NOTE: Hello readers, I'm rewriting this story which was previously known as "Love Stricken". I've renamed it and rewrote it. Things change with time and this was one of things that needed a good makeover. This story is set between T3 and T4, during those two years and will be based on Nina Williams from the Tekken Series.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tekken at all.

*~*Chapter One*~*

Australian heat was something new to her.

Its unforgivable rays and blistering touch made her peel off her scarf, she felt naked amongst the crowds of people clad in bikinis and trunks. A man in an ice-cream truck offered her a Cornetto. She took it without a word and devoured it on her way.

When she found a police car trailing her, she didn't stop but walked in circles to see if they were really following her.

Nina found herself walking into a dead end and the police car was nowhere in sight.

"Spare some money, Sheila?"

A homeless man reached out but got nothing instead.

"It's nice to see you cope better than before, Miss Williams."

Nina's eyes trained on the two bright circles above her, if she looked hard enough she was sure she'd be blinded.

"So what, can I leave now or do I have to keep coming back to see if I'm damaged goods or something?"

Doctor Bosconovitch sighed at the woman's tone, so she had no recollection of herself but she seemed to act so unpleasant. He wasn't accustomed to such informal speech.

"Don't look at me like that, old man. You should realise that you wronged me, when you put me under the ice."

When his reply was a sour but a sad face, she continued out of despair as she got up.

"Do you know how hard it is, being forty something but you feel like a twenty two year old woman?"

He pressed his forehead and listened.

"I don't….I can't understand." Nina shakes her head, thinking about her previous encounters that left her with a bitter taste in her mouth.

"What the fuck should I do?"

She thinks of anything but nothing fills her mind till it becomes poison. Dr Bosconovitch was an old little man crippled with useless answers. He had been unsuccessful in chiding her and instead made her want to throttle him.

The last tournament was a blur, she spent time trying to re-engage in her previous style and hated depending on watching graining clips on her former self fighting. She tried to be like her, wearing her style of clothing although it did very little to appease her.

Nina hated it but it felt right, at least for now.

Doctor Bosconovitch stood up and pondered for a moment while the blonde waited, what answer could he give her? That he had been a selfish father wanting to save his child from death?

"I did it for my daughter, Alisa."

Nina sighs, "So it's a family thing. Still does not.."

"She was only 19. Then she contracted a fatal illness. I tried everything; I never ever switched off her life support for years. For 41 years, I kept her on life support."

"That's just fucking creepy."

He wiped his glasses with a smile on his face, "She would have been 60 years old by now."

"I assume that she's dead by now."

"She died just before you were awoken from cold sleep." Bosconovitch pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed the corner of his eyes.

Nina heard the old man sob into his handkerchief and kept silent for a while. "I hope you understand why I did the cold sleep tests- I couldn't live without her."

"Some people just need to move on." Nina grabbed her coat and left because she didn't want to hear him crying anymore.

She liked her job. It had good pay, was casual and she could keep her head down. She worked at an entertainment complex that had a huge bowling alley that came to life at night. She kept herself behind the bar, pulling drinks and returning snide comments from men in their early twenties.

Sometimes it would get busy and teenagers would flood the place, out to paint the town red. Her boss would constantly shout,

"Wendy, com ere and show this fella around."

She hated that name.

"Here's your drink." Nina pushes a couple of bottles towards an interested guy before turning around.

That face, those eyes knocked her into a heavy nauseas sensation. She had seen him in the tournament. She had been in the tournament to eradicate him for a strange entity. He had been startled to see her too and his eyes held suspicion, just like hers.

Her boss left her to give the Japanese a tour. Nina, on baited breath approached him and asked him his name.

"I want your real name."

His eyes narrowed and so she switched to Japanese. His response was in Japanese.

She wondered if he understood a word of English. He was cautious of her and she showed nothing while she did her job of showing him around, guessing that he needed good pay too. Whatever happened in the third tournament had no meaning as of now, on her part.

"You'd think you'd know a little bit of English since you'll need it here."

"I'm learning, little by little." He spoke in English , taking her by surprise.

"Right, well, I've shown you everything- you should get started now."

He gave a simple nod to the head and pulled on his hood.

Nina watched him out of the corner of her eyes before taking another order.

Someone like him in a place like this wouldn't be able to last long, she thinks.