Hola peoples, i iz back! My grammar has picked up a little…okay like an inch, give or take but…I AM BACK BABY! it's been a stresful time for my family and that broght me down but I have been working on this and working with my aunt to help and she's back to writing! Look at her profile for an update.

this is not much of a chapter, I'm sorry-it's more like a break for the two before I get to the good stuff. besides I thought this would be better than some old authors note. Their icky . so enjoy and remember to review!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the franchise surrounding the Legion of Superheroes.

Timber Wolf was heavily relieved when the HQ turned to be nearly empty with the exception of Saturn Girl, who had been monitoring the base, and Brainy, who had banished himself to his lab. He had promised to meet Phantom Girl, equally wet and smelt of swamp water, outside the HQ in about an hour to clean before leaving for lunch. When he had questioned the chosen time period, she had shrugged and mentioned that it took her a while to get ready.

When he had reached his new room, he had stopped just outside the door before he entered. Usually when he was with his father, Timber Wolf would often seclude himself to his room whenever his father had been busy in his lab. Lonely, yes but it never truly bothered him then as opposed to him being alone now. He had never thought companionship was all that important when he lived with his father, essential to living the life of a normal human being but it wasn't at the top of his priority list. Now, he thought as he took a glance down at his animalistic hands, I have a reason to have friends. Timber Wolf shook his head a bit. He knew it wasn't a reason this time it was a necessity, an actual desire of companionship, of real friends. Timber Wolf doubted he would be able to return to a life of a loner after he had met the Legion. He closed his eyes as he remembered how the others had fought for him on Rawl, how Saturn Girl had defended him from the others and welcomed him to their lives. Timber Wolf would be eternally grateful to them for they gave him a purpose in his new partial bestial form; they gave his newly required powers a true meaning.

Now realizing that he had spent some time outside his room, dripping on the floor he had rolled his eyes before entering his room. He really needed to stop doing that. He had started to walk towards his desk chair to grab the towel that he had used earlier that day (after three months of no bathing, the others had given him all the time and soap he needed to cleanse himself) to dry himself off when he noticed a parcel on his bed. Now this puzzled Timber Wolf because he had not left anything in his room at all, he didn't have many possessions with him when he came. Curiously, he walked towards it and studied it for a moment. It was a long, thin white box with an orange bow tied around it. He quirked an eyebrow at a small note that sat on top of it. With the note in hand, Timber Wolf noticed that his name had been written on the front with an orange crayon in quick yet neat handwriting. It was much too dainty and orderly to be any of the other male Legionnaires' penmanship but for now he would keep an open mind. He had flipped it open to find a message written in dark orange marker with the same neat penmanship:

Timber Wolf,

Thought that you could use a little help with buying new civilian clothing. With the measurements that Triplicate Girl was able to get, we had gone out on a small shopping trip. There were some things that we had gotten but not much, you will have to join us later on to get more but for now these should hold you over for a week or so. Other things you will have to shop for yourself.

Hope your lesson with Phantom Girl went well.


Saturn Girl and Triplicate Girl.

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the cute but simple sketch at the bottom of the note that featured stick figures of Saturn Girl and Triplicate Girl carrying some bags. His eyebrows crumpled up at 'Other things you will have to shop for yourself' but after a few minutes, his ears immediately flattened against his skull as his previously cold body warmed with the flush of his skin. Timber Wolf silently thanked them for not embarrassing him with shopping for his type of underwear. This was probably the most he's blushed in one day.

He massaged his eyes, mindful of his claws before he looked back down at the note. Timber Wolf's eyes squinted at a small part of writing that he seems to have missed.

P.S- We saw this outfit and decided you needed a confidence boost! Hope you like it!

His eyes turned towards the now forgotten box as it sat there on the neat bed, innocent as the drawing on the note he received. With an easy flick of his finger, his claw had slashed easily through the ribbon and he didn't know whether to be grateful that he didn't have to fetch scissors or a little fearful of the sharpness of his fingernails. Carefully, Timber Wolf lifted the top off the box and gently parted the paper inside to find an interesting article of clothing. An entirely new outfit, selected just for him. Gingerly, he brought the dark sweatshirt to eye level and found himself smiling at the text pressed into the front. On the front was a small wolf emblem over the heart but as he flipped it over, he lifted the hoodie to the side and chuckled at the text that read, 'Don't act like you're not impressed'. With the sweatshirt hoodie off to the side, Timber Wolf had realized that there was another t-shirt (this one read 'Standard hugs: free, Deluxe hugs: $1.00', he blushed once again), a pair of dark jeans, and a new pair of shoes and socks. Timber Wolf had even found a pair of gloves that looked like they were especially made for him, he had suspicions but he wouldn't bring it up just yet. After a thought, he decided to wear the new outfit that the others had generously bought for him and before he had rushed into the shower upon a glance at the clock, he thought about ways to repay them.

Phantom Girl smoothed out her hair once more as she walked through HQ hallways. To her surprise, it took her less time to shower and ready herself to leave for lunch than she thought she would need. Now she wasn't vain but that doesn't mean that she had to be lazy with her appearance during an outing. She had to have a little more self pride than just the usual sloppy jeans and loose t-shirt but for some reason, she was doing just that.

