Title: I Wear A Fez Now
Word Count: 198
Characters/Pairings: Eleven and Amy
Summary: Amy Pond buys the Doctor a hat.
Warnings: Potential spoilers for The Impossible Astronaut but if you haven't seen it you probably won't understand. P:
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and Steven Moffat. I am just playing around.

After it all, after all the confusion and the pain and the fear, after the Silents are dealt with and neutralised, Amy makes him go to an open market on an alien planet and tells him to wait before she disappears out into crowd with nothing but her clothes and a handful of money.

When she comes back, the Doctor's standing hunched over the console, jacket thrown over the jumpseat as he struggles to unjam a lever on the console. Amy takes a deep breath, walks up the stairs as quietly as she can, and sets the fez on his head. The Doctor pauses, then straightens up, idly twirling the tassle with his finger.

"What's this?" he asks, bemused, taking it off and looking at it, turning it over in his hands before setting it back on his head.

"It's... a fez," Amy says, shifting, and it surprises her that she feels self-conscious. That's not like her. That's not like her at all.

"Well, yes, Pond, I can see that. I meant, what's the occasion?" The Doctor smiles at her before it fades, taking in her expression. "Amy?"

"Just-" she darts forward and wraps her arms around him, hiding her head against his chest, and he stumbles a little before awkwardly hugging her back.


"I don't care if you wear the stupid fez," Amy tells him, taking a deep breath, "just don't decide any other ridiculous hat is cool, okay? Promise me."

He hesitates. "Amy, I-"

She slaps his shoulder hard enough to rock him. "Promise me."

"Alright, alright, I promise! Blimey, what's with everybody hitting me lately? I promise, cross my hearts, yadda yadda, can I go back to my work now?"

He doesn't understand, he can't understand, but it's enough for her, and she pulls back and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

Amelia Pond, the girl who waited, leaves her Raggedy Doctor with his time machine and his fez, and foolishly hopes that it might just be enough.