Hello readers (if you're still out there)! This is not the owner of either show. On the contrary:
Yeahhhh! I have an excuse; it's called AP English summer reading and also called play rehearsal for two plays this summer. Sorry I haven't written but the only writing I have been doing is school and theater related. You know what's funny? Three of the actors that are doing the play with me have the same names as the characters on Bones: Jack, Zach and Angela, I know the names are common but they were all there at once on the sheet it made me chuckle. Here is some good new though, I have been writing the start of the dream world thing I'm going to do and I have gotten part of that done. I also have new cases the teams will be working on… you guys didn't think I was only doing one case did you? Oh NO! These teams will be seeing A LOT of eachother trust me. I have like 5 cases on the back burner. I NEEDED to write in the most lovable misguided lab assistant and King. ZACH!
Both conversations Reid has with Zach and in later chapters with Brennan forced me to do hours of research so be grateful. I have a math and science oriented mind (with the flare of English and mythology) but I am nowhere close to being the same IQ as them, I am close to being a genius, just not their level.
So go read… seriously go! And stop trying to steal John's knife to kill me he paid for that with his own money! GOSH!
Cracking the Code
McKinley Hospital for the Criminally Insane
Reid looked up at the building and thought of how much it looked like his own mother's institution. Beside him stood Hodgins who, without a doubt, was saddened by the sight of the building. Inside sat his friend, his best friend, and he wasn't even allowed to see him without the being accompanied by a clinical therapist or federal agent. He wasn't going to ask Sweets that was for sure. Although the therapist was a member of his team and was like his kid brother he couldn't talk the way he wanted with Zach in front of him, Hodgins wanted to talk honestly with Zach and didn't want to be questioned by Sweets who would, undoubtedly ask in front of the team. Hodgins also knew he couldn't talk to Zach in front of a complete stranger. That's why he was thrilled to have Reid. He was so much like Zach, it was weird. The entire BAU team had similarities to his team. Garcia was compassionate like Angela and JJ had the mother quality apparent in Cam. Emily could rival Brennan in compartmentalizing at moments and Hotchner challenged her mentally and in working styles. Hotchner (along with SSA Derek Morgan) screamed Booth, with the alpha male prowess and the need to protect, it was evident. Reid was a lot like Sweets being young but was so much like Zach… Hodgins then compared himself to Rossi, money: check (his from the published works Hodgins from Daddy Dearest), womanizing past (Slightly): Check, hid everything, ruining relationships: No Hodgins… you didn't ruin it. You are married now. The thought quickly put a smile on Jack's face as he looked over to the young doctor. They nodded signaling they were ready and quickly started to leave the parking garage.
After a momentary silence Hodgins started talking.
"Thanks for doing this for me. I know that I'm taking up your lunch hour and…"
"Don't mention it, I know how it is and I wouldn't like to be given the ultimatum you were given to see a loved one. It's hard enough as it is, bringing in a stranger is almost demeaning."
"You understand, how?"
"My mother is a schizophrenic; she has been in an Institution since I was 18. I still regret putting her in there but I had no choice, I write to her everyday though, to make it up to her," It was silent while Hodgins took this information in.
"Schizophrenia is genetic." Hodgins stated
"Yes. Studies suggest that genetics, early environment, neurobiology, psychological and social processes are important contributory factors; some recreational and prescription drugs appear to cause or worsen symptoms. Current psychiatric research is focused on the role of neurobiology, but no single organic cause has been found."
"Wow Reid, that's… I don't know what to say to that." Hodgins was obviously forgotten by the profiler because Reid continued to talk, Hodgins just listen; this was something that was bugging the poor boy.
"It's estimated that only one percent of the world population suffers from schizophrenia but with my mother having it and then everything that happened with the dilaudid raised them even higher."
"Wow wait dilaudid? What happened between you and dilaudid?" Reid was unable to answer as they were approached by the guard.
"Look Hodgins, I find it awesome that you want to talk to Mr. Addy but you can't do it without a government official, I'm sorry."
"I do have a government official, I would like you to meet Supervisory Special Agent Doctor Spencer Reid."
