Everyone always thought Mark loved April as a sister. He never corrected them and April thought they were that close too. Mark wondered how everyone could love April so much, she was flawed as much as the next person and she was just another empty promise.

April did have enemies but they were just jealous. Even Mark could admit that April had good qualities, however she also had baggage. She never talked about her past even when you asked her. She preached that it was only today that mattered. Mark was constantly reminded of that when Mimi said no day but today. It seemed like Mark was the only one who hated April that wasn't jealous. But everyone else wondered how could anyone hate April? The beautiful red head, whose sparkling emerald green eyes held so much promise? How could anyone hate a girl who made their best friend so happy, the girl who wore creative outfits? Easily.

After all wouldn't you hate the girl who practically killed your best friend? Once April died part of Roger did too. The worst part, she left him a disease and a note saying that they had the disease. There was no cure for the disease, if you had AIDS you would die. Do you know what it's like to watch your friend go through being alive knowing they were going to die and part of their soul already gone? No, you can't know if you haven't been through it.

So, yes Mark hated April. The moment she walked into the room he instantly disliked her. At that time he didn't hate her. He had no idea where the dislike came from at the time. Now that he thinks of it maybe it was a premonition for the future. He didn't warn Roger at the time because he was knew Roger would get mad. Stupid excuse, but it was true, even before the drugs Roger had a nasty temper.

Everyone loved April. She was beautiful and crazy, funny and smart, sympathetic and comforting, loving and caring. Mark looked past all of that though, and he didn't like what he saw. He saw a coward and a flighty girl, he saw a liar and cheater. Maureen cheated on Mark more than once, he wasn't denying that. April cheated on Roger more than once, she slept with her dealer more than once. He wasn't being harsh he was telling the truth. April was not as perfect as everyone thought.

Then there were the drugs. Contrary to others beliefs April got Roger on the drugs. Roger wanted to get clean, April didn't. So Roger joined her, he got himself more addicted to the drugs. Another reason to hate her was definitely the drugs. The hell Roger went through during withdrawal that was April's fault. She didn't force the needle into his arm but she was the one who convinced him to try drugs.

It was going to sound bad. But when April died Mark felt relived. He shouldn't have but he did. Roger would want to get clean, he could meet a good girl, get married and finally have a family. His hopeful thoughts crashed when he saw the note. Yes, Mark was the one who found April dead in the bathroom. The worst part was Mark wasn't surprised, that April committed suicide or that she gave Roger AIDS.

Roger would have done anything for April. April wouldn't have done the same for anyone. April was friends with everyone and anyone. Maureen and April were like sisters, they were best friends. It seemed like Mark was the only one who hated April. But no one realized that Mark and April weren't siblings. Mark hated April, she gave his best friend a disease then killed herself. Now to Mark that screamed selfish. But he didn't say that, he went to the funeral and pretended April was like his sister. But in the end Mark hated April. No one knew that though, not his girlfriend, best friend or even April herself.