeserved beating.

Thundercracker stood up straight, fighting the intense pain that wracked his system and said, "I am not weak, Autobot."

Ratchet raised an optic brow.

"Did I say you were?" he asked calmly before saying.

"Though from here I can definitely diagnose stubborn pig-headiness."

Thundercracker growled.

"I am not weak" he mumbled again pain lacing his voice.

You're worse than Ironhide," Ratchet snorted, before standing up. Come here you, and let me look at you."

Thundercracker bit his lower derma plate nervously before walking forward and opening the cell. He then stepped back and watched the medic cautiously

Ratchet smiled as the blue seeker came forward. He moved to one side and indicated that Thundercracker sit down.

Thundercracker followed Ratchet's instructions and winced as he sat. Aft kicking wasn't a joke where Megatron and Starscream were involved.

Ratchet grimaced as he saw Thundercracker wince as he sat down, he'd need to deal with that. Getting up, he said, "It'd be better if you lay down, makes it easier for me."

Thundercracker lay down on his back, wary optics on the medic.

"We're not in my Med Bay so there is a limit to what I can do" Ratchet informed his patient as he scanned him. "But I can still something to fix you up."

Bending down, he started to fix broken wires and put them back in their place. Thundercracker shivered at the gentle hands. Suddenly the door burst open and Megatron and Starscream came in, arguing as usual they froze when they saw Thundercracker and Ratchet.

"Slag," Ratchet hissed as he stood up and turned around to face them. Folding his arms, he said, "What do you two want?"

Thundercracker whimpered as both their eyes focused on him.

"Thundercracker get over here!

Thundercracker shrank back from both voices. He didn't think he could handle another beating. Ratchet's optics narrowed.

"Unless you're taking him to your Med Bay, he isn't going anywhere until I've seen to him."

It was times like this he wished he had his wrench. Really wished.

Starscream knocked the medic backwards and grabbed Thundercracker's wing, dragging him out by force. Without a word both Megatron and Starscream started to beat the light blue seeker.

"Get the hell off him" Ratchet snarled and punched Starscream right where his tanks were located. As the red Seeker doubled up, Ratchet used his own body to smash into Megatron, knocking him off Thundercracker. Quickly getting up, Ratchet grabbed Thundercracker and dragged him away from his fellows.

Thundercracker was oblivious to the medic hanging on to him as he started to run. The only thing that was on his mind was that he had to fly. He was at the launch pad in minutes and took off with the medic still holding on.

This wasn't quite what he'd had in mind but considering how angry Megatron and Starscream were likely to be, he wasn't complaining. He only hoped the blue Seeker knew where he was going

Thundercracker became aware that somebody was hanging onto him after a few minutes. He looked down and stopped in midair, staring at the medic with wide optics.

Grinning nervously, Ratchet nodded, not wanting to let go and wave.

"Hope you don't mind me tagging along," He yelled

Thundercracker was suddenly overcome with fatigue and his thrusters gave out. He felt the wind roar around him as he plummeted to Earth.

"Frag," Ratchet yelled as they plummeted. He started shaking the blue Seeker, not fancying going splat on the hard Earth ground

"Pull up, damn you. Or slow down or something," he yelled as the ground came closer.

Thundercracker didn't register the words but instinct recognized the sensations of falling. He flipped over and managed to power up his boosters to slow the fall. He hit the ground hard absorbing the impact.

Ratchet had held tight as they'd finally slowed but even though the blue Seeker absorbed most of the impact, it was still enough to rattle his insides "Oof" He ground out as he and the Seeker collapsed on the ground. For a moment they lay there, then Ratchet sat up and bending over the fallen Seeker said.

"You okay?"

Thundercracker's optics flickered as he started to offline.

"Frag" Ratchet said softly.

"Don't you fall asleep on me yet, I need to make sure your processor wasn't damaged. Stay with me."

He shook the Seeker gently, trying to get him to focus. Thundercracker groaned and managed to stay online.

"It hurts," he whimpered.

"I know, just let me scan you and then you can sleep," Ratchet quickly scanned Thundercracker's head and to his relief, nothing was wrong. Drawing something from sub-space, he injected a blue substance into Thundercracker's neck and said.

"There, that should take care of the pain and you'll be glad to know there's nothing wrong with your processor."

Thundercracker just shuddered and fell unconscious.

Ratchet sighed as this happened, wishing he still had his comm, but that had of course been disabled when he'd been taken prisoner. Everything would have to be done the hard way. Quickly making sure Thundercracker would be able to travel, he transformed and got the blue Seeker into his back and then set off.

Thankfully before he reached the Ark, he came across Prowl who escorted him back to base, making sure no Decepticons had followed him and Thundercracker. And once at the Ark, he took Thundercracker straight to his Med Bay.

Some time later.

Thundercracker whimpered through nightmare after nightmare. All of them were full of blood and pain.

Ratchet sighed as he saw his patient tossing and turning in his sleep. Putting down his cleaning rag, he reached over and gently smoothed out the lines of pain on Thundercracker's forehead. Poor kid had been through a lot.

Thundercracker jerked awake at the touch.

"W, where am I?"

"Shh, it's okay your safe here in my Med Bay," Ratchet said gently, continuing to work out those pain lines.

Thundercracker trembled and took a deep breath, "Okay."

Nodding, Ratchet says" You've been out for quite a while, so I've pretty much fixed you up. All you need to do now is rest and recover."

Briskly, Ratchet made his way over to a dispenser and poured a cup of Energon before making his way back.

"Energon?" he offered.

Thundercracker lunged and grabbed the cube, gulping it down hungrily.

Smiling, Ratchet said, "Ah, you've got an appetite, that's a good sign."

Thundercracker looked embarrassed.

