"Hi Lily, where were you this summer?" Severus said as he closed the compartment door and sat across from her.
"Hi Severus, I was um, visiting, my mother."
"Visiting you mother?? Aren't your parents still married?"
"Yes my dad is still married to my mum, but he's never been married to my mother."
"I'm confused. How can it be yes and no?"
"Petunia's my half sister."
"Your dad cheated on your mum?"
"Not exactly."
"Care to explain?"
"My dad married his soul mate, Petunia's mother, a few years after he was introduced by my mother. The family heads felt he was to be the sire for her children. They didn't particularly like each other so they timed it just right and were together just once when they knew she would conceive. I'm the result."
"But you're younger then Petunia. How's that possible?"
"My mother's name is Tatiana Zhar-Ptitsa. She's a mix of Ancient, Fae, and Elf."
"Elf? As in House Elf?"
"No, Elfhaven Elf."
"Oh. So why aren't your ears pointy?"
"Because of my father."
"But, isn't your dad a muggle?"
"No. He is an Immortal."
"An Immortal? There is not a group of immortals by the name of Evans."
"I know. We're from the Corvinus Clan."
"Wow. Does this make you a half or mixed breed?"
"It makes me technically a half blooded witch of mixed races."
"So you got to spend the summer in Elfhaven?"
"Got to? NO definitely not. Had to, is more like it. I hated it and hope I never have to go back. Merlin, my life is so fucked up."
"How so?"
"I was forced to spend the entire time at Hawk's Manor learning what my future will entail."
"Who's Hawk?"
"I guess you could call him my intended. When I was born an elfin prophecy came into play. The consensus is that Hawk and I are soul mates and shall be bound to each other for all eternity once I have graduated from Hogwarts."
"What does the prophecy say exactly?"
"The daughter of the Immortal Wizard and the Ancient Fae Elf shall bare the chosen twins to the dark Prince who completes her soul. Her three shall rise out of great sorrow to defeat the souls of the Snake Lord, saving the world of magic from the ravages of ignorance and malicious intent."
"That almost sounds like a riddle."
"I know."
"Let's see…you obviously are the daughter at the beginning of it."
"Yeah, Hawk is a prince from the dark elves."
"Is it possible that the 'dark prince' could be someone else?"
"Well, I believe it is possible. However the Elders don't think that the Prince is not part of their realm. I wish it could be…someone I love. I know I'll never be able to love Hawk. He resents me. He was to be married to someone else, but when I was born the elfin seer revealed the prophecy and he was told that he is to be tied to me."
"How old is he?"
"Well Elves that are not of mixed blood don't marry until they have reached their adult status which is at 200 human years. Their engagements last about 75 years, so he's about 291 years old. He looks like he is just 30 years old."
"That is horrible. Anyways, guess what."
"My mother has arranged for me to visit with my grandparents. They finally got over the fact that my father is a muggle. My Grandfather wants me to follow in his footsteps and get Masters in Potions, Healing and the Dark Arts."
"That is wonderful! Those are all subjects that you are interested in."
"Severus that will make you a dark wizard!"
"I know. Once I hit my majority my formal title will be Sir Severus T. S. Prince."
"Why Prince?"
"My mother's maiden name was Prince."
"So you will end up being a dark Prince?"
"I guess."
"Severus, as a young child you used to tell everyone you were going to marry me. Do you still have those kinds of feelings?"
"My feelings for you have only gotten stronger. Why do you ask?"
"Because I feel the same way. If given the choice I would definitely choose to marry you."
"You want to marry me?"
Lily dug through her bag, pulled out some paper and a pen. She chewed on the cap as she thought about what to write. Before long a smile crept up on her face and she started writing.
Mummy and Daddy; 29 August, 1976
I made it on time to catch the train to school. I do hope you were able to get my school supplies and trunk packed and sent to the school for me.
I am sorry for not writing at all over the summer. As you are aware I was to have spent all but the last week with my mother. I had the most dreadful time. If I am given a choice I shall never step foot in that place again. I barely spent half an hour with the bitch that gave birth to me. Don't think to tell me she isn't one. She is horrid! I was forced to spend the time elsewhere. It turns out that she, along with the rest of them idiots, sealed me into a marriage agreement. He is a full-blooded elf. Elves that are not of mixed blood don't marry until they have reached their adult status, which is at 200 human years. Their engagements last about 75 years, so he's about 291 years old. He looks like he is just 30 years old. My body has been sold to the last dark elf prince. I have till the day of my graduation from Hogwarts. Then for the rest of my existence I shall be bound to Hawk.
This is all the result of some ancient prophecy. This is what it says: 'the daughter of the Immortal Wizard and the Ancient Fae Elf shall bare the chosen twins to the dark Prince who completes her soul. Her three shall rise out of great sorrow to defeat the souls of the Snake Lord, saving the world of magic from the ravages of ignorance and malicious intent.'
The Elders don't think that the Prince is not part of their realm. I wish it could be…someone I love. I know I'll never be able to love Hawk. He resents me. He was to be married to someone else, but when I was born the elfin seer revealed the prophecy and he was told that he is to be tied to me.
Oh but some good news has come of this. Did you know Severus's mum's maiden name was Eilene Prince? I just found out. You are most likely wondering how this is good news, well Severus's grandfather wants him to follow in his footsteps and get his Masters in Potions, Healing and the Dark Arts. As you are aware this will make him a 'dark' wizard. Here's the best part, when he reaches his majority his formal title will be Sir Severus T. S. Prince. This means he'll be a dark Prince.
After a heart to heart chat on the train we both revealed that we love each other. We want to get married. I know that in 5 months is Petunia's wedding. As you are aware by then both Severus and I will be adults in the eyes of the wizarding world. Do you think you can arrange for us to be married along side of Petunia? His grandmother is Lady Selene Prince.
