If you are reading this, then either you thought that this was the ending, or you ignored my warnings and chose to see how this all ends.
I cannot for the life of me comprehend why any of you would wish this upon yourselves, so I'll assume that you made a mistake.
Please, go to the previous chapter and enjoy your happy ending. There is no need for you to read this. You don't need to know what happens after Happily Ever After.
Varanus: Stories take two people to tell – the story teller and the audience. If you chose not to continue, then the story will have ended already for you. You can leave satisfied that there has been a conclusion, that the nightmare was just that.
It's our duty to keep telling the story. But it's your choice to be audience to it.
And even as I write this, it saddens me to know that some of you will read and understand my warnings, yet choose the truth over Happily Ever After. It is only natural, there have been so many unfortunate events that have taken place in this story that many of you have decided that even through all this pain, there must be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes... The light is merely the torch of another wanderer who died, lost and alone in the darkness.
I've already apologised for offering this burden. You were the one who chose to bear it.
We are merely the storyteller. There is no story without the audience.
We apologise for nothing.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Wisdom is but beginning of fear.
It would be typical of the followers of Chaos to perpetuate such a hoax, if only to give desperate humans a shadow of hope that could be snatched away.
It's like in the great stories, Lelouch; the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end... because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was, when so much bad had happened?
You and I, Lelouch, are still stuck in the worst places of the story, and it is all too likely that some will say at this point: 'Shut the book now, dad; we don't want to read any more…'
Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like you do Lelouch. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if you ever, even for one moment, accept it.
Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all.
Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair and the hero comes to call, Everybody Lives.
This is not one of those days, Lelouch.
January 1st, 0008 AE
The Demon Emperor Lelouch Vi Britannia entered the Tohjo Parliament Building and placed himself as ruler.
You know the best way to break a man Lelouch? Missingno. asked the man as he cradled his son. Drive him to the very depths of despair, then grant him rest. A spot of hope, if you will.
It's like fishing. You need to give the fish a little line, then pull it right back in again.
Lelouch held his son close.
Alphonse was breathing.
See, you thought I was gone, but then suddenly, I was right there, with your child. Missingno. chuckled. I could have just snapped his neck, but then you'd have nothing left to lose. Well, apart from that lovely woman of yours.
Lelouch stood upright. "What do you want?" he asked.
Missingno. smiled.
You've grown soft. He said. Accustomed to this nice life on the road as you make your way back to civilisation. You forgot that you aren't on Earth anymore, this is MY land. My rules.
Lelouch stroked his son's hair.
What I want, Lelouch, is Chaos. Missingo. Said. War, carnage, hate, love, passion, death, life, beautiful, endless CHAOS!
Missingno. stretched a hand to Lelouch.
Let me show you what I mean.
Using the powers of his Geass, his powers as a Master, his powers as a Demon, and by using the power of the Unown, Lelouch Vi Britannia quickly and efficiently slaughtered the government officials that were granted authority to rule over the region by Central power, and created for himself a throne using the Unown's powers to distort reality to their whim.
Alphonse whimpered at the red specks appearing in the sky. He was too young, and though he instinctively feared the sight, he didn't understand what they meant.
But his father knew, he could recognise them in a heartbeat, and when they descended around them, numbers enough to blot out the sun, a legion that reached towards the horizon in their uncountable billions, Lelouch remembered what horror was.
Deoxys had descended, to raze this world after having destroyed the last.
My fellow demons. Missingno. told his army. It has often been said that I like war. Friends, I like war. No, friends, I love war!
I love holocausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines. I love sieges, charges, I love mop-up operations, and retreats.
Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundra's, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur upon this hell and that old Earth.
I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with dragon pokémon that thunder across the lines of battle.
My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed flying pokémon.
And there is nothing like a trainer using a pikachu to obliterate enemy gyarados. And the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his rampaging tyranitar only to be mowed down by screeching weavile, is such an exquisite feeling.
Like when ranks of infantry brandish their blades and their pokémon rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit stabbing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.
The sight of deserters being strung up from a street lamp is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing, than the sounds made by prisoners of war dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear piercing scythers!
When a band of pitiful resistance fighters makes their final stands with nothing but small, first stage pokémon, only to have their city smashed to atoms block by block by heatran bombshells, I'm in ecstasy.
I love it when my forces are ravaged by an armoured division. It's so sad to see towns and villages that were supposed to be defended at all costs, being laid to waste, their women and children being raped, and killed.
