Sparks of Cybertron

Author: Sylenttails

Rating: FRT

Fandom: Transformers & Harry Potter crossover

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers and Harry Potter. They belong to their respective creators Hasbro and JK Rowling.

Warning: Mech on Mech loving or yaoi, violence, crack.

Pairings: Optimus/Harry (Stormbolt), Miles (Skyflare)/Jolt, Robbert Epps (Nightshade)/Sideswipe, Prowl/Jazz...

Summery: What do you get when the powers of the Allspark and Magic meet? Well one wormhole thru time and space,

Change of species and war that is older than the human race.

An: "blah" Magic is speaking

"Blah" Primus/Allspark is speaking

Chapter 1: Trippin' Through Time

When the Allspark was dropped, the wave of energy generated by the fall spread like a tidal wave throughout the world. Only to be followed by the tsunami that was the destruction of the cube. The power released by the dying artefact was awesome indeed. The energy was felt throughout the world; washing it in creative energies that spawned untold numbers in the indigenous life found on the planet. A population boom was experienced from the smallest plants to the largest of sea fairing creatures. A wave of power that rippled not only throughout the world but throughout time and space.

All would have been well had not an equally powerful yet opposite energy been released at the exact same moment on a world where magic instead of technology was law. Where one boy sacrificed his very power to rid the world of an evil so great, four generation have only known fear. The released power of death collided with the wave of life, creating a connection to both dimensions. A portal that could potentially send a person of one world into the other. The potential was great but for one fact. Both energies had conscious thought and were considered gods in their own right.

When the two energies met, they noticed the same things about the other. They were power, they were opposite, they were sad. They should never have met.

[Space and Time]

Magic contemplated her counterpart knowing without asking that something had gone wrong for the creator of mechanical life. Just as she knew that something had gone terribly wrong in the plans her opposite had made to correct the problem.

"It feels like a set up.", She muttered lowly thinking of her precious son, near death thanks to ungrateful humans upon her own world. A son, who slept on the thin line between life and death.

If the Spark of Primus could nod, he would have. Instead he gazed at his counterpart in complete understanding. Knowing that although she rarely had children she gave her power freely in hope to see the younger races flourish. He gave his children life and thought and programming, dreaming of the day when they would grow beyond him.

"Perhaps it was. Or not. If such an enemy to us both existed, they would have surely shown themselves before now."

"Says the energy who's own plans have fallen into the ether." Magic's voice was laced in sarcasm, "Yet here we are, with very few ways left to us to help those we call our own. With very little in the way of physical presence in our worlds. And little to none in the ways protecting our children."

Primus sighed, acknowledging the facts. Yet hope remained if his counterpart was agreeable. "Perhaps we can help each other."


"Yes. A way to protect both our children, their futures and potentially help one world. For I assume that you'll be punishing the humans on the world you inhabit?"

"Oh yessss.", She hissed angry, " No longer will I make my home on that wretched world. Such betrayal shall give them the loss of all they hold dear!"

"Perhaps a little mercy is needed?", Primus asked taken aback by Magic's anger.

"Mercy? My dear opposite I don't have any mercy.", Amusement laced her voice this time, "They're lucky to have their lives."

"I'll consider that a small mercy then."

Magic snorted but said nothing, not wanting to enlighten Primus that it would be more merciful to kill them because of how dear they hold her power. Instead she changed the subject.

"Tell me how your plan would help my son."

"I would like to fashion him a body and make him one of my mechanical children." Primus replied.

"He has a soul not a spark." She pointed out.

The spark of Primus bounced a little as if in agreement. "I would transmute his soul into a spark. With his amount of power, his spark would have the brightness of a Prime. Yet I know him not so I cannot judge what kind of form he should take."

Magic hummed in thought for a few moments. "The greatest things he loves above his own magic is flight and family. He would gladly give his life in defence of those he claims as his own. Has a large hero complex. Is excellent in combat but has had little to no opportunity to find any hobbies or things that might interest him. He played seeker in the human flying game called quidditch and considered very fast and dexterous."

"Then I have the perfect form for him. He could be a Seeker. They are a flying mech with a need for the sky. Yet there is a small problem."

"A problem?"

"Yes. Seekers are always sparked in threes. Would any of his fri..."

"NO!" Magic cut Primus off with a jerk of her energy, hissing again in anger, "Not a single one of those wretches are worthy. As for your problem, would it not be better to give my son two from your own universe in order to help him?"

It was Primus' turn to hum in thought. "It can be done. That is indeed the better idea. Yet are you sure none of.."

"Yes." She cut him off again, not willing to even think about the idea. "Pick two and be done with it. Provided all three agree."

"Of course. Free choice is the right of all sentient creatures. What shall you do in the mean time?"

"I will begin my withdrawal from that world and take up residence in your own. I think it's time I change the way I go about things. Enough let us go to my son and see if he agrees."

"Lead the way, Lady."