"I don't know how you pull this off Jack Hodgins… go on in." The guard said with a small smile. Way to go Jack, way to go.
Jeffersonian Medico-Legal Lab Platform
"Our latest victim is Karen Michaels; she's European decent, Norwegian I believe and about 24 years old. She was taken last month and then her body was later discovered about ten yards from Carol Joy's dumpsite." Cam said looking everything they had gathered over the last day in a half. She was just about to take her lunch break and was talking to the remaining BAU team. She knew that Dr. Reid was with her own MIA doctor and that they would be excused from the rest of the day's activities. She also knew that Agent Jareau was now dealing with the horde of news personnel that were buzzing around outside.
"What should we do? He's obviously looking for another victim and the public are about to go into a mass panic." Booth said looking at the latest victim's picture.
"Well JJ is armed with our profile and victimology and will help calm that down. For now all we have to do is try and figure out where he's getting these girls and how." Hotch said walking over to the railing to look down on the platform. Below him Blake was getting test samples and Wendell was prepping the table for the body to be cleaned once Cam was done with her findings. Carol Joy had been placed on the table the day before and would soon be released to the family for cremation after Dr. Brennan and Wendell had taken a look at her bones. Hotch couldn't imagine what it was like for the girl's parents. Hotch turned back to the teams and listened to what they were saying.
"…geological profile Reid made for when they were here? I looked at it earlier. They were all at the same general area in the town's city square right before they were taken."
"Do we know what for?" Hotch asked. JJ and Prentiss looked at him like it was obvious.
"Shopping… Why else?"
"Guys!" Blake and Wendell screamed.
"What's up Blake?" Booth said looking over the rail.
"If Hodgins were here I would be claimed King of the Lab right about now! We've just cracked this case."
McKinley Hospital for the Criminally Insane
The buzzer announced the arrival of their man and Jack wore a huge grin on his face. He got up and hugged the younger man who returned it after a second of hesitation.
"Jack, I thought you were no longer allowed to come here without governmental personnel? And I understand how you hate government officials but I…" Zach said sitting down.
"I'm not, that's why this guys here. Zach I'd like you to meet Dr. Spencer Reid. Reid this is Zach Uriah Addy."
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Addy, or is it Dr. Addy? Which do you prefer?"
"Zach is just fine Reid." Hodgins interjected before Zach could get into a speech.
"Zachary Uriah Addy, quite an interesting name you have. All parts are derived from Hebrew yes? Zachary is another form of Zechariah and means 'God has remembered'. Uriah means 'my light Yahweh' or God to us. Addy is also Hebrew, it's a variation of a pet name for Adam and means 'man'."
"That is correct." Zach said slightly taken aback by the onslaught of information. He had known this himself but had not known this man had done research on him. "Why did you research me?"
"Oh, I didn't. I have a tendency to list off facts and other things to people when I'm speaking to them. I don't know what else to say in reality." Spencer didn't know why he was saying this but felt that he had something in common with the former assistant.
"This is all well and good but Zach I have your trivia for the day." Hodgins said flashing his small index card.
"Trivia?' Reid asked confused.
Hodgins explained that he would bring Zach a trivia question or a math question designed to stump the genius and had yet to succeed. "I got him this time though." He said before handing over the trivia question to Zach.
The subject this time was not math or science. This was actually Greek and Roman Mythology that ruled the Trivia card and the question had both geniuses discussing.
I hold a butterfly in my hand, with wreath and backward torch.
From Nyx and Erebus was I born, the twin of one Hypnos.
Once believed to be fierce and marked by pain and grief,
Now am I depicted as youthful and twice winged.
Brawn and Brain have beaten me, but only on occasion.
Brain twice had taken me with its artful persuasion.
Brawn but of once and the rest have I defeated,
Neither foe escaped my wrath when everything was depleted.
One day you will meet me, whether it be later or soon,
But one day you will meet me in darkness under no moon.
"Which Roman god is the butterfly associated with?" Zach said to Reid.
"I believe we are looking at the Greeks, since they mention Hypnos, if we were talking about Romans we would be saying something like Somnius or something close to that. For Hypnos is a Greek word meaning sleep. To the same affect that is a questioned that I can't answer. I could tell you multiple others, like Apollo is associated with dolphins, Poseidon to horses and Athena to the owl. Aphrodite has the swan and the list continues. Butterfly, I don't know though."
