Hi there welcome to the bonus from Fenton Ghost Mind-Reader! Enjoy the bonus chap! It just a short sequel hope you enjoy it! Still sorry for the grammar! ~Pii

After get his parents' permission to play with the Fenton Ghost Mind-Reader, Danny flew to the Ghost Zone. He already told Jazz, Sam, and Tucker to watch out the news, because he's going to Vlad's castle via Ghost Zone. Of course Danny's friends can't imagine what will happened with that fruitloop. They want to come with Danny as well but Danny not let them, it's one of his over-protective.

Danny flew trough the Ghost Zone, then he see Johny 13 and Kitty.

"Kitten I love you. You know that I always love you" said Johny.

"Lie!!!" said Kitty, cross her hands.

"I am not lying!"

Danny looking at them, still with the Ghost Mind-Reader on hand. "What's wrong? You two not trying to make troubles right?" ask Danny.

"Of course not! I need to dealing with my Kitten, she don't want to believe me I not lied!" said Johny.

"You lied!!!" Kitty yelled.

Suddenly the Ghost Mind-Reader speak, "I like Jazz more than her, Kitty really annoy me every time she angry at me!" Danny and Kitty shocked, Johny stepped back. "Uh… I mean…"

"She's cute and sweet. More than Kitty"

"What… Youuuu"

"Get away from my sister!!!"

Danny and Kitty unleash their fury on the poor Johny. "Noooo girls why you must fighting over me!!!"

"I am not a girl!" said Danny. Insert funny music here just to make things more funnier.

Danny continue flying, then he see the Lunch Lady with a tray of cookies. "Want cookies, darling? No. That's not right. Want cookies?" the Lunch Lady talk to… herself? Why she doing that? Danny landed.

"Who you're talking to?" ask Danny.

"Uh, it's nothing. Want cookie?" ask Lunch Lady, show the tray of cookies. But the Ghost Mind-Reader broke the silence! "I want to give it to my dear Box Ghost"

Lunch Lady surprised. "Huh?"

"I love that Box Ghost trough he is small and stupid. But I like him so much I wonder if he can love me back."

"Why it can read my thoughts!??? Youuuu!!!!" Lunch Lady turned into meat monster. "uh… actually… you will get a daughter named Box Lunch in the future, but I don't really know. BYEEE!!!" Danny fly away before Lunch Lady turned back into herself and say, "Huh? What? Yay! I am going to married with Box Ghost!"

Danny fly again then a beam appear, almost shot him. "Whoa! What's that?!"

"Miss me whelp?!" Skulker coming towards him.

"Skulker! What do you want now?! And…" Danny notice he just pass the Skulker Island. "Right."

"You messed up with the small weird device last time now I'm going to get your pelt!" Skulker about to fire, and Danny close his eyes. Then a voice come from behind, "What's it, Skulker?"

Skulker turned back, and Danny open his eyes. "Huh?"

"Oh, that's Dipstick. Long time no see Dipstick." Said Ember McLain.

"Oh, it's you." Danny stopped. "What do you want I just passing by!"

"I just going to meet Skulker, no big offence." Said Ember, but the Ghost Mind-Reader, again…

"Oh this' just perfect. I just looking after Dipstick and he's here! I really must tell him that I love him!"

Danny, Skulker, and Ember shocked. "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"It's that device again! It read minds!" said Skulker.

"WHAT?!" Ember yelled, then she looking at the Ghost Mind-Reader.

"No! This machine told him about my secret! I really love him! I really really love him!"

Danny blushed, "excuse me…" Danny fly away from Ember, who blushing too and Skulker who got a heartbreak. "NOOOO WAIT!!!" Ember yelled. "I love you" said the Mind-Reader. Danny just fly away with a blushing face.

"Great." Said Ember, she looking at Skulker who keep silent. "Why you're so silent?"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" Skulker fly away as he lost his love, insert funny music here.

Danny fly again, "Man! I can't believe that! Ember loves me!"

"Ember loves me! Ember loves me!" said the Mind-Reader. Danny sighed when it just read his mind, suddenly Danny noticed he arrived at Walker's Prison.

"No… I need to get outta here." Said Danny, but too late Walker and his guards got him. "Ghost Child! This time you can't escape anymore! And you bring a human-world item with you!"

"Oh no…" he muttered.

---Danny captured, they bring him to Walker.

"Well, hello there. You will go to my cell for another 1000 years?" ask Walker.

