
DC isn't mine, and the way the werewolves work is half-credited to my sister who helped me develope them.

Title of the fanfiction, plus inspiration for it's creation goes to Skillet for the awesome song.

Really, this is just something that very randomly popped into my head while I was longing to put certain songs on my iPod...

It created this...

No flaming me. Because if you flame me I will bite you, and Werecatism tends to be contagious X3

This was inspired, of course, by the song: Monster by Skillet!

If you haven't heard it I recommend it highly, it's awesomesauce and is kind of the theme for this whole fanfiction.

Chapter One- Ancient Law

The stars glittered coldly on a circle of cloaked men and women. Each cloak was dyed a certain color, though this was visible only to the wearers. They're superb night vision made it possible to see just as well in the darkness of night as they would in the daylight. Such was one of the perks of being what is commonly referred to as a werewolf.

"Kiria-sama..." A single young man, standing in the very center of the circle, spoke. His eyes were the color of obsidian, and what hair was falling out of the cowels of his hood was seen to be a dark shade of ebony. The man's eyes flashed with frustration as he bowed down respectfully, placing one knee in the wet grass and dipping his head while spreading his arms wide. It killed him to do this, and to a damn female of all things.

One woman stood apart from the entire group. Her hair was black, like the young man's, but her eyes were a brilliant shade of emerald. Twinkling and lively. Warm, and even gentle. Gazing down at the man before her something akin to pity lit that emerald gaze, and the man twitched with fury at that. "Kuziki-kun..." She whispered, lifting her hands so that he could rise to a standing position. "You have something that you wish to gather us for?"

"Yes..." Kuziki said, darting his dark gaze to a light-haired woman whose hood was pulled back. The woman's eyes were a cold shade of ice blue, and they narrowed slightly at the sight of his dark gaze. "Perhaps it would be best...if the counsel weren't present..."

"The counsel?" Kiria said, turning to glance at the woman behind her who returned the look with a level and cool gaze. "Anything that can be spoken to me can be heard by Onya-chan..."

Kuziki growled under his breath. To have that infernal ice-wench here...No matter. He blinked twice and turned so that his dark gaze met that of every standing person nearby. It wasn't brief eye contact either, but long looks that lasted sometimes ten seconds at a time. Several of the gathered persons began to growl under their breath. Kuziki smirked. One fault of being a werewolf was that eye contact made them incredibly uncomfortable.

"It is...the matter of 'human-kind' that has brought me to the Circle tonight." Kuziki said, lifting his pale fingers in a quoting gesture as he said the word "human-kind". The atmosphere was suddenly very tensed, and Onya rolled her crystalline blue eyes. Laugh while you can bitch...I will eventually get my way, one way or another.

Kiria blinked, "This matter once more Kuziki-kun? I cannot allow it, now or ever. Human-kind is not to be used as a food source. Those of our kind that have tasted human blood have lost much of their coherency. They have become more beast-like than intelligent. For the sake of our race I cannot allow us to feed on normal people. It does not matter to me how weak you claim them to be, or how you think we are opressed by their nation. True, we remain in hiding for our safety, but it is also for their safety that we keep our existence a secret. I do not wish a war between our species."

"Ne, ne Kiria-sama..." Kuziki said, bowing his head quickly as if he agreed with her. In reality he was burning on the inside. A terrible anger threatened to take him over the edge. Kiria never disagreed with his words so quickly, and by the smug look in Onya's eyes he could imagine that the infernal woman had put it in Kiria's head. Damn...I'll get nowhere at this rate... His confidence had vanished. "But...I do not necessarily require that we FEED on the mundanes, just quietly begin to infect their people. Eventually there will be too many 'Wolves to fight and our people will no longer have to live within the shadows-"

"Baka!" Onya yelled, and Kuziki whirled to see a beautiful white she-wolf standing in her place. Whatever clothing Onya had been wearing beneath the dark cloak that was still clasped around her throat floated to the ground in torn pieces. Her teeth were lifted in a snarl, and to Kuziki, the air felt a degree colder. "Our lives co-exist because it was meant to be. Our kind cannot always control ourselves when infecting others. That is why it was decided a hundred years ago that we would never use our fangs on mundanes again, and any mundane changed by our disease was to be destroyed. It is ancient law!"

"Is it so ancient, Onya-san, if it is merely a hundred years old?" Kuziki asked, dangerously on the edge of his own transformation. The familiar ache was beginning in his muscles, and his jaw felt heavy. Kiria stepped between them, making Onya lift her white head in surprise.

