OKAY awesomeness hope u enjoy it, this is wat i meant by i'm writing lots of stories at once. i wanna get Spirit Bound (my version) finished before 18th may :) thought i'd put it out there . . . anywho go wild. i like reviews hint hint

I had made it back to St. Vlad's after killing Dimitri, my mentor, my love and the reason I am the way I am today. All I had to do was pass my final field exam and Lissa and I would be out in the real world getting on with my life after all I had finally let Dimitri carry on with his well after life I guess you call it, if there really was such thing at least he wasn't roaming the world as a strigoi. It was all so depressing I found myself changing a lot. I didn't know if it was in a good way or a bad way "Rose? Is that you?" I heard Alberta's voice "we all thought you wouldn't come back" when Alberta said that I knew she didn't mean go and live another life, she meant everyone thought I was dead.
"Well surprise! Besides you can't get rid of me that easy" I said it was still dark and she probably wouldn't be able to see me very well but I could see her just fine. She let out a little laugh was she really laughing at a time like this?
"Yes, it's defiantly Rosemarie alright"

I walked out of the dark and into the lighter area and I saw Alberta flinch when she saw me "Rose what happened?" I know I didn't look like shit on the outside because I freshened up before the long agonizing flight back with a little kid kicking my chair the whole way I leant a lot of control on that fight, I almost broke his nose. She could tell how I looked on the inside, after all she had known me most of my life.
"I had some things I had to sort out" I sighed "got them sorted, I'm back now" she sighed and walked up to me and hugged me. Guardian Petrov just hugged me!
"It was Dimitri wasn't it, you killed him" she hugged me tighter "I knew you guys were more than a mentor, student relationship" I hugged her back and started crying now that was something I haven't been able to do for a while. When I stopped crying Alberta finally let go and pulled away herself
"is it alright if I come back and graduate?" I let a small smile spread across my face no matter what happened I always ended back at St. Vladimir's
"sure, but you'll need to sign more forms" she said "your mother has already signed the form hoping that you'll come back" I knew mum would do something like that she is well prepared and usually gets what she wants
"sure" I replied
"great, go back to your old room unpack and come and see me then I'll have the forms" Alberta smiled and walked off.

I didn't have anything to unpack considering I didn't really take anything with me other than a bag of clothes. When I got to my old room it had not been untouched, I sighed we didn't have very long till I was out in the real world if Lissa even wanted me as her guardian after the way I left I knew what she felt betrayed, hurt and offended that I chose myself before her. I felt dirty again so I decided to have another shower before I left to go resign myself back to St. Vladimir's.

The hot shower felt amazing on my skin I felt my muscles relax from there tensed state, for once I finally felt a little bit safe Dimitri was now dead and at peace so was his family after the news I gave them, and I was his widow I always would be even though we weren't married. When I felt the hot water turn cold I got out into the heat of the bathroom and got changed into long pants and a baggy t-shirt.

As I made my way to Alberta's office I noticed that the school was crowded with students that I hadn't even noticed on my way in, they were all staring at me whispering although they should probably whisper a little softer because I could hear them perfectly fine. I continued to ignore them until I had made it to her office I knocked and helped myself in "I'm here to fill out the form" I said making eye contact with her, she nodded her head, gave me a piece of paper with writing on and a pen I couldn't be bothered reading through the form so I sighed.

I started heading out the door but before I could I heard a voice
"are you sure your okay Rose?" said Alberta, she seemed very concerned
"I have to be, I can't let my feelings get in the way of protecting a moroi's life" I added flatly, I had gotten good at my guardian mask and hiding my feelings these events that had recently just happened made me a stronger person for the good and the worse
"you were stronger than I was" Alberta sighed "but maybe I was a strong in the sense that I got up and walked away" she was looking down as she said all this
"you had a relationship with another dhampir? Is this why you understood me so much when I left and . . . came back?"
she sighed "yes, we probably would've ended up together but I had to put my moroi's life ahead of his, and he go attacked" she said
"it must have been hard"
"I still feel powerless over that everyday, I decided that once that happened I didn't want to be doing that so I came to the school to be a guardian"

Although my mother's relationship with me is improving, Alberta was always there for me in my years here at St. Vlad's she was like my mother figure, and now I only understood her so much more. It was lunch and after I would start my classes again like usual Alberta said she would catch me up not that there was much to catch on, I'd already done all the work with my old mentor she'd just be practicing for the hell of practicing and I was fine with that, the more training the better no training could ever fully prepare you.

I walked into the cafeteria because for once in a while I actually felt hungry, I opened the door and everything was silent it was kind of funny really out of all the things I've done their all silent now. I saw a blonde haired girl that I hadn't seen in ages with a furious expression on her face. Lissa. She came and slapped me "how could you just leave me like that?!" she asked
I was shocked but before I could answer her and all the other royal girls that were behind her stalked out.

Since I couldn't see anyone I really got along with I went to sit at a deserted table I was about to take a bite when someone came up to the table "this is kind of my table" said a familiar voice from behind me, I got up and started to leave only to be stopped I didn't say you had to leave, two is better than one"

ohhhhhhhh who is the mystery person, or hav i said it . . . one sec . . . .hahaha nope u'll hav to wait until the next chapter so u better review :) i hoped u liked it.