Teddy: Wow, here we are FINALLY with another story!!! This first chappie is the start of something monumental for CIC and I. This will be the first story that we've completed that someone asked us to do!!! XD It's gonna be awesome!! I've read the preview from a while ago, and now that it's actually finnished, *squeals in excitement*. *glomps CIC* I love you!!!!

CIC: *pushes off* yeah...well, this story was a lot of fun. Especially since we made a new friend. I'm really excited about this story. It took a while, but it's finally here, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as we do.

Teddy: *pouts* speaking of new friends, here is the one and only thinker/creator of this masturful idea *drumroll*...RikuxXxSora!!!!! *glomps*

RikuxXxSora: Thanks SO much Teddy and CIC! :hugs them both: I loved you guys the moment i read your story. and i thought, 'who better to make my idea a masterpiece, than these guys?' B/c i'll start writing but never finish, so yea, XD i fail epically at writing. TeddyRuxpin and CIC are by far two of the best fanfic writers on and i hope they know that b/c i do! ;)

Teddy: *Bows* We are honored, my lady! And I'm sure you're brilliant at writing! Me at the writing, not so much. I can think 'em!

CIC: I know I don't say it enough, but I really am glad you are our friend RxS. *cough* Anyways, I'm excited for this story. So some warnings, then. This has a lot of sex in it. The most out of all the other stories...combined. Also, this is mainly RikuXSora, but there's also RoxasxSora, AxelxSora, AxelxRoxas, and finally AxelxRikuxRoxasxSora. So...yeah.

Teddy: :O

CIC: *shuffles uncomfortably*

Teddy: *pats* once again, you amaze me CIC, you never cease to impress or confound. I should call the pandy on you for being so awesome!! Alright, with that, Happy Readings!! XD

The clock ticked softly in the living room, reminding me of how late he was tonight. I glanced nervously through the archway leading down the hall to the front door. This was the third time this week. I clutched my empty mug in my hands, starring at the last dregs of tea, feeling tears welling up. Blinking, I forced myself to hold them back. He was probably only working hard, that new deposition had been all he talked about lately (when he did).

"He'll be back any minute, now…" I whispered to myself in the shadowy kitchen, trying to sit a little taller on the stool.

When my vision started to blur and found my head nodding, I decided to turn in, rinsing my cup quickly in the sink before shuffling to the stairs and heading to the bedroom. I paused, however as my hand rested on the doorknob, and glanced down at the slightly ajar door leading to Riku's study. Lately he'd started spending more and more time in there, avoiding me when he could. Only two nights ago did he start sleeping in there as well.

Just busy is all. Work is work.

I shook my head and entered the dark bedroom, my queen sized bed a dark blob against the bare white walls. Quietly, I slipped into my pajamas and got under the covers, shivering as the cold cloth ran over my bare arms. It was always cold. I turned to my side and hugged my knees to my chest, wishing for dreamless sleep to take me.


I motioned to the barkeep to refill my glass. This would be the third of the night. I glanced to the clock above the bar and saw that it was nearly three in the morning. Sora was probably worrying about me. I thought detachedly, immediately gulping down half of my new drink as it was placed in front of me. My eyes searched the amber liquid for an answer, but only saw the ice floating.

"Hey, babe, wanna have a little fun..?" a slender young man asked sultrily, pressing close to my side as he came up next to me.

I gazed up at him blankly for a moment, then stood and slipped an arm around his waist. His mouth turned up into a grin as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling my lips down to his. My head swam as our tongues intertwined my whole body growing warm. He broke away from me, nipping at my upper lip before heading towards the bathrooms, beckoning to me with his finger over his shoulder. I followed, not really thinking.

When I reached the bathroom, he stood leaning against the sinks, biting his lip and giving me an irresistible 'come hither' look. When I was close enough, he snatched at my collar, yanking me down once again so our lips collided. We held each other close, feverish almost with desire. Suddenly, we broke apart. His eyes met mine as he slowly slid down the length of my torso to his knees. I only stared down at him as he expertly unzipped me and pulled out my member. I shivered as his cool hands wrapped around the base and began to move up and down, his tongue darting out to lick the pre cum off the tip of my cock.

This went on for some time. His skilled hands keeping me on edge, but never making me spill over. Finally, I'd had enough. I wrenched him up, told him to take off his pants, then turned him around and bent him over one of the sinks. I guided my throbbing sex to his hole, pressing in until I was to the hilt. He groaned, "Oh, yeah, baby…that's the spot."