She wore a black band t-shirt (she had never heard of the band, what kind of name is 'PANIC! At the Disco', anyway?) with the lettering on the t-shirt spaced out, somewhat of a vintage print that she seemed to enjoy. Matched with the shirt, she sported light jeans that comfortably hugged her curves without the risk of cutting off her circulation, and a pair of dark converse. With an agitated sigh, she pushed her freshly cleaned hair away from her face once more and ideally played with the thick wristbands snaked around her wrists. With at least fifteen minutes before she would meet Timber Wolf, Phantom Girl was on the search for Saturn Girl for some form of entertainment rather than being bored and alone. She smiled when the door opened with a hiss, lo and behold she found Saturn Girl reading a magazine lazily in a chair.

"Immy!" Phantom Girl childishly called out to the blonde as she got closer, her lips sported a small pout.

At the sound of her nickname, Saturn Girl turned towards her with a response on her tongue but stopped immediately when her fuchsia eyes had taken in her friend's state of dress.

Phantom Girl's smile dropped when she had noticed that she was eying her clothing, "What? Do I look bad?"

"Hmm? No, no you look fine it's just that I'm a bit surprised that's all."

The brunette sat herself on the arm of the chair, despite knowing what Saturn Girl hinted at, she continued with, "Why surprised?"

Saturn Girl was silent for a moment then said, "You usually dress a little more…sophisticated when you're going out." Normally Phantom Girl would be in what would call "elegant-casual" wear with a ring or two here and perhaps a pair of heels there but this time her clothes seemed to be casual, like she was almost lazy about it.

Her suspicions were proven correct when Phantom Girl shrugged and responded with, "I didn't want to make Timber Wolf wait."

By that point in time, Phantom Girl had unknowingly captured her friend's attention. The corner of her lips turned upright in a small smirk as she eyed the brunette, a small twinkle of mischievousness that most people would have never suspected the sunshine haired woman to have sparkled in her eyes.

Phantom Girl finally realized that Saturn Girl had not turned to her magazine and cautiously regarded the woman with a guarded but defensive, "What?"

With her back snug in the corner of the chair, Saturn Girl simply smiled at her, "You like him."

"We've only known each-other for less than a day," Phantom Girl snorted and crossed her arms across her chest, "But so far, I have to say that he's alright."

The blonde tried again, "I meant, dear, is that you like like him." Of course she thought it was ridiculous to add an extra 'like' to her sentence but they were still teenagers therefore teenagers were allowed to have terrible grammar until they have officially become adults, at least that was her rule.

Phantom Girl gave her friend an incredulous look before she stood up and turned away, "You're joking right? Did you not just hear me?" Saturn Girl found some form of amusement when she noticed that her comrade's face developed a very light shade of pink since making the sarcastic girl blush was surprisingly challenging.

"Gotta go. Later." Phantom Girl then walked calmly from the room and started her journey down to meet Timber Wolf. Before she encountered Saturn Girl she was fine with the exception of mild irritation at her hair getting in her face but now, she thought as she mindlessly raised her arms behind her head to take her hair in her hands, she was worried.

One had good reason to be nervous when Saturn Girl was in one of her moods is that despite her mature and maternal disposition, Saturn Girl had a rather well-meant but horrid knack for matchmaking. To Saturn Girl, it was a "talent" and found joy in while the rest of the Legionnaires could only groan and shield away from her when she had found two people whom she thought were a perfect match. She could do well, Phantom Girl mused when she fixed the ponytail she had just done, if every couple she set up didn't end in complete disaster. The break-up rate from her matchmaking just might rival the divorce rate in America alone. She shook her head sadly when the unfortunate memory of Lightening Lad and Triplicate Girl's date floated to the surface of her memory. For that entire night, Bouncing Boy had slumped onto the couch and watched nothing but ancient black and white films in addition to stuffing double chocolate brownie ice cream into his mouth. She silently thanked the couple that they decided it was just good to be friends, whom had disappointed Saturn Girl but delighted her bouncy friend, and it was never brought up again.

The other reason to be nervous was that she had primary knowledge that Saturn Girl had turned the matchmaking eye on Phantom Girl and Timber Wolf. There was always the chance that the blonde could have pity for the newest Legionnaire and most likely leave them alone for the time being, which bought the monochromatic girl some time to save him but unfortunately would leave her to the blonde member. And to be quite honest, she didn't exactly have a clear opinion on the bestial teenager. But what she had acquired in a mental list was: awkward, intimidating, quiet, slightly predictable, slightly perverted (he stared at her breasts after their first tumble for three minutes before she interrupted), has a tendency to be lost in his thoughts, and exciting to battle. After she had gone through what she had known about him, she snorted and excited the building, choosing to lean against the side to wait for him. We'd totally win 'Couple of the Year' award, she mentally grumbled. But still, Phantom Girl could not hide the smile or the chuckle at the thought of them together.

"Yeah, like that would happen," She told herself briefly glancing off to her side but chuckled again, "It's stupid."

"What's stupid?" A hazy voice asked nearly making her jump; the voice had quickly registered in her mind so she calmly pushed herself off the wall to face her companion.

"Nothing. Ready to go?"

I hope you enjoyed this. i always thought that Saturn Girl would be the perfect woman for a horrible matchmaker lol remember to review and have fun! It's Octobre! My favorite month! DIA dE LOS MUERTOS!