Chapter 26: Epilogue: The World Is Just Awesome

Ruins east of Installation 83-RK, 1915hrs
Lt. Astrid Hofferson

"Move it, Corporal; your equipment doesn't pack itself up! You're eating into your own rest time! The later you finish, the later you fall out!"

Harsh as always, I yell at the trainees, pressing them wrap up quickly. The transports back to camp were already here and waiting for them. Lazing around and taking their own time, it's going to require some tough training on my part to get them going, "The rules are simple, you don't follow them, your loss!"

We've converted the old ruins near the base into a live-fire training area for the Odin Squadron flight teams. The first batch of trainees is still wet behind the ears, not used to handling and riding their own dragons. Some are still stuck with trying to get off the ground without falling off; many are slowly getting used to the basic manoeuvres; only the few of us who have actually flown the dragons before are doing so effortlessly.

Arms crossed over my chest, I do some personal after-action review.

They're still lacking that bond between rider and dragon. They still lack trust in their steeds. Though understandably so; it's only been a couple of weeks since the great battle against what we now term the "Grey Reaper". Many of the trainees are young, and some have even lost their loved ones in that fateful battle. Trust takes time to build, it might be days, weeks, or even months before these riders bond with their dragons.

My brow furrows as I lose myself further in my thoughts.

"Whoa… hey there, Lightning," I am jolted back to reality by a gentle nudge from my hungry Nadder. Placing a gloved hand on her snout, I pat her warmly, telling her to wait for just a little longer. "Don't worry, Light, we'll be done soon. Just you wait; we'll get you a nice fresh piece of imported Atlantic cod once we get back to base, alright?"

She replies with a low, irritated growl. I sigh; Jack never told me dragons were so high-maintenance. She's already exhausted the supply of food that I brought along this morning for training. I didn't even get a bite in…

Speaking of Jack…

I look up to the evening sky. Slowly, the shade of twilight hues is spreading across the great canvas, following the receding orb of light. Above, a lone dragon glides about, climbing and falling through the thin layers of sparse clouds. A smile creeps onto my face, as I lose myself in the scene. Watching them fly… I feel a sense of tranquility. It's strangely therapeutic.

Another purr from Lightning urges me on.

"Snotlout, make sure everyone gets back to base. Do a headcount, then fall them out. Go ahead without me and Jack; we'll make it back ourselves." I radio him instructions; Giving up to temptation, I get on Lightning, strap on my goggles, and take to the skies myself.

"Got it, Valkyrie One."

Picking up altitude, we climb higher and higher, reaching for the appearing stars. The air brushes against my exposed skin, and I recollect the memories of my first flight on Toothless. The beauty of the world, and all its sights and sounds, truly enthralled me, and for the first time, actually made me realise how awesome this world is.

I finally catch up to Jack and Toothless, taking position right behind them. Noticing me, Jack slows down Toothless, allowing Lightning to fly beside him.

We fly in silence for a little longer, taking in the breathtaking view of the night sky, the stars and the lights of the Installation that dotted the horizon. It's as awesome as it was the first time I saw it, never ceasing to amaze me.

"Never gets old, huh?" Jack is the first to break the silence.


"It kinda make you want to…"

"Break into song?" I finish the sentence for him.

"… What?" He looks at me, bewildered, completely caught off guard by my unexpected reply.

Coughing awkwardly to hide my embarrassment, I wave it off, "No… nothing, just… just ignore me; random thoughts."

Returning my thoughts to focus on steering Lightning, I try to clear my mind. Some stupid song just won't get out of my head…

Dragon Hangars, Installation 83-RK, 2000hrs
Lt. Astrid Hofferson

After putting the dragons to rest for the night, Jack and I take an evening stroll through the quiet base. The cool night air is refreshing, providing a nice respite from the tiring rigours of training.

A low growl breaks the silence. I blush, realising that it was coming from my stomach. Damn, I know I haven't eaten dinner yet, but this really isn't good timing! Highly embarrassed, I look away from Jack, hiding my beet-red face from him, while clutching my abdomen, "Oops… sorry…"

We continue in silence towards the canteen. "Hey, um… Astrid?"


"I… um… would you like to have dinner at the Officer's Mess Hall? Something a little more high-class… my treat…"

"Sir, are you asking me out?" Smirking, I ask teasingly.

"Uh… ah…" He awkwardly stammers, not knowing what to say.

"Ha ha… if you say so, Jack," ending his misery, I accept his offer. Leaning in, I seal the deal with a light, chaste kiss on the lips. Pulling back, my heart warms at that cute, awkward look on his face. I turn away and walk towards the in-camp restaurant.

"Anyway, I still haven't gotten back at you for having your face in my 'assets' last time." His face turns even redder at the mention of that little 'accident' we had weeks ago, obviously surprised and embarrassed that I still remembered.

"But… I already apologized… didn't I?" Chasing after me, he sputters his reply, tongue-tied.

Ah, the world is just awesome.

The World Is Just Awesome - Copyright Discovery Channel.

A/N - And that's a wrap! Many thanks to all those who have followed this story to the end. Your support has been greatly appreciated, it's what kept me going throughout. For those who can't get enough, more will come. I'm planning a series of one-shots just to flesh out a few ideas that never made it to this final cut of How To Train Your Dragon: 2015. Once again, thank you for your reviews and encouragement, and do look out for future releases!

Warmest Regards,