"Walker! Leave me alone!" Danny struggling.

"No use. And what with that real-world item? You broke the rules again!" said Walker.

"Rules, Rules, Rules in your mind! Can you think of anything else?" ask Danny.

"Of course. I am your judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and executioner." Said Walker. "Now what item you got here?" Walker grab the Ghost Mind-Reader. "Walker, NO!"

"Huh?" ask Walker when the Ghost Mind-Reader start reading his mind, "I really like Real World items like Bikini and Beach Ball. If only they can bring every Real World items for me more often"


Danny quiet, "So you take every items for collections?" ask Danny.

"NO! Why I must-" Walker paused by the Mind-Reader, "I must say I made the rules so they can look at me as a strong ghost but I made it for fun!"

Danny rolled his eyes, "Uh, guards?"

Guards start capture their own 'judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and executioner'. Danny got the device back, and got his way outside.

Danny continue to fly off when he saw Technus. "I AM TECHNUS! MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY-"

"…and the things with a long-name" Danny rolled his eyes. "No! Right! What's that thing on your hand!?" ask Technus.

"I like internet these days! I love seeing naked pictures and naked videos! Ohhh they just really goooodddd"

"What?! What's that?!" ask Technus. Danny raised his eyebrows. "Gross!" he exclaimed.

"I like it when they got pictures I will paint over it with paint brush! But it also nice without clothes!!!"

"Dude, you're… crazy…" said Danny.

"NO! Why it can read my minds?!!!" Technus screamed.

"Oh I like to see pictures of cute little teddy bears! Pink, blue, green, oh I also love this song 'I love you, you love me,…'"

Danny start to getting... sick, yeah… sick.

"NO! WHY!!! WHY?!!!!" Technus fly away because that thing read his every mind. The device keep singing. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family…"

Danny raised his eyebrows while looking at that machine. Really, who's mind on the Mind-Reader?

Finally Danny arrived at Vlad's castle. Vlad is in his room. Danny turned invisible and intangibility to Vlad's room. Vlad is whistling, then the Ghost Mind-Reader start speaking, Vlad seems surprised.

"I love Maddie, my cat, and Maddie, my love!"

Vlad turned around. "What's that?!!!"

"I just going to get my bowl of fruitloop after this!"

"WHAT?! Who's there?!" Vlad looking around but not found anything. "DANIEL!?!!!"

"It must be Daniel's doing! Where's that little badger now?!"

Danny chuckled, then become visible. "What's that uncie Vlad?"

"DANIEL! You! You….!!!" Vlad pointing at Danny who fly to the window. "Ooooohhhh" Vlad turned into Plasmius then go outside. "Where's he now?!"

Around him, there's the news reporter, pointing cameras on him. "Uh-oh"

"I hate Jack. I love Maddie. I name my cat after her, I like fruitloop. I am Vlad Master a k a Vlad Plasmius I will rule the world!"

"Wait?! What's that?!" Vlad wonder, looking left and right. "You're under arrest!!!" said one of GIW. "What?! Why I must-"

"You're being questioned! And experiments! Lots of painful experiments!"

"NO way! Why I must-"

"Because you're a half-ghost!"

"NO! NO WAY! DANIEL! WHERE'S HE?!" Vlad searching for Danny, Danny become visible. "Boo…?"

"I am a half-ghost! Wait, I love Maddie! I love you, you love me, we're a happy family…"

"Butter Biscuits!" GiW took away Vlad for experiments, leaving Danny alone with the TV reporters who videoing him. "So, Danny Phantom. You make a big news here that half-ghosts are exsist! We will search for infos of this hybrid! Do you know what other half ghost?" ask the woman from the TV crew.

"Haha, uuuh I don't know. I don't know other halfa than him and---… I might know one more. I mean I know but,… one is enough for the tests right?" ask Danny, holding his neck.

"Right! Thank you!" the woman set off. Danny call Jazz, Tucker, and Sam via Fenton Phones. "That was nice!"

"Yeah! You give a big shot! And that I love you song! Dude, you make my stomach growled!" said Tucker.

"Heheh, right. You know what? Uncie Vlad gonna enjoy his days with the tests!" said Danny. He looking at the Fenton Ghost Mind-Reader. "Right?" ask him.

The Mind-Reader answer, "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family…"

So who's thinking of that song?

Tadah! Done! Enjoy it? Review please :3