Chapter 1

Guten tag! (Is in German 2) This is my very FIRST fanfiction so please give me tips and advice over this! And please don't get mad at me if it isn't to your liking! This is the REVISED version, the other chapters might not be in first person like this. For some reason I began writing this in 2nd person to kind of see what it is like.. So I'm sorry if the story changes from 1st person to 2nd in the middle of it. During this summer it should be remade faster. Danke!

Disclaimer: Everyone else does this so... I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Disney.. the characters.. (If I did the male Organization members would be mine! Except Vexen and Lexaeus... You can have them...) ect. But I do own Aisuyuki as a character I guess.

*blinks* "Whaaat?" I whispered under my breath. Alright, now this is... really weird... I looked around this big grand white hall that I was in. It's so beautiful! But then I heard footsteps from down the hall and I saw a man in a black long coatish thing and BRIGHT red spiky hair. (*cough cough* obvious much) I just watched as he walked by me, not even noticing. Then he suddenly stopped, turned around, faced me and exclaimed, "What the hell?"

Ok so I have absolutely NO idea how I ended up in here and I can't remember anything, but for some reason their leader guy, Xenas, Xemnis... well I didn't catch the name but I did catch that some of the others call him 'The Superior One'. I didn't catch it because I was a little bit to busy, zoning off in my own little world, which is what I do when I go deep in thought.. And I'm deep in thought A LOT. What is this place? A building? Er castle? I'm not exactly sure yet. Guess I will just have to find some way to figure it out.

This is so awkward...I'm just standing here in the middle of this huge white room with a bunch of other guys in black coats. The leader guy, which is what I have taken to calling him, is talking to the red haired man, Axel. He told me his name as he literally DRAGGED me here. Hmmm... That vase is really cool looking. I walked towards it and admired it. Such beautiful patterns and- OOPS! I accidentally knocked it off its stand with the tiniest tap! Oh shit, nice going, lets make the creepy guys that I'm practically at the mercy of, HATE ME.. But Some big guy with.. uh dreadlocks..? (ok I don't know how to describe him.. whatever) caught it and set it back up and glared at me. Er... yeah... note to self: Stay away from this guy because I have only known him 2 seconds and he already hates me.. I quickly walked back to where I was standing and made a "I'm sorry" face to him, though he just continued to glare.. Hmph, he doesn't need to be so rude to me..

It seemed like 'The Superior One' is done talking with Axel. I awaited their answer kind of anxiously. "What is your name?" The leader guy asked me. "um, Aisuyuki, er.. sir." I muttered in response. He has a kind of interested look when he is observing me. It kind of creeped me out too. "And you don't know where your from and why your here? Only that you appeared here and you know your name is Aisuyuki?" You nod. That pretty much sums it up. "hmmm alright then, you can stay, but you will have to train like any other member here." HUUUH? I don't even know who these people are and I have to stay with them? *sigh* well I don't know anything else. I have no idea where I am and I doubt I could even find my way out ofthis castle let alone back home."Thank you very much!" I said as I bowed before him, Axel and the creepy guy that I think still hates me. "Alright since the only female here is on her... time of the month... I'm not going to force you to deal with Larxene. Axel she will stay in your room." I blushed a deep red at that and Axel looked shocked and confused. "uh, sure, I guess..." He said awkwardly and started to lead me to his room which I will be staying in. I'm... still SO confused.

Why am I always in such awkward situations?I sat down on the bed while Axel leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed. "So... Aisuyuki..." He starts but I cut him off to say, "Please just call me Yuki." He nodded and said, "You really don't remember ANYTHING?" I just looked down and shook my head "no". Axel got up and sat next to me with a comforting hand on my back, "Hey, hey look I didn't mean to make you feel sad, Xemnas said you can stay until you get your memory back, then you can leave." Sooo THAT was the guys name.. got it, mental note taken. "I know... now do you know what time it is?" I asked. He points at the clock on the wall, "oh its already 3 in the morning! Guess we should try and get some sleep. I take it you have no spare clothes?" I shook my head and said, "Just give me an old pair of your boxers, clean please, and a t-shirt and I will be fine until I can get some other clothes."

Axel looked surprised but got up and started rummaging through his dresser so I decided to look around the room, its basically just plain white with the exception of a few clothes scattering the ground. "Hey-ACK!" I fell off the bed in surprise because Axel's face appeared a few inches away from mine. He started laughing at me! "W-what do you want?" I exclaim. He kneeled down in front of me and poked my hair, "Are those natural?" I looked up at him and said, "Of course they are natural, I have had my highlights all my life." I have constantly been asked if my bright blonde highlights in the front of my hair was natural, they are, even though the rest of my hair is brown. No one knew why its like that either. "Well I think it looks pretty unique, I like it." He said to me. I sort of blushed a light pink and said, "What about you? You have bright red spiky hair! I think yours stands out more then mine!" Axel smiles at me and said, "Very true." Then he handed me a pair of boxers with flames on them and a t-shirt that said, "I'm HOT and you know it." What have I gotten myself into?

I got into the pajamas Axel provided me and got on the bed, "Your sleeping on the couch?" Axel looked up at me from his spot on the couch with his legs hanging off the end, "Uh yeah beautiful, people would think differently if we slept in the same bed." I looked confused, "But this bed is like HUGE! I only had a single bed, this is like 3 times the size of my old bed! I'm pretty sure we will can both fit in the bed, besides just because your in the same bed doesn't mean its like a sexual relationship right?" (She is pretty confident, I doubt I could talk to Axel like that without freaking out and blushing 10 shades of red) He seemed to think about it and then nodded, got up and laid down on the other side of the bed, he is still like 2 feet away anyways.(That's how giant the bed is) Numerous questions ran through my head about the men in black coats and this whole castle and the members in it.. guess I will find out tomorrow. I slowly fell asleep, forgetting about the red haired man beside me.