I can't believe I am doing this. Alice is fucking crazy. It's not like I am actually good enough to get this spot. I guess it's at least a good thing that I didn't have to cut my hair. I would have died if I had to cut my hair to pretend I am a guy for this damn audition. That is where I would have drawn the line.

Now before you judge let me explain. I am currently sitting here waiting to audition for one of my favorite metal rock bands, Rita's Gift. They put out on the news that they would be here to listen to the best of the best waiting to replace there lead singer. I have already gotten past the first six auditions now I just have to impress the band. The thing is they only want guys in the band, but damn it I am way better than these guys I am sitting with.

To prove my point my friends Alice and Paul helped me prepare to act like a guy. All the members of the band already have long hair so I was ok with my hair but I had to tape my chest down and get the non singing guy voice down I also had to change my name to Ben instead of Bella.

When they called my name a stood and casually walked over and the lead guitar player shook my hand. His name is Edward Cullen and by far the hottest member of the band but since he doesn't sing people tend to forget about him. I followed him into the back room where the rest of the band was waiting. "OK I assume you know all of our names, so guys this is Ben."

I nodded at all of the guys who looked so laid back it was ridiculous. There was Jacob the drummer, Jasper the bass player, and Emmett the second guitar player. I almost wanted to squeal because I was so happy to be standing in front of them but that would have given me away. "OK Ben go ahead in the cubicle and we will see what you can do."

I got in there and pulled the headphones on and heard Edward's voice immediately. "OK Ben in front of you is the lyrics and music for Redemption in a Small Letter you sing it and we will go from there." Before I could respond the music was playing loudly in my ears. I didn't even bother to look at the sheets of paper because I knew this song by heart.

Half way through the song the music shut off and when I looked up all the guys were talking in a group. I would give anything to be able to hear what they were saying but this room was soundproof. They all looked through the window and were smiling. Jacob opened the door and stood there. "So you want to join the band?"

"Yes!" I stopped and cleared my throat accidentally letting my girl voice slip through, "Hell yes!"

Alright this one is all up to you guys the readers. If I don't get feedback such as reviews or story alerts or even PM's I will not continue this story. Tell me if I should keep writing or if it is a bad idea.