Disclaimer: the names and places are not mine they belong to Anne Bishop and her world of the black jewels.
This is a repost. With many thanks to Kerie Nightingale I think you will find this much better.
Many webs were weaved, and all of them seen by one gifted Black Widow or another. All of them showed a hint of the future, but none revealed what was truly yet to come. Everyone saw power coming—dark, sweet power like none of the Realms had ever known. All of them saw true happiness shrouded by the past. They all could feel it coming, knew who it was they were seeing, but none could understand why she was returning now, or for whom she was returning; and none dared ask more.
Jaenelle Angelline sat in her private workroom, staring at her tangled web as a single, joyful tear rolled down her cheek. The web was not showing her exactly what would come but screamed at her, "It is time!" Being one of three tri-gifted Queens in Kaeleer, she needn't ask what it was time for she knew. Being a healer, but more than that, being the wife of one of the most sexual males in the three Realms, she knew. Sweet Darkness, she knew.
Her heart leaped into a gallop as she made her way to Daemon's study. She hated to disturb him, especially after he had asked so sweetly for a few short moments to go over the correspondence that Surreal blatantly refused to look at. Or, more to the point, the letters that the boyos had written him that she had plainly stated were, "too male for her to deal with." So it was outside the tall, dark-wood door she stood, wondering if she should disturb him or simply find a creative way to tell him what her web had shown her.
Daemon Sadi sat behind his dark wood desk, a thin, deep red lap blanket draped over his legs. Even with the warming spells and the fire, going there was still a chill to the room—a chill that he knew had nothing to do with the deep snow that blanketed the realm, but a cold that was coming from within. It wasn't associated with his temper, but from the lurking feeling that screamed, "Something is not right." It was a feeling he would need to talk to his wife about soon.
As if the thought of her had summoned the woman, the study door slowly creaked open just enough for her to poke her beautiful head into the room. She spoke softly, "Daemon?"
She sounded hesitant, almost worried. Hearing the almost stutter where one shouldn't have been, Daemon had to fight hard to keep a tight leash on his temper; and he would keep that temper leashed until he found out what or who had distressed his wife. Then he saw something dance behind her sapphire eyes, something close to lust, something that made him want. Not sure if he was picking up that subtle cue, he spoke softly. His voice flowed like soft thunder, "Sweetheart, is something wrong?"
She took a small step into the room, and then frowned. "Um… no, not wrong…" She took a deep breath "I just didn't want to disturb you since-"
Before she could finish speaking, he was in front of her close enough to feel her breath on his silk shirt, close enough to pull her tight against his body. Phantom hands caressed and calmed her. His gold eyes, filled with love and a bit of temper, looked down at her. It was times like this only a fool would dare disturb him, it was generally understood that nothing was to disturb him.
In a deep voice he crooned, "Sweetheart, you can interrupt me anytime you need." You never disturb me
When he looked into her sapphire eyes, he knew her mood had changed. She was no longer Jaenelle, his loving wife, but his Queen. "Is there something I need to know about, Prince?" Witch spoke in her midnight voice. He should have known he couldn't keep his dark mood from her.
One look into those deep chasms and a lesser man would have buckled, but this was the side of her he loved to dance with. But right now, he had other things on his mind. Trying to make her forget the question and partly knowing it wouldn't work, he softly kissed where her tiny spiral horn would be if they were in the abyss, nibbled on her ear that didn't end in a delicate point.
"We can talk about it later," he whispered His hands felt what could have been a sheer shirt of some kind under her blouse. It took more control then he would have liked not to vanish the blouse and see what he had found under it. In a frustrated mumble, he spoke into her ear "Or tomorrow," he paused liking that answer then continued "Yes we can discuss whatever you want tomorrow."
It was her fault she shouldn't have let him kiss her, not when she knew what those kinds of kisses lead to but she needed to end this if only long enough to get a clear answer from him. Since Witch was bringing out the more sexual side of him, she would try to speak as clearly and without any midnight in her voice… but how to keep the wanting out of it now was the question. "No, Daemon… tell…me…" she spoke between the long, deep kisses.
