It was one of the shapeshifters' of La Push's favorite holidays; April Fools. Quil Ateara woke up that morning and snuck into the room of his roommate, Embry Call. He cracked open the door and saw Embry sound asleep.

This is too easy…

Quil quietly snuck into the room and picked Embry's cell phone up from his nightstand. He scrolled through the contacts.

As he scrolled, he found the number of Embry's mom and contemplated what to change the name to. He hit "edit."


Quil decided to change her name to Hermione Granger. He struggled not to laugh as he located Jacob Black's number and changed the contact name to Jack Bauer. He then found the number of Embry's girlfriend, Leah Clearwater.

Ok…you are now Joan Jett.

Quil snickered quietly as he glanced over at Embry, still slumbering away.

Next, he scrolled down to his own girlfriend's number, Willow Black, and changed her name to Lady Gaga. He started to laugh, quickly covering his mouth with his hand to muffle the laughter.

Finally, Quil changed Rebecca Black's number to Shakira and his own name to Alexander the Great, pressing his lips together to keep quiet.

Quietly, Quil placed the phone back on the nightstand and snuck out of the room.

"April Fools!" He whispered with a snicker.

"Runaway!" Willow sang along to the radio as she blow dried her hair. "Runaway from the pain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah…"

She turned off the blow dryer and walked across the hall to finish getting dressed.

"Shit!" She exclaimed, looking at the hallway clock. "I'm late!"

Meanwhile, Quil was pulling up to Willow's house. He walked up to the door and knocked before opening it. Walking inside, he called up the stairs.



"Willow! We're already late! We have to haul ass to get there."

Willow skipped down the steps. Still unaware of Quil, she almost bumped into him. She jumped with a shriek, eyes wide.

"You scared me!!" She cried out.

Quil laughed. "Sorry." He took her hand and led her to the car. "Come on, hopefully we can still catch some of Brennan's show."

"Sorry," Willow apologized. "I lost track of time trying to pack and get one last assignment done for my class." She climbed into the passenger seat and strapped herself in.

Quil got into the driver's seat and started driving to the show, smiling over at Willow. "It's okay, babe. You have everything ready to go now?"

Willow flipped down the visor mirror to check her lip gloss. "I think so," she replied. "I actually have no idea. Hey, how was your class today?"

"It was okay. My exam is next week, actually." He grinned suddenly. "Hey, do me a favor…Will you call Embry for me?"

Willow looked at him confused. "You want me to call him, like, 'Hey Em…What's going on?'" She grinned with him. "Why?"

"Well," Quil explained. "As an April Fools joke, I changed his contacts. Go ahead and call him, Lady Gaga."

Willow pulled out her phone, laughing, and dialed Embry's number.

Quil parked and got out of the car. He came around to open Willow's door while she waited for Embry to answer.

Embry heard his phone ring and looked down at the Caller ID.

What the hell? He stared. Lady Gaga?

Quickly, he answered the phone. "H…ello?"

"Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Rom-mah-rom-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance." Willow stifled a laugh as she hung up and looked over at Quil, bursting out in laughter.

Embry hung up, almost dropping his phone, eyes popping out of his head.

Quil cracked up along with Willow. "That was priceless!"