"Peace!" Kiria commanded, and Kuziki felt the wolf inside of him recoil. Oh but it was unnatural for a woman to be the Alpha. For a woman to rule and lead the Greater Pack. Kuziki unwillingly stepped back. "Onya-chan is right Kuziki-kun. Infecting the mundanes is just asking for trouble, and deaths...besides I will not risk a life of craving blood on my people. If we were to become addicted to the lifeforce of human creatures...Besides that, the writings of mundanes changed into our kind shows that the mundane goes through much pain and suffering. That they have a harder time accepting their beast, and gaining effective control over it."

"But-" Kuziki croaked, but Kiria waved her arms in a gesture to silence him.

"It is our duty as creatures of higher intelligence, our duty to morality, not to harm other creatures with intelligence. It is written in the oldest of laws that are, yes Kuziki, ancient. Every religion possesses laws that tell us we must not harm others. Must not kill others. Must not steal from others, and so forth." Kiria's green eyes grew gentle and warm, "We must do our best to live in peace with everybody."

"You are naive if you think you can continue life with complete peace..." Kuziki growled. Fury burned in his stomach and he stalked out of the circle. The night seemed to swirl around him as he spun around and cried out, "Do not forget, Kiria-sama, that it was I who tried to save our race."

"Our race needs no saving." Onya said, having returned to her human form once more. She was drawing her cloak around herself, and narrowing her eyes colored eyes at Kuziki, "Do not do something stupid, Kuziki-kun..."

Hattori Heiji was alone in the mountains. Not that he was complaining or anything like that...okay, so he was complaining. Rather loudly actually. "Ahou, getting herself sick on the day we were supposed to go camping. Then thinking I wouldn't go without her and begging me to go anyways..."

He was talking about his childhood friend, Kazuha. They hadn't been spending much time together lately, what with all the cases Heiji was taking nowadays and the run ins he had with a detective friend of his. In fact, a lot of the time they HAD been spending together usually ended with either Kazuha almost getting killed or Heiji.

Because Kudou's lying for himself all the time and he's got bad karma. Heiji thought with a twitch of his dark eyebrows. The young man turned a bored look in the direction of the view. Something that he would have enjoyed more if he had somebody to talk to. Heiji was a social person by nature, and besides...

He'd kind of been looking forward to this trip.

"Ahou." Heiji muttered, a little grumpily. Now had been one of the only times he had with his good friend, and she'd gone and gotten herself sick by running about in the rain looking for some classmate's lost cat or something. Which was dumb, why didn't she come and ask Heiji for help? He was a freaking detective after all, and even if looking for a cat wasn't something on the top of his to-do list he was a little hurt that she hadn't asked.

Not that he'd ever admit this in a million years. No way, nuh-uh.

It was around this time that he heard the snapping of a twig nearby. Curiousity suddenly piqued to the maximum, Heiji turned his head to stare in the direction of a sound. That didn't sound like an animal...Heiji thought, and he was right. The young detective narrowed his sharp green-blue eyes in suspicion. A man wearing a black cloak was walking through the forest.

Odd...why would someone wear something like that in a forest? Heiji thought, right before his mind whirred to one thing. A small detective who called himself Edogawa Conan. Of course, that wasn't his real name. His true name was Shinichi Kudou, and he usually wasn't 'small'. After sticking his nose in the wrong sort of business he had been shrunk down to the size of a little kid by some sort of drug...

By men who wore black.

Kudou didn't really describe them as wearing cloaks, but he would kill me if he ever found out that I saw something that was even a LITTLE suspicious and didn't look into it. Heiji thought, never mind the fact that it was practically impossible for somebody to figure out that he hadn't pursued somebody. (Besides, if anybody could find something like that out it was Kudou...)

So Heiji ducked after the man. After awhile it became obvious that the man was used to these woods. He seemed to know where every tree root lie hidden beneath the thick undergrowth. Yet he followed no path, and Heiji was beginning to worry that he wouldn't be able to find his way back. While thinking of this the dark-skinned detective glanced over his shoulder...

And when he returned his gaze to where his suspect had been standing there was nobody there. Heiji blinked twice in utter confusion. This isn't possible... He thought, Did he duck into a cave or something? He couldn't have just disappeared!

It seemed that was the case though. Heiji knelt down next to the spot he'd seen the man standing and looked at the ground. Nothing there, and nothing looking up either. (An odd fact about people that Heiji had learned as a detective was that they rarely ever looked up for some reason.)

Heiji stiffened suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck lifted and prickled. His heart sped up, and he had the distinctly terrible feeling that something was watching him. This all happened a heartbeat before he heard it, the low snarling of some kind of animal behind him.

