
Disclaimer: I do not own, in any way, the PJO series.

Clarisse POV

I know she sees me. Watching. Waiting. She's too damn smart to miss it. Daughters of Athena are known for their wisdom. What I don't get is why she hasn't said anything to me about it. Normally I can't get her to stop shooting off her mouth at me. Lately, though, she's been quieter. Sometimes when she catches me, she looks swiftly away, something indefinable behind her eyes. I want to know what it is, but that means I would have to admit to spending an unusual amout of time watching her.

I wonder when she first captivated me. It seems a hazy memory. So very long ago. Or not. I think it was when I first saw her. Haughty. Assured. Maybe it was her pride. Or the way she walked. Or even the motions of her hands as she explained something to Percy Jackson. Hmmm… Percy. The bane of my existence. I see him. How he watches her. How he pines. I saw her first! She was MY obsession first. He was too busy watching the other one, Thalia I think. Too bad she's a tree now. I see a flash of white teeth as she laughs at something the waterspawn said, and i am instantly furious. He is not worthy of even standing near her, but still she watches him. It drives me mad to see them interact. But still I watch like the wolf watches her own mate.

And now I'm sitting here, watching her again, because I just can't seem to stop. She is fascinating, addicting, beautiful, brave. There's more but it would take a while to finish. We're in the mess hall and I'm watching her eat the most decadent of fruits now from across the room. I can't help but be jealous of the strawberries as her lips wrap around each one. I wish I was the one carressing her succulent lips.

Oh man this can't be healthy. I'm starting to get jealous of fruit and what's worse is that I stopped getting chills when I wax poetic like one of Aphrodite's puffball children. But right now I can't look away as she licks the bright red juice from her lips. I'm hypnotized and aroused by the flash of pink. I'm sure that if I saw myself in the mirror my eyes would already be so dark they look black. But I don't want to stop watching. I want her. I want to devour her. I want to take her so hard that all those fancy words trickle right of her ears. Her lips are swollen. Her face is flushed. She is so beautiful. I trace my eyes slowly up her face, taking in every detail.

I started as I met her grey eyes. They were brighter than ever tonight. They shone like silver. She was staring at me. Not just staring though, she was smirking. And her eyes, her eyes. Just like mine, they were Hungry.