Knowing he wouldn't get what he wanted until he told her whatshe wanted, he glared into those glazed sapphire eyes. Well, he could tell her, but she wouldn't be able to do anything about it until she took care of another matter…and that suited him. Not knowing how to word it smoothly he settled for blunt. "Your nephew should have been here a few days ago. Lucivar should be having one of his fun little moods about now."
"My?" she looked into his eyes, but dismissed his worry, "You can't time things like that. Why would you even want to?"
Daemon gave her a half grin, "No, sweetheart you don't want to time those things. I however do keep track as does your First Circle-"
"Former First Circle."
Looking at her with that bland look no dared to argue with, he continued. "I'll go see my brother later today and in the meantime…" He didn't give her a chance to argue before lifting her off her feet and carrying her up the stairs to their rooms, not that he would have listened if she did decide to argue. Right now, he needed to focus, and whether she was Jaenelle or Witch, his Lady couldn't help him with this. No, what would fix it was finding out why his nephew wasn't here yet, or why his brother hadn't yet gone into his usual rut.
Lucivar passed through the gate that connected the Keep in Terreille to the Keep in Kaeleer—passed through it and was felt the moment he did. His temper that usually signaled he was about to brighten his father's day, flooded through the Keep. However, he wasn't making his way towards his father's study, or the family residence at the Keep. He was however, very quickly making his way to the closest exit he could find, and today that meant passing though the walls to get there.
Draca tapped on Saetan's door. In her sibilant voice said, "Ssomething iss troubling your sson."
He did a quick mental check, then cursed. Oh, he could go chase after his and walk onto a battlefield but… he let out an exasperated sigh, "Will you have someone deliver a post for me to Cassidy. I want to know what I'm walking into before I do."
"Of coursse High Lord. That iss a wisse decissionss." Her voice sounded amused.
"Will you tell me why you were so nervous earlier?" Daemon asked softly. They were lying on their bed Jaenelle's head resting on his chest.
"Hmm?" propping herself up on one elbow looked into those deep gold eyes. Licking her lips, she slowly spoke, "I think it's time."
"Time for what?"
"Time…" giving her best game smile she continued, "…to have a child, maybe?" She shrugged unsure how to read Daemon's face.
Confusion gave way to the purest of joy as he smiled lighting up even furthest depths of his eyes, a joy that was only mirrored in his voice as he said, "Oh, that time." He gave her a devilish grin as he flipped her over so that he was looking down at her.
Distress, anger, and something close to panic flowed across the thread that connected him to Lucivar's mind. *What's wrong, Prick?*
Looking into his face that only a moment ago was filled with joy, she could see something was very wrong. Worry filled her voice, "Daemon, what is it?"
Daemon held up a hand to gesture he needed a moment. A heartbeat later, he was getting dressed. Mumbling curses under his breath with a creativity that would have made an Eyrien blush.
In her midnight voice, Jaenelle asked again. "What's wrong?"
Now he stopped dressing and looked at her, shook his head. "He's not allowed to send those emotions though the thread, and then just not answer. He's not."
"Who?" she asked, watching as Daemon called in both of his Black Jewels and vanished his Red.
"My brother."
"I'm going with you." She flipped the covers off her.
A black shield fell over the bed. "No, you're not. Whatever has Lucivar upset won't be made any better by you going and getting yourself killed! Not to mention I would have to kick your ass if you did."
Jaenelle looked at him in disbelief. She was not going to point out to him that if she was dead he couldn't kick her ass. That however would be a topic for another day. No, right now she needed to convince him that she needed to go. "Daemon I can…"
"No. I'll handle this, Lady." Before slamming the door shut behind him, he added, "The shield will fade in a few hours; I suggest you rest until then."
Her nerves jumped when the door slammed. Oh, wonderful, she thought. Rest. Yeah right, how could she when her brother was calling her husband to battle. Daemon had shielded her so well that she couldn't even call in a book to read until it faded. And to top it off, the room, and bed, smelled of musk. Not something that she wanted to smell when she was trying to be mad at the males of the family. Well, not all the males of the family. After all, Papa hadn't done anything to make matters worse…Yet.
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