Instinct is powerful even in human beings. It took all of Heiji's rationality not to run then and there. Running from growling predators wasn't a good idea because the animal would more than likely attack you. So he slowly pivoted, keeping himself as loose and non-threatening as he possibly could.

Not possible. His mind informed him unhelpfully when he saw what had spotted him. It was a wolf, but not like any wolf Heiji had seen in a zoo or even on television. This beast was easily as tall as he was, it's massive paws balanced on the log it was poised on top of. It's fur was the color of ink, so dark that where the light had leaked through it appeared indigo. Even it's eyes were black, and Heiji didn't think he had ever heard of a wolf with that color of eyes. The wolf lifted his tail, and pulled those lips back to reveal a row of glimmering teeth.

Now he couldn't fight it. Not with any knowledge of any kind. The instinct to flee was so strong that Hattori Heiji whirled and took off through the trees. The teen darted between the trunks, trying, in some small part of his mind, to figure out how he had gotten to this part of the forest in the first place. Not that he truly knew why, finding the trail wouldn't stop a wolf from tearing your throat out.

"Ahou!" Heiji yelled at himself as a branch caught his ankle and he hit the ground rolling. The forest floor here was sloped slightly, so he didn't stop until he slammed into a tree. Heiji's head spun a little sickeningly and he scrambled to his feet.

With a strangled sounding bark, something that actually made Heiji's panicked mind think the creature was laughing at him, the wolf landed in front of him. It must have doubled around the tree to cut him off. Heiji rolled away, and the next thing he knew he was on open air.

For a sickening moment he was certain that he had rolled off a cliff, and that he would break his neck in his own desperate attempt NOT to die. How ironic...Yet the next thing he knew he was striking the grassy ground hard, and rolling faster than he had been on the other incline. Heiji flipped himself so that he was sliding on his back, and the young man winced as stones and loose rocks cut deep into his back.

He caught himself with his feet, his teeth clicking together audibly at the impact. Heiji rolled over into a semi-standing position, and looked to the top of the hill. The wolf was staring down at him, dark eyes flickering with cunning. Heiji's heart lifted, surely the stupid creature wouldn't try the slope?

It didn't, but it got down to where Heiji was easily enough. The creature crouched, bunching it's muscles and then springing down. It landed almost silently next to Heiji, and turned that muzzle filled with sharp teeth on him. Heiji jerked back in time to avoid getting bitten, but the snap that resulted in the beast's teeth slamming together chilled him to the bone.

No way, no way... Heiji thought, baffled for a moment into a frozen panic. The beast advanced on him, ears flattened and teeth bared. Heiji's stomach twisted sickeningly. I'm...I'm going to die here. This thing is going to kill me. Dammit. Dammit!

So came the second most basic instinct when introduced to primal fear, the first being flight. Heiji's keen eyes spotted a fallen branch, and he dove for it. The wolf jerked his head back in surprise as Heiji rolled into a Kendo stance, holding the stick like he would the wooden blade.

It snorted, actually SNORTED at Heiji as if the creature found this resistance to be amusing. It darted at Heiji, who blocked the biting attack by slamming the bottom end of the stick into the creature's lower jaw. It yelped with surprise as Heiji just as smoothly slammed the body of the stick into it's head.

Really I'm just pissing it off...Heiji thought, circling the wolf warily. It was growling openly now. The thick black fur on the ruff of it's neck was standing on end, and it peeled it's lips back even further to reveal not only those teeth but the pink gums as well. Everything in the stiff-legged creature's posture suggested one thing. That Heiji needed to put the stick down or risk getting his throat torn out. No go Bud, because if I put this down you'll tear my throat out anyways. It's a win-win for you, but definitely not for me.

Heiji decided to take it off guard, perhaps scare it away, and darted at the beast. It did surprise the creature, but just as Heiji was going to slam that stick onto it's head it...vanished. Heiji caught himself easily enough, anybody who was really good at Kendo wouldn't let themselves fall just for missing a dodging opponent. Yet nothing that big could possibly move that quickly.

He was wrong, horribly wrong. Pain exploded in his ankle and Heiji was thrown into the air. He landed on the ground with a heavy thud, his own stick working against him and burying itself deep into his leg. Heiji cried aloud at that, the pain was intense. The wolf stalked over to him, eyes flickering with distinct hunger and pleasure.

"Damn..." Heiji groaned as the beast advanced on him. How could he do anything now? It seemed that his future prediction was the truth, his death was iminent in this place. He was suddenly very glad that Kazuha hadn't come after all. That she would have been anywhere in the forest with this rabid creature...he would rather that never happen at all.

