Magnificently Mad

Heavens Evangel

Rated: Maybe M...

Pairing: AlicexHatter/Tarrant, Mirana/OC

Disclaimer: Alice in Wonderland does not belong to me, nor do any of the characters, the world, or anything that has to do with this series. The only thing that belongs to me are OCs.

Chapter One: Nervous White Rabbit, Hopeful Stupid Girl

For four long (agonizing) years, Underland was flourishing under the rule of the White Queen, Mirana, but not all the inhabitants lived truly happy, one individual in particular, wallowed in silent misery. Behind a large goofy smile, lie a man heartbroken, but it had not gone unnoticed by the all knowing and kind monarch. Mirana was worried for Underland's most famous and beloved hatter, Tarrant Hightopp. She called upon Nivens McTwisp and Mallymkum to her throne room one evening for a chat.

McTwisp walked in to the white marble throne room, Mallymkum followed after him closely, wondering what her highness needed of them.

Mirana stood up and made her way to them. "Ah, so glad you two could come." She said in her soft voice.

They bowed to her.

"Why don't I just get to the point, shall I? As of late I have noticed something strange about the hatter."

"Highness?" McTwisp stared up at her.

"He smiles, but his eyes are empty." She said with sadness, her white hair falling over her shoulders as she shook her head.

Mally sighed softly. "He hasn't been the same since Alice left, like he died on the inside." She too looked quite distressed about the changes in her beloved hatter.

Mirana sighed. "I see, poor Tarrant. Then we shall just have to remedy this." A smile crossed her features as she practically glided to her throne. She sat down upon it slowly, with much grace and elegance although she was among trusted friends.

"How?" McTwisp asked as he looked at her, somehow he had a feeling it would mean several more weeks out in Aboveland with animals who wore no clothing and did unspeakable things meant for the privacy of one's nest out in public without a care as to who was watching, more weeks of almost getting eatten by the wild Abovelanders. It caused him to shudder.

"We'll just have to lure her back." Mirana said with a smile. "I'm quite sure she has done what she has set out to do."

Mallymkum felt herself light up, Hatter would be himself again, and she couldn't wait to tell him.

Mirana looked at her knowingly. "Mally, I need you to keep quiet about this; we want this to be a surprise. McTwisp, I want you to find Alice, explain to her that there is someone in Underland who need her.... muchness."

McTwisp nodded wearily, yet vigourously, who was he to deny the queen that had given him and the other inhabitants of Underland a beautiful and peaceful place to live in. "Y-Yes Your Highness."

"Mally, go with him, two bodies in search are far better than one."

The dormouse nodded to her, oh how she itched to tell Hatter.

Mirana dismissed them and the two went off to prepare.

Alice Kingsleigh had just arrived home to merry old London after a long business trip, father's business had flourished thanks to the posts that Alice had set up in China and as far as Japan. The business had been more than good to her. But now there was only one thing on her mind, the Hatter. Her dreams of him and his eyes filled with sadness haunted her. A few more loose ends to take care of and she would return to Underland, return to her hatter. She smiled a little so deep in thought that Alice failed to hear the door of her room open as she stared out the window to over look the gardens that held the entrance to the place where her heart belonged.


"Mmm?" She was hardly paying attention.

The older woman sighed. That girl, constantly with her head in the clouds. She went over and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"I noticed." She chuckled. "Head in the clouds, or maybe in Wonderland?"

Alice looked at her and blinked, a look of confusion crossed her face. "I thought you didn't believe in Underland..."

"Well, it seems your whimsy has rubbed off on me, or perhaps I have just been visited by something impossible and wonderful at the same time. Perhaps I should take up you practice of believing in six impossible things before breakfast." She smiled to her.

Alice was surprised at that. "An impossible visit?"

"Mm, by a rabbit in a waistcoat and a white mouse with a bit of an attitude. Or perhaps in my old age I have begun to go mad."

"Mally and McTwisp?" Her eyes widened as excitement pulsed through her veins. "Where are they?"

The door opened slowly and McTwisp with Mally on his shoulder peeked in.

Mally jumped down. "Alice!" She ran to her and climbed up her leg, scaled her jacket and stopped at her shoulder.

"Mally! It's been so long!" She couldn't help but give her a kiss. She made her way to McTwisp and kneeled down to hug him. "Oh how I've missed you two!"

McTwisp could not help but blush. "A-A-Alice."

She smiled. "How are things? How has Underland been fairing under Queen Mirana?"

Helen shook her head. "I'll prepare some snacks for your friends, I'm sure they've had a long journey." She smiled to them and went off to prepare a tray of carrots and cheese for the two, hoping that it would not offend them. Oh dear, I hope I'm not going to offend them with this. They do seem like... civilized creatures, I would dislike getting on their bad side.

Once she was gone, Alice lifted up McTwisp and brought him to the bed. She sat down and released him, then brought her legs up to the bed, crossing them in Indian style. "So, tell me everything! What have I missed and what brings you two here?" Although she wanted to know about all that, she really wanted to know more about Hatter... if he was alright, if he's calmed down, if he's gotten more mad. A part of her feared he had gotten worse in her time away.

"Everything is fine. Bayard and Bielle have had another litter of pups and the older ones are helping them take care of them. Chess is still causing mischief, the tweedles are the same as ever with what they're hitting each other every given chance and confusing the rest of us. Underland has changed quite a bit; you wouldn't be able to recognize it." McTwisp rambled on but did not once mention the Hatter.