I began pounding into him, eager to release. The faster I went, the more he called out, louder and louder until I felt myself fill his ass with my seed. I reached around and started tugging on his own still vertical dick until he cried out, cumming into my palm.

"That was wild." He said once he'd caught his breath, turning around, running a finger along my collarbone.

I stared down at him for a moment, before tugging my pants back up and saying lowly, "Thanks…"

He smirked, and slipped something into my pocket before heading to the door. He called, "No problem!"

And that was that. Shortly after him leaving, I left, paying for the bill quickly. It was a long, slow, cold walk back to the house. I didn't even have thoughts to distract me as I made my way down street after street. Finally, however, I arrived. Only now did I realize how tired I was. As quietly as I could, I entered, taking my shoes and coat off before stepping into the hall.

Slowly, I trudged up the stairs and down the hall, sleep now the only thing distracting me. I paused at our bedroom door and listened quietly. When I didn't hear anything, I chanced a peek. Tentatively, I reached out and pushed open the door gently, barely peering around the corner into the pitch black room. I squinted into the shadows, and picked out the form of Sora sleeping soundly under the covers, snoring softly. I felt myself pull back mechanically, and close the door, heading instead to my study.

I flipped on the lights and gazed at the small makeshift bed set up on my couch. I stood for a moment, not sure what to do next. This seemed to be happening a lot lately. I sat down on the couch heavily, resting my head in my hands. Something in my pocket dug uncomfortably into my leg, so I pulled it out. It was that guy's phone number from the bar with a little side note.

I barely glanced at it before flicking it carelessly in the direction of my trash bin and sighed, leaning back. I caught sight of the picture frame on my desk, of Sora smiling brilliantly on the beach in my arms, the sun in his eyes. I closed my eyes and asked myself before surrendering to the darkness, "What happened…?"


When I woke up, I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to Riku's study, hoping that he was still there. I flung the door open and fell in, my eyes wide with hope. But of course, his couch was empty, the blanket tossed carelessly to the floor in a heap. Did he even come home last night? I thought worriedly.

I shook my head. Of course he did, probably had to wake up early and go to work. That's all. There's probably a note on the fridge explaining everything. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I dashed down the stairs, skidding on the wooden floor in my socks into the kitchen to investigate. My face fell, however when I saw that there was no such note.

"I'll just call and make sure he's okay…" I muttered, dialing his office fervently.

It rang twice before being picked up by the secretary with a cheerful, "Thank you for calling Destiny Islands Incorporated, this is Maru, how can I help you today?"

"H-hi, Maru, I was uh…wondering if you could put me through to Riku Takahara's phone?" I asked, cursing myself for stuttering.

"And who may I ask is calling?" she asked politely.

"Sora…Sora Fujioka…"

"Oh, of course, one moment please."

There was a click and as I waited, elevator music played. I was on the line for all of thirty seconds before she came back on, her voice consoling, "I'm sorry, he's just gone into a meeting. Shall I have him call you back?"

"N-no…thank you…"

I placed the phone back in its dock without another word and sat down heavily at the counter. At least he was alright…

I sat for a moment, the silence pressing in on me, trying to calm down. But my mind was racing. What can I do to make this all go away?! I glanced around the kitchen uneasily, trying to think. That's when my eyes fell on the telephone, hanging unassumingly by the fridge. I immediately got up and went over, not even thinking, and dialed the first number that came to mind.

The line rang for what felt like forever, until finally, I heard a click, then someone clearing their throat. A clear voice asked, "Hello?"

"R-Roxas?" I asked, surprisingly feeling more relieved and happy that he picked up than I thought I would. "It's me, Sora…"

"S-Sora?!" he cried. "H-how are you?!"

I laughed nervously and replied, "I'm good, I just…was thinking about you, and decided to catch up!"

He laughed with me and said disbelievingly, "It's so great hearing from you! Wow…I think the last time we talked was when you were starting your second semester?"

"Yeah, you're right. How've you been?"

"Really great! I've been busy with work, lately."

"That's awesome, Roxas!" I said happily, my spirits starting to lift.

We continued talking for quite some time. Catching up on all that we'd missed in the past few months since we'd last talked. Back then, we'd been a couple. Then senior year came around. We were going to go our separate ways. Him to Twilight Town for his skating career, me here in Destiny Islands for college. We were going to try and keep it long distance, but decided after a few months, that being apart so much, would turn us into strangers. So mutually, it was agreed that we would break our relationship off.

