Okay so before this gets started key info you need to know. For the purpose of this story Emily, JJ, and Garcia are all mid to late twenties. JJ is married to Will and Nthey did have Henry. Garcia is dating Kevin like she is in the show. This means they all have only been in the FBI for a couple of years. They all started at the BAU. Rossi is there as well. Elle and Gideon left before any of them got there. The BAU is very much like a family just like in the show except maybe a little more so. If you are confused let me know.

Disclaimer: I own the plot line. The characters well the BAU squad isn't mine, but the ones you've never heard of before are.


There was a group of about six men sitting in what could only be described as a conference room. They seemed to be arguing about another man, "He just hasn't adjusted," said the man at the middle of the table.

"Can't we give him more time? I mean he was thrust into this," answered the man sitting by himself on one side.

"It's been years. He came in his teens. He's in his late twenties now," the man on the end closest to the door.

"After our parents died I was the only family he had left. He wasn't brought in the normal way. I didn't get a chance to make him understand like you did me. He just needs a little incentive to straighten up."

The man on the opposite end of the table asked, "Do you have something in mind?"

"Well what if we made him responsible. I mean he doesn't have anything to make him truly feel he needs to behave."

"It will be up to you then to take care of this."

"I will."



"Okay guys go home and get some rest. You all deserve it after that case. I'll see you all in the morning," Hotch told the team. They started to walk out.

Just then Garcia called out, "Em, Jayje, Do you guys want to have a girl's night to unwind?"

"Sounds good and Will has been telling me I need to go out besides work. How about it, Em?"

"I had no other plans tonight so it sounds good. What time?"

"How about 7 o'clock at our favorite club?" Garcia replied happily.

"Sounds good, see you then," Emily answered and JJ nodded in agreement. They headed out and left. All three women excited for the night.


6:00 Emily's Condo:

Emily was standing in front of her closet. She could not figure out what to wear. JJ would dress conservatively since she had Will and Henry. Garcia would dress slightly more conservatively as well since she was dating Kevin. Emily on the other hand was single. She didn't really date much since she put all her energy into her job. She decided to dress a little more risqué since she would be coming back to an empty condo.

She looked back at her closet. She decided to go with a black halter style top and dark form fitting jeans. She wore boots to finish off the main part of the outfit. To top it all off she put on a jacket that made the outfit look perfect. She left knowing that she was dressed to kill. Hopefully she would find someone tonight that she could start a relationship with. Even an FBI agent needs someone.


The Club:

Emily found Garcia and JJ at their normal booth. She immediately sat down. "Well aren't you dressed to impress my brown eyed beauty?"

"Not all of us are madly in love and have someone waiting for us. Some of us just have an empty house."

"We'll find you someone by the end of the night honey."

"Yeah Pen and I have your back Em."

"Well let's not get too carried away. I'm just looking to have fun tonight." At that moment a waitress dropped off the drinks. "You guys ordered for me?"

"Well you usually get the same thing, so we thought we would save some time," Garcia replied.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet."

"Why shouldn't I th—" Emily was cut off by Garcia yanking her out of the booth and to the dance floor.

"You Miss Prentiss are going to dance with me." They had reached the dance floor and the two of them started moving with the music. They were soon joined by JJ. All three of them were having a great time. People all around them were having fun watching the group of friends. Especially the men, even after the trio left the dance floor. They returned to their booth laughing hysterically.

JJ was laughing really hard, but she managed to say, "Em, that man was so hitting on you."

"Shut up, he was gross. Did you see how greasy his hair was? Not to mention he smelled bad. Why do I always attract the assholes and sleazebags?"

"Oh Em, We'll find you a decent guy," Garcia stated between giggles.

"Thanks, but I've had enough excitement for one night. I'm going to head home."

"Okay we'll see you in the morning sugar plum." Emily smiled and then left for home.


He climbed into his truck. It took him forever to find the perfect one, but he found it. Well he thinks so. He's pretty sure he knows his brother's taste, but you can never be too sure in these cases. After all these are very meticulous things. He followed his choice at a distance. He had to make sure he wasn't spotted. He pulled up to an apartment complex he saw her go into. He started to get ready. He pulled out a giant container from the back of his truck. He put a bag on his shoulders and walked inside.

Once he was in the lobby he went over to the mail boxes he found out her name so he wouldn't have to go apartment to apartment and risk failure. He found out what apartment she was in and he smiled. "It's time," he said.


So has anyone figured out what I'm up to? Let me know. Please review even to say you hate it. It would make me extremely happy! Depending on the amount of reviews chapter 2 could be out in the next few days!