"What about the wings? I know that Cupid is normally shown with wings, along with Hermes, Boreas, and Nike and no doubt countless others, seeing as they were able to change shape. On more than one occasion Zeus is depicted as being in eagle form."
"He also was golden rain in one story."
"Oh yes it was…" Zach and Reid continued their talk of Zeus and his many cohorts for many minutes before Hodgins decided to get them back on track. They next decided to try and figure out the next six lines. They quickly determined that the God or Goddess was talking about two separate people. One representing brain and the other brawn. Then they figured that there was only one person that it was inevitable to meet but you would try to evade it or fight it as much as possible.
"But who is the God of death? I only know him as Mors but that's Roman again." Reid said looking at Zach. Zach though for a second and then smiled at Hodgins triumphantly, Hodgins smirked and shook his head as Zach answered the question.
"Thanatos, the god of death… I'm still King of the Looney Bin."
"Yeah Zach, your still king." Hodgins said smiling.
Jeffersonian Medico-Legal Lab, Hodgins' Work Station
"What do you got for me squintlings?" Booth asked looking at Blake and Wendell.
"Squintlings, really Booth squintlings? I expected something more out of you I-" Wendell ranted but was cut off by Blake.
"Alright Wendell, let's just show them yeah?"
"Okay well after some more looking at the bones I found that they were completely clean of anything that could seem out of place, except for a minuscule nick that we had missed on Vita and when we look at the nick on her we find something interesting." Wendell said looking at Blake to take over.
"Now most of the body tested positive for traces amount of the surrounding area which is to be expected but when we look at the particulates that Wendell found on the inside of Vita's wound after discovering it, we can see that they are gelsemium sempervirens." She said pulling up a picture of a small yellow flower that seemed to form a cone before meeting its branch on the vine.
"More commonly known as Carolina Jessamine. Now, I don't know if you know this, but plants need certain levels maintained to be able to grow on its own in nature. Sometimes this is classified as hardiness level." Wendell said
"The hardiness level of Carolina Jessamine is 7-9." Blake added
"We're telling you this because every area is designated a rate for the hardiness to tell what can grow there naturally, when we look at the area where the victims were last seen in Virginia, the hardiness level is 8. A perfect level for the Carolina Jessamine." Wendell closed of the explanation with a small amount of triumph evident in his voice and posture.
"So what are you saying?" Booth asked looking at the two grad students, it was Brennan who answered.
"The killer works in the park, most likely a gardener, and hit Vita with something to cause the nick."
"Alright, let's go to Virginia." Booth said as the BAU and Brennan followed him out the door. Cam returned to her office as did Garcia to Angela's and Sweets took off for the lunch room.
Angela congratulated Wendell and Blake, but not before adding a little quip "Well it seems that King Jack has fallen. All hail King Wendell and Queen Blake."
A little bit shorter than the last one but I wanted to give you guys something. I just started my junior year and so far it looks like I'm going to be busy forever. When I get free time I'll write but the chapters might be shorter than they were before. There is one thing we can celebrate though: I have beaten the curse of Chapter 5 I have never been able to get past chapter five and look! I did it! HA.
In other news: I would like to mention that I am going to put out a Wendell one shot that goes with this piece that runs alongside this story. Check out my profile to see if it's there. It's called This Was His Life. It's all about Wendell finally changing as a teenager. I'm going to post it after the third case raps up so there will be another notice about it but just to let you know. Also I have chosen the coma patients. NOTICE THE PURAL FORM! Both Reid and Brennan will be struck (in what way I know not of)and will be sharing a dream… almost like Inception (MOVIE WAS CRAZY!). This doesn't have a place yet and you will know as soon as it does because if you so choose you will be at liberty to skip the chapter (or chapters) and not enjoy my dream world state. They will clearly be title as with the letters DW at the end standing for Dream World.
Stay Frisky, PuBlicJorNal
PS: Any Ideas for a new sign off? Let me know… REVIEW!