I never thought that hearing the sound of his voice after so long would make me feel so comforted. Finally, I heard in the background, a door open and close loudly, followed by a man's voice calling out. Roxas said, "Oh! That's Axel!"


"O-oh…"I muttered softly, faltering at the mention of this other man. "I-I'll let you go…"

"N-no wait, you don't have to. He's just going to start dinner!" Roxas exclaimed hurriedly. "Hey, I just got an idea! Why don't you come down and visit us?"


"No, I couldn't impose-"

"Oh, come on Sora! Don't be so modest! We haven't seen each other in such a long time! Please?"

I thought for a moment, and then remembered my reason for calling. What if Riku wanted to talk? Get things off his chest? If I was gone, that might make things between us worse…

"I'd love to Roxas, but with school and all…" I said lamely, really trying hard to get across that I would like to, but just couldn't.

"O-oh…that's too bad…maybe sometime soon…?"

I smiled and murmured, "Definitely…"

"Alright, well, talk to you later, then?"

"Yeah, bye…"


I placed the phone delicately back on its base and stood for a moment, relishing in the comfort I felt from having made contact with Roxas again. Alright, I thought determinedly after my spirits were fully charged; let's get this house clean again. Keep your mind away from any bad thoughts.

First I started in the living room, not stopping until everything sparkled, then moved into the kitchen and onward until I stood outside of Riku's study. I had a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other, silently debating about going in or not.

What the hell. It'll be a nice surprise. I thought, resolutely, stepping confidently in and immediately going to work. First I dusted, and then started on the floors. I was just sweeping under his desk when a business card scraped along the floor under my broom caught in the bristles. I bent and picked it up, intending to just toss it onto his desk, but when the handwritten note on the back caught my eye, I froze. Written along with a telephone number and a heart was:

That was fun. Let's do it again, sometime. Call me!

"What…?" I breathed shakily.

It felt like my heart had turned to stone. I stood for nearly a minute, stock still, my mind unable to process what was there. Finally, I crushed the note in my fist and threw it. I was trembling, silent tears coursing down my cheeks. The light tap of the paper hitting his desk made me look up. The card lay crumpled next to the picture of us smiling on the beach in each other's arms…mocking me.

I was out the door before the broom could hit the floor. My feet carried me swiftly back down to the kitchen, where I snatched up the phone once again and dialed in Roxas' number. Please be there.

"Hello?" his clear voice asked pleasantly after a couple rings.

My voice shook as I asked, "Roxas…is your offer to visit still available?"

He seemed confused by my sudden change of heart, but replied, "Of course…Sora, what's wrong?"

"Is tonight alright?" I asked quickly, tears blurring my vision.


"Please, Roxas…is tonight alright?" I asked once again, unable to hold back the pain in my voice.

There was an agonizing pause. Then he said softly, "I'll be there to pick you up at the station."

I breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Thank you…"

"See you soon."

I hung up, feeling my breathing quicken. After a moments frantic thought I started off, first heading to the bedroom to pack my clothes, then to the bathroom for my toothbrush. I stuffed everything I could of mine into a duffel bag and a suitcase, and went downstairs to the entrance hall. Once there, I paused, wiping my red and puffy eyes on the sleeve of my jacket as I tugged it on. I looked back at the house, the rooms feeling even more empty than usual. That's when I realized I was forgetting something.

I quickly went back to the kitchen, took up a pencil and scribbled on a piece of paper:

I'm leaving you. I'm not coming back. Don't bother looking for me.

I then (out of habit) stuck it on the fridge under a magnet. Knowing Riku, he won't notice it for a while. I thought sadly. Then, without looking back, I swiftly, went to the door, put on my shoes, and took up my bags. Before closing the door, I looked down at my key miserably, and placed it on the floor inside. As the door closed resolutely, I took a deep breath, and squeezed my eyes shut. You can do this Sora, I thought. It's for your own good.

And with that, I released the door handle, spun on my heel, and headed off down the street toward the train station.

Teddy: Oh mah goodness!!! Wasn't that just brilliant?! *rawr* I wanna know what happens next!!!!

CIC: Well, you'll just have to wait...

Teddy: *mutters* easy for you to say...you wrote it...

CIC: *pats awkwardly on back* Soon, no worries.

Teddy: Thanks love. Anyways, see you in the next chappie duckies!!! XD