A/N: Off to basic tomorrow, so this is the last one in a long while. Enjoy! By the way, this may come as a surprise, but I DO NOT own Inuyasha. Go figure.
Tea Party of the Villainous
Toga hummed happily as he strode up to Kagome's doorstep. He was returning a cookie sheet for Midoriko. The women were always exchanging little pastries, cakes, and other assortmants of baked goods. Midoriko had been a bit busy though, so, ever the gentleman he was, Toga had offered to stop by the young miko's cottage. Midoriko had give him that smile and Toga just knew that he was going to get lucky later that night.
The once Inu No Taisho smiled and sighed contentedly before knocking at the door.
It swung open to reveal a half naked Naraku.
"Uh...." said Toga.
"Welcome," greeted Naraku slyly.
The echo of dishes wafted from the kitchen, followed by a feminine giggle, then the murmur of a deeper, masculine voice. Toga's eyebrows shot up.
"Naraku?" Kagome asked, "who is it?"
At that moment Kagome walked into view wearing a t-shirt. Just a t-shirt. She was followed by a skimpily clad Sesshomaru, wearing only a low-hanging pair of hakama. Both of them paled as they saw Toga staring at them askance from the doorway.
"Oh..." stuttered Kagome. "T-Toga... how are you?"
"Mm. Just fine, Kagome. You... look like you're doing well." Toga glanced at the stoic Sesshomaru. "And you got my son out of his home. Interesting."
"Ahahaha," Kagome laughed nervously.
"Father," greeted Sesshomaru.
"Son," replied Toga.
Naraku smirked happily, as though he was feeding off of the discomfort, which he probably was.
"Well," said Toga, "I came to bring this back." He proffered the cookie tray. One of Naraku's tentacles retrieved it from his outstretched hand and Toga desperately tried to retain his blank facade.
"Would you like some tea?" Kagome enquired politely.
"No, I really must be going."
"Another time then," she assured.
Toga quickly about-faced and strode down the walkway, picking up speed when he heard the door click shut. He definitely did not want to know what was going on in that house. Really, how did he never realize how truly unique Sesshomaru was?
Toga groaned and hoped none of the day's memories would interrupt his time with Midoriko. He wasn't quite sure he could recover.