Savage Discovery

Savage Discovery – Starting Forever Pt2

Based on the 1990's X-Men cartoon and takes place during and after the second 'Reunion' episode. A discovery in the Savage Lands changes Rouge's life forever.

Again, sorry about the gap between chapters. My devious muse Panda demanded another break. This is the final chapter, so I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

Marie was in love. Sensual and feminine, perfect in all the right places, a little out of range, but she would make it work. It was love at first sight. She felt like a goddess in the dress. It was a strapless sweetheart trumpet with beaded lace, shirred tulle and a sweep train in ivory. Add a veil and bouquet and all the women were crying, including Marie.

"Why aren't you going with white Marie?" Jubilee asked, passing the box of tissues to Jean.

"With everything Ah've done and put people through, especially Carol, Ah wouldn't feel right wearin white. 'Sides, Ah like the softer color of the ivory."

"Marie is right, little one." Ororo stood and joined Marie in front of the mirror in the upscale bridal salon of Zephyra's, a bridal salon that was mutant friendly in downtown Boston. "The white was too bright on you."

"Is this your dress Marie?" Xavier asked, having insisted on coming along. He was also going to stand in for her father at the wedding, having formed a closer bond to the man who took her in than with the man that spawned her birth.

"Ah love it, Ah'm just not sure if Ah can afford it as well as the accessories." She lovingly ran her hand down her side, hoarding the feeling of being beautiful. Marie looked up in time to see Jean, Storm and Jubilee look to Xavier, who was smiling brightly.

"I'm paying for your dress sweetheart. It's my duty as your surrogate father to give you whatever you want." His dark, kind eyes were bright with love and joy.

"Really?" Marie couldn't believe it. Her dreams, dreams that she had long ago buried, were coming true. Xavier nodded and with tears flowing down her face, she moved to hug the man who was her candle. She dropped a kiss onto the top of his bald head before standing and grabbing a tissue from Jean.

"Now all we need now are flowers, a cake and a groom!" Marie laughed, feeling happier that she ever could have dreamed.

Remy stood off to the side of the ballroom, watching workers and friends put the last finishing touches on the pews before the wedding was to begin. He was still amazed that his belle chere had said yes to him. It was more than he could have hoped for.

"You bout ready Cajun?" Logan asked coming up beside him, still dressed in faded jeans and tee.

"Been ready Logan." He smiled cheekily. "But if Marie sees ya in dat outfit, she's gonna skin you alive."

"I hate wearing monkey suits." Growled the Canadian and Remy chuckled.

"Da Best Man got to be gussied up to." Demon eyes twinkling he slung an arm around the shorter mans shoulders. "C'mon, we'd best get ready."

Logan shoved his arm away, still grumbling about the suit, but followed Remy upstairs. The men were getting ready in the west wing of the mansion, while the ladies took up the east end. Scott and Jean were floaters back and forth to make sure everyone was ready on time. Kurt would be officiating the wedding, Ororo having flown him over the day before.

The guest list was a long one, including humans, mutants and off worlders alike. Lilandra and a contingent of Shi'Ar diplomats were in attendance alone with the Star Jammers. Even Bishop was there, having jumped through time to see the event. The driveway as well as all the underground garage space was full of vehicles and airplanes including a couple of intergalactic space ships thrown in for good measure.

Remy took his place at the head of the aisle, between Kurt and Logan with Scott on the other side of Wolverine. Remy would have thought that he would be nervous about binding his life to someone else, but he was strangely calm as he waited for Marie to come down the aisle. He'd known for so long that he wanted Marie to be a part of his life that this just seemed like a formality. They were already joined together in their hearts and minds with a slight telepathic bond, something that they have been exploring more and more. They would never have something as deep as Scott and Jean, but it was enough for them.

The music changed and the crowd grew quiet, turning in their seats to watch the doors open. They revealed a stunning Marie, classy, elegant and alluring all in one. Her hair was in a pile of curls that Remy couldn't wait to undo. He loved her hair, just like everything else about her.

Logan elbowed him in the side when Remy sniffed loudly, eyes misting in happiness and love.

Marie smiled when she saw Logan elbow Remy. Her man had a stunned look on his face and his demon eyes seemed brighter than normal, but not glowing with power. With a glance to Xavier, the two of them slowly made their way towards the man she loved.

All around her she could hear the guests whispering to each other. 'She's stunning.' 'How lovely.' 'He's a lucky man.' 'So glad she can control it now.' 'Look at that dress!' 'Her train is huge.' Marie was smiling to big her cheeks were beginning to hurt, but she was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling. It touched her heart to see all the friends they her and the X-Men had made over the years filling the ballroom. Making eye contact with Lilandra she bowed her head to the woman, both out of respect and as a thank you for helping her control her powers. The smile the older woman sent her was brilliant, her power almost a glow around her.

However, it was Remy who had her rapt gaze. He stood tall and regal in a finely tailored tuxedo, his bow tie matching the color of her Vui'lanae stones and yellow Texas roses. His lips were in a quirky half smile, his eyes roaming down her body before locking onto hers. She could see the love in his gaze, but there was hunger there too, a hunger she felt she was ready to feed.

"Who gives de bride away?" Kurt's voice broke the spell her Cajun man had placed on her, making her realize she was at the foot of the altar.

"I do." Xavier said gently. Marie smiled as he kissed her hand before moving his chair to Lilandra's side. Remy held put his gloveless hand and without hesitation, Marie placed her own gloveless one into his, happiness filling her as his fingers closed over hers and drew her up the steps to him.

"You are beautiful chere." Remy sighed quietly.

"An you are dahin, hun." Marie smiled in reply.

After that, she knew she said all the right words, but for the life of her she couldn't recall a singe word. All her focus was on the man she loved and she basked in the glow of his love.

"You may kiss the - " Kurt didn't get a chance to finish. Remy swept Marie into his arms and kissed her with such passion that her head spun. She was dipped back romantically as the crowd cheered and whistled. The longer the kiss went on, the bawdier the calls got, but Marie was too involved in Remy's touch to really care.

"Any time now!" Scott and Logan chorused, making Marie laugh and push herself upright. Remy kept a hand around her waist as they led the way out of the ballroom and into the dining hall.

"Ah'm exhausted." Marie was slouched into a wingback chair in a corner of the dining hall, her shoes in the floor before her with her veil. Remy picked them up and placed them on the table before scooping her up and sitting back down with her draped across his lap. She melted into him, and Remy smiled softly.

"Remy would be too if he had to wear dose torture devices." She laughed quietly.

"You liked those torture devices when they made meh tall an skinny."

"Dat be true." He kissed her softly, unable to help himself. She was a drug, one he never wanted to be without. The house around them was quiet, all the guests but Lilandra and the Shi'Ar having left already. Remy knew the empress wanted to spend as much time as possible with Charles before having to leave half of her soul behind.

"Ah'm so happy." Marie's emerald eyes sparkled up into his. "It's better than I could have dreamed."

"You deserve dose dreams, chere." Remy stroked her face. "And so do I."