Love Always
Lily shoved the setter into an envelope. Severus took the letter from her, summoned a house elf and instructed the elf to deliver it to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Evans. He was to wait for a response and than bring it straight back. Six hours later the Elf returned with a response. Lily read the letter out loud to Severus as she bounced up and down on her seat in excitement.
Lily, 29 August 1976
We sent your clothes and school supplies to Hogwarts yesterday, in care of Professor McGonagall. Here is your Head Girl badge. If your robes need tailoring please let the headmaster know so that he can let you floo to Diagon Alley so Madam Malkin can do you up right.
As for the rest of your letter, both of us are outraged. When Tatiana left you with us she signed all rights over too. She had no right to sign any marriage contract binding you to some elf. Your mum and I sent her a right decent Howler.
Yes we would be delighted to change it to a double from a single. Selene Prince has granted her and her husband's blessing on the event. She is even sending a seamstress to our place over the Winter Holiday to have a wedding dress made for you. She even offered to have one made for your sister too. Petunia declined though, she is insisting on wearing your mum's dress.
I read the Hogwarts bylaws and unfortunately the school does not allow married couples to remain enrolled. So, the ceremony will be a mixture of a muggle wedding and a Wizarding Handfasting. The two of you will have to remain in your separate dorms. Once you both have completed your NEWT's you can register it as a wedding with the Ministry. Don't worry about any pregnancy prevention. Your pregnancies will be 'delayed' ones due to your mother's ancestry.
I've contacted the Corvinus Clan along with the Ancient's and the Fae. I informed them of what you said that Tatiana did. They are quite angry about it. All are in agreement; if Severus is your soul mate then he is whom you will marry. They will be sending representatives to Hogwarts this coming Saturday to verify he is your soul mate.
The Corvinus Elders have stated that in order for the marriage to be valid with them you two shall have to perform the Honey & Rose Ritual on you wedding night. They will inform you of the requirements. Don't worry about it though. It is beautiful and fun.
The Ancient's will be making the rings for the two of you. I am not sure what the requirements for that are though.
The Fae have stated that they will have a gift for the two of you that is extra special.
I sent an inquiry to Hawk about the prophecy. I asked him if he would be willing to release you from the contract. I have not heard back from him yet.
We have discovered a potion that will enable you to 'reject' your elfin heritage and powers so that they won't be able to force you to marry Hawk if the worst happens.
Remember that we will always love you and are proud of you.
Love Always
Dad & Mum
They ended up snogging the rest of the trip. Once they reached Hogsmead station they found an empty carriage and cuddled the whole ride to Hogwarts. Once there they reluctantly went to their own house tables for the feast. Once it was over and everyone was headed back to their houses Lilly went to her head of house to discuss something important.
"Professor McGonagall can we talk in private?"
"Of course Miss Evans. Come into my office."
Lilly fallowed her into the room and once the door was shut she pulled out her wand.
"Miss Evans, what are you doing?"
"What I need to talk to you about is a private personal matter. I don't want anyone listening in. Especially not James or any of his friends."
"I understand your want for confidentiality but as you can see we are the only people in the room."
"No offence professor but James Potter owns an invisibility cloak. Last term I caught him following me around and one of those times was when I had gone into the Prefects bathroom. Luckily I hadn't begun to undress yet when he ended up bumping into something. The noise and movement caught my eye. I pointed my wand and when he went to jump out of the way the hood of his cloak slipped off. Ever since then I am extra careful. Homenum revelio."
Magic surged through the room and revealed a disillusioned person standing in the corner behind a bookshelf.
"Petrificus Totalus"
The figure snapped to attention and fell over with a thud. Lily stomped over and grabbed at the air. She managed to get a hold of the cloak and yanked it off of the person wearing it, revealing a petrified James Potter. She looked at McGonagall and as tears of frustration fell down her cheeks cried out.
"Do you see? He is obsessed with me. I have told him a thousand times that I am not interested in him, that I do not want to date him. He won't leave me alone. I can't stand it. If he isn't made to stop, I'll convince my family to press charges, and I will demand to be resorted into another house. Believe me, if that doesn't stop him I will drop out of school, go home and snap my wand. I'd rather live without magic than live with him hunting me. Because that is what it feels like. I feel hunted. I don't need this on top of what happened this past summer."
"James Potter! 150 points from Griffindor, you have just lost your Hogsmead privileges for this term. If you are not in class, at the meals, or in Griffindor tower you will be serving detentions with me. I am confiscating this cloak for the year. You will get it back after the Leaving feast in June. I am also going to notify your parents about what has happened and about your actions concerning Miss Evans."
McGonagall took the cloak and released James from the body bind. She sent him off to his dorm.
"Now, what did you want to speak to me about?"
"I am engaged. I know that the bylaws forbid married student housing. I was wondering if we stay in our prospective dorms and don't engage in relations if we would be allowed to stay enrolled."
"Hmm, I don't know. I'll have to find out from the board of governors and the headmaster. I'll let you know as soon as I can. In the mean time let's get your class schedule worked out.
You received O's in Ancient Runes, Charms, Potions and Transfigurations, an A in Arithmancy, and E's in Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts. You don't qualify for Arithmancy but you do qualify for the others. So what classes would you like to try for your NEWTs in?"
"Well, I'm interested in teaching Alternative Magics with an emphasis on Healing and Spell Crafting."
"Alternative? What do you mean by that?"
"I would like to teach girls the healing and spell crafting magical ways of the Fae, Elf, Immortal and Ancients."
"Seeing as though those magics are restricted to those races except when a Master in one of those magics personally chooses someone to be their apprentice, how do you expect to do that?"
"I will tell you if you swear by your life and magics never to reveal what I am about to tell you."