I love to be squashed under the heel of the human war machines. The humiliation, as my fellow demons crawl around like vermin, ducking the flames flying overhead.
My fellow demons... All I ask for is war, a war so grand as to make Earth itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even houndoom to scavenge, from this HELL!
The demon horde roared in victory, chanting one word in unison: CHAOS! CHAOS! CHAOS!
Very well. Then chaos is what you shall have. Missingno. smirked. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us, with our might. But... After enduring an eternity wallowing in the darkness with only a moment of light, for us, a simple "ordinary" war will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE war! A war beyond any other that man's history has never known!
We are but a single brood... The remnants of a defeated race numbering less than a million strong. However, I believe that each of you old demons is worth a million of their sickly soft children! We represent a force that could easily defeat an infinite mortal force! It is time for them to awake the ones who sent us screaming into oblivion, and who now lie sleeping. Let's drag them out of bed by the hair, and remind them of what we are! We will remind them of what it feels like to live in fear. We will remind them of the sound our jackboots make against their throats. We will remind them, that there are more things between Heaven and Hell than are dreamt of in their philosophy.
Our brood of one million demons will burn this world down to ash. Yes, my friends! Soon, mankind's charred remains will illuminate the night sky! I have brought you all back just as I promised I would. Back to our favourite battlefield. Back to our beloved war!
At last, the humans have crossed the ocean and are heading up the hill! Attention forces of Chaos, this is a message from your GOD:
Friends... Missingno. smiled as Lelouch watched in horror. Let us raise hell...
The union of the thirty nine nations were outraged, and voices called for a militia. Instead, Red decided to meet the demon emperor in person and to question his madness. Unfortunately, this was for nought, and he barely escaped with his life.
Indeed, the time Lelouch had spent battling Missingno. had driven him mad, and he lusted after one thing and one thing alone.
The destruction of the world.
And the best part of it all is, they have no idea that I took that particular speech from you humans in the FIRST place! Missingno. laughed. Oh, but it gets better. See, we've got someone on the inside.
"Nemo." Lelouch snarled.
That's right. Missingno. smiled. Which reminds me. Your sister's dead. Yeah, see, we broke her pretty little head so hard that Nemo has full control now, and your sister's never coming back. She's gone.
"So, that's it?" Lelouch asked flatly. "You came all this way to tell me that everything that I've done was for nothing?"
No! Well, yes, obviously, but I came here to offer you a choice. Missingno. said. Go there, rally the humans to fight against us, or go make yourself the demon.
Lelouch glared at him.
See, we want war. Missingno. shrugged. But we don't care whose. I think it's far more interesting to see you go out there against impossible odds than it is for humans to fight against demons like before.
"And why should I do that?" Lelouch asked as he felt a tugging at his leg.
"Daddy?" Alphonse asked. "My head hurts…"
Lelouch looked at his son in horror, then back to see Missingno. gleefully tapping his head, a drumming of four beats in a row.
That's my little trick. Missingno. said. I'm in his head. I can make him do whatever I want.
"Daddy…" Alphonse sobbed as he created a dagger from nothingness and held it to his own throat.
Ooh, what to do daddy? Missingno. cackled. The world's blood on your hand, or your son's? Either way, there's gonna be a holocaust, so really it's all about the guilt.
The world raised arms for the first time since the new genesis, rising against a tyrant.
Lelouch fought for power, rising to become a god.
And we, the people, fought against him.
Lelouch slammed a fist of black lightning through Missingno.'s head. Its body fell to the ground, and Lelouch knelt with his son, clutching him by either side of the head and entered his mind.
He saw it, a black shadow of unnatural shapes lurking at the front of his son's psyche. It stirred, as if to speak, to react.
It didn't get the chance.
With cold swiftness, Lelouch murdered the demon within Alphonse's head.
"Your move, Missingno." The Black Prince snarled.
But with his demons and his wrath, the demon emperor conquered the world.
The human race and their pokémon, what was left, had to run.
We fled, and we hid, and we grew strong, ready to fight another day.
Nemo smiled.
"Do it, brother." She said, turning to Redeoxys as it took the form of Lelouch Lamperouge.
"Yes." He said, donning the cloak and robes of a destroyer. "My sister."
Missingno. laughed.
This is even better. He said. I hope you can lead a successful rebellion, now that you've become a monster.
"What are you talking about?" Lelouch snarled, before he realised Missingno.'s plan.
The unmasked Zero threw the doors of the Tohjo building wide open.
Many were startled, but seeing Zero once again after so long, some began to cheer, running up to greet the hero that had delivered them to the new world.