"I haven't eaten in days. Starscream wouldn't let me."

Ratchet looked at him sharply.

"No Energon in days? Why is that?"

Thundercracker looked down at his hands as he said, "I, I screwed up, okay?"

Ratchet snorted.

"The twins screw up all the time, but they don't get deprived of something as essential as Energon. Just how does your Commander expect you to fight?" he said flatly.

Thundercracker stiffened. "Speaking of Commanders...,"he begun.

"If you're wondering about Prime, he won't come near you until I say so," Ratchet said firmly.

"He doesn't want to talk to me?"

Ratchet shrugged as he said, "He does, but that's because he's Prime, he has to. But like I said he won't until I say so, he agrees you're not enough of a threat for there to be any hurry."

Tundercracker sat bolt upright optics glinting madly.

"What does that mean?" he demanded.

"That you're not about to start blasting everything in sight or attack for no reason," Ratchet said as he eyed him. "Are you?"

Thundercracker sighed as his shoulders slumped.

"No, that's every other Decepticon."

Ratchet gave his shoulder a pat as he said, "Well, there you go. That's why Prime isn't in any hurry, he'll talk to you when you're good and ready."

Thundercracker sighed again, bringing his knees to his chest Ratchet? "I, I'm still hungry...

"Hang on a minute."

Ratchet went and got a another cup of Energon and handed it to Thundercracker, saying, "Don't drink too fast or you'll purge."

Thundercracker nodded as he took it. "I've done that before, but I can't help it. After he punishes me I'm so weak and hungry."

Ratchet's optics glinted dangerously as he said, "This Starscream again or Megatron?"

Thundercracker flinched at Ratchet's tone.

"Both. I'm too free spirited, so they punish me."

Thundercracker kept his head down, focusing on taking the Energon.

"Free spirited? Hell," Ratchet muttered as he rubbed his forehead.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Looks back at Thundercracker and said gently, "As long as you're here, you'll get Energon."

Thundercracker nodded and kept his optics on his energon. His insides twisted as he wondered if Ratchet knew what else Starscream and Megatron had done.

Ratchet coughed lightly.

"Thundercracker. Is there anything you want to talk about? Despite what you may have heard, I am good at listening."

Thundercracker looked up, fear in his optics. "No, why do you ask?" His voice was high with discomfort.

"Thundercracker," Ratchet said gently, "I've had several hours to treat and examine you."

Thundercracker stiffened "So what?"

"I've found certain injuries on your body, Thundercracker," Ratchet said softly. "And I know what they mean."

Thundercracker didn't move.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, easily slid into the mask of arrogance that Starscream had taught him how to perfect.

"No? I'm a qualified Medic, Thundercracker and I have seen a lot of things in my time, more than anyone would want to see. And I know you know what I'm talking about, so don't try to pretend otherwise," Ratchet said firmly, arms folded.

Thundercracker snorted looking up, defiance in his optics "What would you know about me? You don't know anything!"

"I know you've been raped by those who should be protecting you," Ratchet said harshly but in a quiet voice.

Thundercracker froze. "I, I have not!"

"Oh so I'm mistaken," Ratchet said with a raised optic brow. "The tears in your port, the damaged wires, that not rape, that's just rough interface?"

Thundercracker snarled, "SHUT UP!"

"They hurt you Thundercracker," Ratchet said quietly, not fazed by Thundercracker's threatening look. "You have to accept what they did was wrong."

Thundercracker leaped up and screamed, "Shut up! You don't know why they did that! I disobeyed orders. I had to be punished!"

"Punished by being raped?" Ratchet says in disbelief.

Seeing Thundercracker about to speak he said, "No, you just listen for a moment. When you disobey, you are disciplined, yes that's true. But you are disciplined by doing punishment chores, losing privileges or even serving in the brig. You are not, I repeat, NOT raped."

Once again Thundercracker started to speak, but Ratchet cuts across him.

"Prime never hurts those under his command like that, and neither do any of his officers. And if anyone is caught doing that, THEY are the ones punished. Don't you dare make excuses for the ones that hurt you, Thundercracker."

Thundercracker bellowed and swung at Ratchet in a blind rage.


But Ratchet grabbed his fist and spun him around, wrapping the Seeker's arms around his own body and holds him there.

"Let it out," he says quietly as the Seeker thrashes, "Let it all out."

Thundercracker sobbed and screamed trying desperately to get away. But Ratchet refused to let go and held him firmly despite the Seeker's screams. Finally, the blue Seeker started to tire.

Thundercracker eventually collapsed weakly into Ratchet's arms, spent. He cried softly as Ratchet held him close, rubbing his back soothingly, "Shh, it's okay, they can't hurt you here, and you're safe here."

"Why? Why do they hurt me? I try and try and try and they give Skywarp all the praise and pleasure," Thundercracker sobbed.

Ratchet sighed.

"Because he isn't free-spirited," he said softly.

"Because you have a mind of your own which they want to control. So they hurt you, and you try to please them, because more than anything you want them to tell you that you're good and their proud."

Thundercracker trembled and pressed against Ratchet, nodding in agreement.

"But the thing is Thundercracker, you never can. You can never please them, so they will keep on hurting you until you're utterly broken," Ratchet said softly as he continued to comfort the blue Seeker in his arms.

"No," Thundercracker moaned softly, "I just want to please them. They saved me. I just want to fit in."

"That's not fitting in," Ratchet says softly as he took Thundercracker over to the berth so that they could sit down and be more comfortable.

"Even if they saved you from Unicron himself, that doesn't give them the right to treat you like that. Do you understand?"

"Y, yes," Thundercracker whimpered, hugging himself.

Ratchet smiled sadly, "Well, that's a start."