Alice frowned at that, the one person she wanted to know about he wasn't telling her.

Mally could see the frown and noted her frustration.

Helen entered the room with a tray of sliced carrots and cheese as well as some other vegetables. "Here we are dears. I hope this is enough for now. May I bring you something to drink, it's almost tea time."

"Tea sounds nice, thank you."

Alice nodded to her and took a carrot for herself, enjoying it. "Thank you mother."

She nodded and left the room to put on some tea.

Mally looked at the cheese and raised a brow. She must think me a common mouse... but a good spot of cheese wouldn't hurt... She stabbed at it with her pin sword and took the chunk, starting to nibble it.

Alice noticed the look and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Oh dear, ah I have a tea cup you can use Mally."

Mally looked at her. "Alright, it doesn't match does it?"

"No, it's totally different from the set mother uses."

The dormouse gave a look of approval and sat down, eating her cheese.

McTwisp only shook his head, looking at the carrots and failed to resist them, it had been awhile since he had these, especially as fresh as that. So he partook of them quite happily.

It was hours before anyone mentioned the hatter, and it was annoying Alice to no end. She wanted to know if he was alright at least. Finally having the last straw she looked to the two of them and crossed her arms. "So, why haven't you two once mentioned the Hatter?"

Mally looked up and cocked her head to the side. "What ever do you mean?"

"You know full well what I mean, neither of you have mentioned him once..." a dark thought crossed her mind and she shook it off. "He's not...."

"No no! take that thought out of your head now girl." Mally flailed her hands around, looking up at her.

McTwisp shook his head. "Hatter is doing well..."

Alice noticed the slight hesitation in his words and peered down at him. "McTwisp..."

"W...What?" He started to wring his hands in nervousness.

"What is wrong with Hatter?" There was nothing but worry in her eyes as she waited for at least some kind of news.

Mally fidgeted. "Well... the Hatter he's.... alright."

"I feel there is a but in there somewhere."

"But... He's not... himself entirely... so to speak..." Mally was hesitant to tell her why.

"What do you mean not himself?"

"Well, he's working and all but he smiles and it's just not the same."

"Not the..." She sighed. Why do I feel like I may be the blame? "I want you to send word, that I will come back, but there are just a few more things I need to complete here. Will you do that for me?"

Mally nodded. "Y-Yes we will."

Nivens noticed the time and panicked. "We must be off! The Queen is waiting for us."

She nodded. "We'll see you again Alice."

Alice nodded and stood, going to open the door for them.

Nivens nodded to her and jumped off the bed, Mally climbed onto his back and Nivens hopped off out of the room and the house, into the garden and back through the rabbit hole to tell the Queen the news.

Helen came in not too long afterwards and looked around the room. "You're friends are gone?"

"They had a meeting with the Queen."

"Mm..." She saw the look in her eyes and sighed. "Something troubles you."

"Well I..." She sighed softly. "A friend seems to be in trouble and I have a feeling it may be my fault."

"A friend?"

"The Hatter"

Helen sat down on the bed. "You know Alice, when you speak of this Hatter, your eyes light up a bit."

"They do?" She looks up at her, unsure.

"What is the problem with him?"

"They say he hasn't been the same since the time I left."

Helen stared at her beautiful, pale, blonde haired daughter and noted how she sat full of worry. Several thoughts dawned on her. "You have feelings for this Hatter, don't you?"

Alice looked up. "You're... quite perceptive... more than I ever thought you to be mother."

"Well, perceptiveness comes with age." She said with a smile, "this- Hatter- means a lot to you, I can see it in your eyes as you speak of him. You're more than just concerned you're down right worried. How long has it been since you were last in that place?"

"Four years now to this day."

"Mm... I see. A-Are you planning on returning?"

"I was, I am." Alice was hesitant to tell her mother how badly she wanted to return the moment she stepped foot in London.

However, Helen could already tell what was running through her daughter's mind. "Then, you will go back."

Alice looked up. "Mother?"

"I'm old, I have my servants and your sister Margret and her children to take care of me. I do not need to depend on you." She smiled more as she reached over and placed a hand on hers.

"There are a few things I need to finish here mother, before I run off to Underland. Like my assets here, and arrangements for you. I've waited four years, I can wait a few more days."

Helen examined her for a bit. "Alright. But don't take too long, you'll end up prolonging things more then you have to. I should hate it if anything comes up and makes you leave again."

"Then I'll put my foot down and say no."

She stared at Alice for awhile and heaved a soft sigh. "Alice, I will miss you when you go, you will return at least every once and a while to visit me.... won't you?"

"I'm not sure if I can, but knowing her highness she can always make a potion to allow me to come here, if for a short amount of time." Alice gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure there is a way to communicated between worlds. If Nivens and Mally could come here to visit me I'm sure I can come and visit you."

Helen felt a weight lift from her chest and nodded happily. "Then I give you my blessings, like I'm sure your father would if he had been here." She stood and went to her, pulling her into a long hug before kissing her on the forehead and leaving the room.

Alice watched her go and laid back in bed, thoughts swirling in her mind. She would take care of what she needed starting tomorrow. She was hopeful that by the end of the week she would be able to return to the only place she ever really felt at home and back to her beloved Hatter. A smile crept onto her face as she thought on this, her eyes finally drooped as she fell into a deep sleep.


AN: I hope you like it so far, working on the next chapters. I hope to have them up soon. Hopefully this won't format weird like the other one I posted today.