What are you doing in my bed?

James has returned from a busy day and late night and is planning for much needed sleep, but a surprise lying in wait has plans of her own…


Pillows, Potions and Panties

James gently pushed open the portrait to the common room and snuck a peek around the room before deeming it safe to climb in. He tucked his wand in his pocket, shuffling his full bag so it wouldn't make a racket. He slipped off his shoes as to avoid echoing footsteps on the hard floor from the prying ears of Professor McGonagall, who tended to jump him just as he was coming in – annoying witch.

However he was able to descend into the room – past the Professor's quarters – and had managed to make it to the stair without a sound. He descended them, avoiding the ones that groaned and squeaked when you stepped on them.

Hardly believing his good luck, James stole into the seventh years dorm, and with a sigh of relief, shoved his things into the trunk at the end of his bed, stripping down and then pulling his old running shorts.

He yawned and glanced at the sleeping forms of Peter and Sirius (Remus was in the hospital wing due to his 'condition' the previous night), pausing to snort at Sirius' current sleeping position: his feet were resting in the pillow and his head where his feet should be, not to mention his arse was sticking up in the air.

James decided against playing a prank on his best mate's position, knowing Sirius the opportunity would arise again. James placed his watch, glasses and head boy's badge on the bedside table and descended into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing the ink off his stained fingers.

His eyes closing shut of their own accord James stumbled to his bed and slipped underneath the closed curtains and into the warm bedclothes, snuggling up to the rather warm and soft strawberry scented pillow… wait a minute…

'Where the hell have you been?'

James jumped as if he'd received an electric shock, blinking furiously to try and focus his eyes on what or rather who was in his bed. In his hazy vision he managed to see the glint of eyes, possibly emerald ones. In fact James put two and two together…

'Evans? What are you doing in my bed?'

'Where the hell have you been?' Lily repeated, speaking to him as if being in his bed was a normal occurrence.

'Out.' James said surreptitiously.

'Doing what?' Lily said, her tone warning James to not try and step around the question.

'Studying.' James said with a yawn. 'Potions.' He snapped at her as she opened her mouth to press for another questions.

Lily raised an eyebrow at him.

'Until 2am? Last time I checked there was a curfew…'

'I'm Head Boy, I'll stay out to whenever I damn well please.' James shot back, grumpily. 'What are you doing in my bed?'

'I'm Head Girl and I'll be wherever I damn well please, why were you out so late…?'

'I've been in the common room…'

'Lies.' Lily hissed at him, punctuating her statement with a soft but sharp slap to his cheek. 'You've only just come in!' Lily seized his head and held him so their foreheads were touching. 'Tell me the truth.'

James faltered under her stare – even in nearly pitch black her gaze could melt him.

'Hospital wing.' James mumbled. 'Remus.' He said, knowing what she was going to ask. 'We were studying Potions though...'

Lily sighed exasperatedly, 'Silly Goose, you do know that tomorrow is Saturday, don't you?'

'Remus had an extension on his Potions essay due two days ago and forgot to do it – it's due tomorrow.' James yawned.

'Why didn't you tell me straight out?' Lily said, gently poking his exposed stomach.

Letting out a hurried huff of air, James batted away the offending finger. 'I don't have to tell you everything I do, why are you in my bed?'

'I don't have to tell you everything I do.' Lily mimicked.

'It's my damn bed, I deserve to know.'

'Codswallop!' Lily yawned and stretched her arms up causing her oversized shirt to ride up on her already exposed thigh.

James' eyes were drawn to the movement, blood rushing to his cheeks and his breath caught in his throat. A soft but firm finger curled under his chin, forcing his eyes away from the delicious looking…

'My eyes are up here.' Lily sounded more amused than offended.

James blushed and tried to shake his head from all dirty thoughts, but it was difficult with the girl of his dreams lying provocatively on his bed seemingly wearing not much more than an oversized shirt that was riding high on her thigh, and unbuttoned so that James could see she was only wearing a flimsy, torn and rather see-through tank top underneath, and the sleeves were rolled up to expose her milky arms, and the small ink stain on the collar stood out boldly where he had been squirted the other day.

'This is my shirt!' He said with a jolt of realization.

'Finders keepers.' Lily bunched his shirt around her, and buried her face in the collar. 'You should learn to put your things away.'

James wasn't listening; in fact he was having trouble breathing. Lily's movement to hug his shirt had lifted it up, off her thigh altogether and to her bellybutton, exposing her midriff and what he hadn't already seen of her creamy thigh… not to mention the black panties.

Merlin, black silk panties, with thin lace edges, that had "Kiss me" boldly written in emerald green over the left hand side.

It was a brief, but glorious view, that was suddenly obstructed by the hem of his shirt.

'Will you stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat?'

'Well stop looking so damn gorgeous!' James returned with extra indigence, 'I swear Evans, you're such a damn tease!'

'I'm the damn tease?' Lily huffed, her cheek aflame, 'Who's the one that's come to bed scantily clad?'

'You!' Both shot at each other. 'What?!' They both cried.

'You just flashed your underwear at me!' James said hotly, pinching her exposed skin just below his shirt to punctuate his point.

'You're wearing nothing but your underwear!' Lily said, quick to apply a slap in return.

However, despite not wearing his glasses, James' reflexes were still cat-like and using her caught hand he flipped and pinned her to the bed using his weight, ignoring the strangled gasp from her soft lips and focused on her wide, startled eyes.

'Is it so hard to answer me this question?' James said, roughly, 'Why are you in my bed?'


A/N: I'm not dead yet! I shall continue to speculate on JP/LE until JKR gives us a canon story… *boomboom*

This chapter is part 1 of 3 and yes it's short, it's how I operate, I can keep within the attention span and keep focus… - ooh look, something shiny! w

All characters and other Harry Potter related things belong to JKR.

Lily's underwear belongs to me ;D