The wolf's muscles coiled, and Heiji shut his eyes against a wave of exhaustion and acceptance. This was how it all ended for Heiji, detective of the West. Not old age, or even by murder. It was by a beast, a creature that lived in the wilderness. When he opened his eyes all he could see was that gaping maw filled with killing-sharp teeth.

Ancient law. Pheh. Kuziki snapped his deadly teeth at the throat of that mundane, of that damned creature who would dare to stand up and fight against him. Yet part of Kuziki respected that spirit, that courage. So as he opened his teeth for that throat he made a decision.

Oh it would have been laughably easy to severe his life force. To cut the jugular that would cause him to bleed delicious crimson life into Kuziki's open maw. Laughably easy to bite through the spine, to seperate the entire head from that pathetically weak body. But no, he didn't. Because he decided that this welp would be HIS. His guinea pig, his apprentice.

So at the last instant he turned his massive head, and didn't bite the creature in his neck. Those teeth slammed shut like a trap on the young man's shoulder. Blood flooded into his mouth, and Kuziki had to fight with himself not to tear the creature to shreds in his sudden craving to feed on him. Kuziki jerked his head back, and howled. Howled in defiance to those bitches who would dare to think they could control the makings of a TRUE alpha! He would start his own pack, and this creature would be the start of it.

With that the beast turned, and left that man with the disease coursing through his veins.

It left. It tore into his shoulder and just LEFT him there. Heiji rolled over into a sitting position, gripping the badly bleeding shoulder and staring after the beast with shock. Why? Why would it do that? Relief coursed through him, so strongly that he found his hands were shaking uncontrollably and that he was near the verge of hysteria. He couldn't seem to stop laughing with this relief, and part of Heiji wondered how insane he would look if somebody were to spot him here.

Home. Hospital. He thought numbly, getting to his feet and gritting his teeth against the pain that throbbed in his shoulder. He staggered and fell, on account of the fact that he had a hefty sized branch shoved into his thigh. Heiji stared at it blankly, trying to recall any of his medical knowledge. That stick HURT...

Had he not been in shock, which he was in quite badly right now, he would have known that when one has been impaled with something it is crucial to NOT pull the object out. Pulling it out can cause more damage, and keeping it in actually can help the bleeding. Yet Heiji's hand closed around that stick and he yanked it out almost ruthlessly.

Of course it HURT, it was a stick shoved in his thigh. Heiji collapsed to the ground with a cry, and grabbed at the place the stick had been shoved in. He grit his teeth against a wave of pain, and was surprised as all hell when he realized it wasn't his leg that suddenly occupied his mind. No, it was his chest. It felt heavy, as if something was sitting on him. "Shit...can't...can't breathe..."

Blood, pain, more blood. It seemed as if he were swimming in a river of it, was it all his? Heiji's vision flickered sickeningly. If there is such a thing as fate...it really freaking hates me. He thought dizzily, pitching forward. By the time his face struck the ground he was out cold.

The wounds on his body began to close and heal...

"Saruka-chaaaaan..." A young college student named Miziro whined as she tried to catch up with her hiking friend. She hated the outdoors. The outdoors had things like bears, and tigers right? She wanted to go back to Tokyo where the only jungle was in a playground. Her friend turned blue eyes back at her, a look of irritation sparking in their depths.

"It's only five miles, Miziro-chan." The girl replied, flipping her copper colored hair over her shoulder. Miziro closed her eyes and took a deep breath to let out another whine when Saruka suddenly gasped with something akin to horror. Miziro's brown eyes flew open, and she screeched before she could even think of what had made Saruka sound so distressed.

"Bear!? Tiger?! We're dead!" Miziro wailed, only to be elbowed roughly in the stomach by her companion. Miziro doubled over, guessing that they weren't faced by a dangerous creature. She narrowed her eyes at Saruka, "That huuuuurt."

"Do you see that?" Saruka asked, pointing down the slope. Miziro's eyes widened with horror. It looked like a person. She felt suddenly very sick, and she lifted her voice in a shrill shriek of terror. To stumble on a dead body in the middle of a forest. Saruka gave her an annoyed look and slid down the hill.

"Oi, oi!" Miziro protested, running after her friend. Landing at the bottom she pulled her hands up to her face and whimpered. "Is he dead? He doesn't look like he's very old at all...Saruka what do we do?"

Suddenly the boy they had found groaned, his eyes fluttered open very briefly, and then they shut again. Saruka placed a hand on his head and pulled it back with a swift nod of her head. "He's burning up, I bet he collapsed out of fever. Miziro we need to carry him out of here and get him to a hospital, there's blood on his clothing."

End of chapter one!

Eee! I'm excited about this. :3

No flames please...

Reviews much appreciated XP