The two opposing energies glowed brighter then even a sun for several astral moments then winked out of existence. Yet where they stood power still flowed and grew to such a high until metallic bodies began to form. Waiting for the right moment to act.

[Wizarding world: Diagon ally]

The Goblins of Gringotts bank were rushing about quickly yet efficiently. The hoard Lord Ragnok had rushed out of his office snarling orders. Soon after and with a little persuasion, the rest of the goblins had learned that Magic herself had visited and informed them that they had until the end of the week to leave this world. For Magic was leaving and taking her son with her.

That meant the goblin race had little reason to stay. They served Magic first, her children second and everyone else as a long and often forgotten third. Or when they were really, really bored. All the riches and artefacts located in the vaults of the bank would be relocated to Her son's accounts, without the small fee for freeing them and ridding the world of the current and last Dark Lord.

In their minds, they owed the Wizarding world nothing and will be taking their riches as payment owed for all of the goblin made artefacts that was 'lost' in the Wizarding world.

In deep underground caverns, giant crystals began to glow and vibrate with magic. Soon the magic began to trace the lay lines built into the bank's very foundations. And with a loud bang the bank disappeared taking most of the Wizarding world's financial backing with them.

[Wizarding world: Little Hangliton battlefield]

Harry's consciousness floated in between waking and sleeping. He knew that he'd feel a great deal of pain should he wake up. And sleeping sounded so wonderful. Like flying this sleep offered him an out. To escape the horrors that he lived through, and the reality of being abandoned on the battlefield by his so called allies.

"I'll kill them! How dare they treat my son in such a way." A female voice snarled in his head, causing Harry to wake a little.

"You said you'd let them live. Remember?" a deeper male voice reminded in amused but agreeing tone.

"I've changed my mind."

"Focus. We need to talk to the youngling before he slips into Death's servos."

"Oh shut it. Harry my son. I would apologize for what has been done in my name. I am called Magic and this other being is Called Primus and we have an offer for you my son."

Well that a new one, Harry thought. He couldn't see the divine beings because of the darkness surrounding him. Yet he was comforted by the fact that it was so dark.

"What offer?"

"A new World. A new form. A new life. Family and Friends to call your own. A new sky to lose yourself in."

"Sounds good but what's the catch?" Life had taught Harry about such offers and the price tags attached to them. The two beings near him didn't say anything for a long moment.

"That is up to you, my son. There is a war going on in that world right now."

"Yet you need not participate. To my children you would be considered a sparkling. To young by their standards to fight at all let alone take up arms and enter combat. In their world view you would learn to fly and other small things, not fight if they could help it."

"Your body lies broken and close to death. You could choose to take your final rest now with no fear of penalty. Either way this world will no longer affect you."

"Should you take us up on our offer you will find that which you hope most for."



"Oh... Okay then, I accept."

"No other questions or concerns? We'll try out best but there is a great possibility that you will not be able to talk to us again."

Harry thought deeply but slowly shook his head, unsure if the two beings would see his answer. "I can't explain it. This feels right to me." He shrugged, "So what do I have to do?"

"Relax sparkling and sleep. When you next wake you will be free of the physical pains haunting you."

In a small but important battlefield, Harry Potter the Boy-who-lived, breathed his last. His death would send the Wizarding world into a month long mourning.

[Earth: Mission City]

Miles Lancaster stared after his fleeing friend in absolute shock. He had last seen Sam on that fate filled night where he had been left behind while his best friend since eating worms had abandoned him to go out with the jock whore. Drive the sweetest, if old, car he had ever laid living eyes on.

Now Miles could only stare as Sam Witwicky fled from freaking huge robots. A demonic looking one pursued his friend into a building while another one flew over head attacking the F-16's trying to support American ground forces. Miles looked around and quickly headed towards the soldiers in hopes of helping out. Right in front of him, Sam's Camaro changed into another living but not as large robot.

Well that put a whole new spin on the demonic and possessed car thing! Miles watched as the Camaro's legs were blown clean off. He saw a couple of injured solders and moved to help them. Suddenly, Miles more felt then saw the shape of a fighter plane overshadow him. Miles looked up just as he was tackled by one of the uninjured solders and a dark haired boy his age. It would already be to late of course. The jet landed right atop of them as Sam shoved the Allspark into Megatron's spark.

"Oh shit!"

Robert Epps couldn't believe their friggen string of bad luck. If it wasn't the idiots in black screwing with his team in a pathetic show of one up-man ship; it was giant freaken robots in a classic attempt at hostile world take over via a freaken old and all powerful artefact. It sounded so sci fi B movish that Epps couldn't believe he just thought that!

Anyway back to the giant robots trying to kill them. He had gotten separated from his team by a helicopter Decepticon. Some running later he caught sight of a boy the kid's age staring and running toward the downed soldiers. When he saw a missile from the tank Decepticon coming towards the kid, Robert Epps didn't' think, he just acted. He and another darker haired kid tackled the blond just as a downed jet crashed into them. And all he could think was.

"Just my luck."