"ATTENTION ALL HUMANS!" Zero roared, stopping them in their tracks. People began to scream as unown span around him and he launched black flames through the building. "I, LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA! COMMAND YOU!"
The unown opened a portal and the horde of demons began to spill through.
Did you know, Deoxys have the same base stats as a common demon? Missingno. asked. That's because they are. They came into your world unbidden, and brought about its end. They were just that little bit more determined, that's all.
Lelouch looked upon the demon in horror.
The demons rushed through the crowds of helpless humans, snapping at them and dashing them across the concrete with their flailing limbs.
Whoever wasn't killed and devoured with merciful haste were left crying out in pain as they were perforated by stabbing tentacles.
The survivors tried to drag themselves to freedom, but the pain and sickness they felt made them look down at their wounds.
Each and every one was swelling up with vile green tumours.
Then, they too, died.
"DEEeeOOooXYYyySSss..." The deoxys roared with stolen voices, exploding out of the hosts that had previously been consumed.
The people screamed as demons burst from every shadow, as deoxys burst from their friend's corpses and as the blue sky was painted red, as if with blood.
The sun darkened, its glorious white flame burning black with malice.
The world returned to hell.
Eight years of peace, Lelouch. Missingno. said. No human has experienced that in centuries. All of your friends have grown soft in the solace you gave them. Were they still warring with one another, they'd be ready for us. They could fight back.
As they are? Missingno. chuckled. It's like bringing mareep to the slaughter. Thank you for making it so easy.
Red led the charge against the epicentre of the chaos, the Tohjo parliament building.
Tentacles and twisted blades lashed out, black lighting and silver flames consuming those around him.
He slowed his charge as his brother leapt through the air and slammed into the ground before him, darkness writhing around his body.
Red's Geass took over his body.
"RETREAT!" he shouted to those around, but they couldn't hear.
Wounds they had buried long ago exploded into memories of pain and agony, and an army fell to their knees in fear.
Nemo watched the broken men from above as she twisted their souls around her fingers, weaving a tapestry of misery and sorrow in the hearts of men.
Come on Lelouch. Missingno. said, standing upright. We're not gonna kill all of the humans. We'll leave you just enough to lead a decent insurrection against us. Of course, they still think you're batting for the other team, if you know what I mean, so you'll have your work cut out for you.
Lelouch destroyed the demon's body with white flames in a fit of rage.
Suzaku carried his wife and child, leading an exodus into refuge as the forces of hell ravaged their new world.
Many of those around couldn't move. Some fell to their knees in terror, some were so broken that they just stood and laughed as the demons ran through them with their blades.
The pokémon didn't hesitate. They all either fought against the enemy, fang and claw, or they led those that would still run to safer lands.
The soldier in Suzaku screamed at him with every fibre of his being to charge into the carnage, to obliterate the foe, to make them pay in blood for each scream they brought about, for each life they ended.
The father, the husband, and the coward in him, however, forced him to run, if only for his wife and daughter.
By the time you get to civilisation, the whole thing should've blown over. Missingno. said, regenerating the damage. Bet you wish you kept that Dark/Psychic match up so you could teleport, don't you? He asked. Because right now, everyone's watching Lelouch Vi Britannia slaughter an entire nation.
The one deoxys who wasn't consumed by the bloodrage was forced to kill the woman that she saw as her own mother. She did it to slay the parasite that stole Shirley's life, snatching it from the human to the monster that wept for the blood on her hands.
"That's not Lulu." The woman muttered to herself as Zero tore through the burning sky and laughed with each moment of death and chaos. "That's not Lulu."
Indeed it is not.
The girl turned to the mewtwo that landed beside her. "Vengeance!" she gasped.
The war is lost. Run.
"I'll fight with you." The girl said, beginning to transform, but stopped as the mewtwo gripped her arm.
If we are to survive, then the humans must be protected until they can rise again.
The present is lost. The future is all we have. You must ensure the insurrection.
Shirley nodded. "Alright." she said, turning around and pursuing those she could fight alongside.
The mewtwo smirked as he shifted into the form of 'M.
And so it begins...
Also, that girl of yours is about to go into labour, so you're in no position to be running and saving the world. Missingno pointed out, stepping into the darkness. Just saying.
Lelouch collapsed to his knees as Sierra grunted in pain, holding his son tight as the sky burnt red under the black sun, the air filled with the the sounds of madness all around as the demon walked away from the carnage he had created.
See you at the end of the world Lelouch...