A/N: 100-word drabble for the "Food" challenge.
Dean shouldn't have let Luna bring drinks for their picnic.
He'd known that he should bring the food – Ron had warned him about Freshwater Plimpy Soup – but he'd reckoned even Luna could manage drinks.
He'd reckoned wrong.
"Luna, what is this?"
"Gurdyroot juice! It wards off Gulping Plimpies."
Dean decides not to ask about the difference between Gulping and Freshwater Plimpies. "It reeks."
"Pinch your nose." Luna demonstrates, drinking deeply.
She lowers her glass and smiles. The juice has stained her lips red.
Instead of drinking, Dean kisses her.
She tastes like Gurdyroots.
(Dean thinks he likes Gurdyroots, after all).
Please review!