"The following takes place between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM."

4:00 – CTU Toad Town

A state of disbelief is all around CTU a moment of silence. Mario enters the building and is shocked by how solemn his place of work is. He tried to match the sadness but it was difficult because he did not know what was going on.

"What happened here," he whispered to Goombella trying to not make public the fact that he had no idea what was going on.

"Bobbery just died," Goombella whispered causing Mario to become silent. He shook his head in disbelief that his mentor was gone. "I'm sorry Mario," Goombella comforted. It then occurred to him who Bobbery's partner was.

"Is Luigi okay?" Mario asked. Goombella nodded and Mario breathed a sigh of relief. Mario turns to see a yoshi walking towards him.

"I'm sorry for your loss sir," Mario nodded to his boss. The yoshi smiled and rested his hand on Mario's shoulder.

"Sadly," he said solemnly, "It is you who not only lost a mentor today… but also a close friend. Unfortunately for myself I only got to know him more then an acquaintance." He lowered his head and respect and left the scene.

Mario just stood there in confusion and sorrow.

Brent put the finishing shovel of dirt on the bury bodied. He grabbed his gun, which was sitting on the crate behind him and holstered it onto his belt. He walked back in only to see a heated discussion by his two business partners.

"We are sticking to the plan Boomer," Flame yelled, "I have a man who will pay serious money for this bomb to be delivered professionally."

"Yeah… money we will never be alive to see," Boomer spat back, "We saw what you did to Scottie, what stops him from doing that to us."

Flame was taken of guard by this remark. He paced around for a few seconds formulating a response. "I know this guy he was my friend." Boomer jumped on this hesitation talking a step towards Flame and laughing.

"And Scott was?" Boomer questioned aloud. "Did he not consider me a trustworthy person." He laughed and shook his head. "Lets ask him what he thinks now…" he paused and shook his head. "Oh wait he is full of lead."

Flame glared at Boomer knowing he had been defeated. Boomer, however, did not let up. "End of discussion, we are doing it my way. We will call the King and let him now that if our account does not have five hundred million dollars in two hours…" He paused and revealed a sinister grin, "Boom!"

Boomer turned to Brent and threw him some keys. "Start loading the supplies, we will leave at the top of the hour."

Flame gave a hatred stare at his partner and the camera zoomed in to him running to gun by his side.

4:24 – CTU Toad Town

The camera scans around the Counter Terrorist Unit building where many agents and busily typing away at computers desperately trying to find any helpful information. Anthony walked out of his office in rage.

"That was the king's head of security on the phone," he announced, "He wants results." He then turned to his top analyst, Goombella and asked for an update.

"I wish I had something," Goombella shrugged, "But unfortunately I do not." The Yoshi then turned to Dex and after he got received an embarrassed head nod glanced at the rest of his employees.

"This Kingdom is in danger of suffering from a major terrorist attack. As the counter terrorist unit it is our job to stop them." He paused for a second before returning to his speech. "Anything… I repeat anything that you find that may give us incite to the attacks send it to me immediately."

He was greeted by a loud, "Yes sir," from his workers as he nodded and headed back to his office.

Goombella turned back to her screen after her bosses' speech. She turned to her left in reaction to a sudden ring. It was her phone and the caller id read Toad Town police department.

"Not again," she muttered to herself as she picked up the phone. Immediately she put on fake cheerful voice. "Hello, Goombella speaking," she said in a fake cheerful voice.

"Hello ma'am," the screen changed to a Koopa in a police outfit. He had a black mustache and was balding. "My name is officer Dunlop."

"Hello officer Dunlop," Goombella greeted rolling her eyes but remaining cheerful. "Why do I have the pleasure to talk to you?"

"Cut the crap," Officer Dunlop said rather suddenly, "Your husband was out vandalizing again. This is the last straw… you are damn lucky that you're a government agent or he'd be in the dog house by now."

Goombella's face turned white with shock at the officer's sudden rage. "I'm kind of busy right now, sir," she stammered.

"You have 30 minutes before he is prosecuted," the officer said, hanging up the phone.

Goombella groaned and hung up the phone. She got up and pushed in her cheer and played through what she was going to say to Anthony repeatedly in her head. She climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in…" a voice thundered from inside the office. Timidly Goombella opened the door and walked in.

"Mario will you excuse for a second," Anthony asked the famous agent. Mario nodded and walked out the door. "What can I do for you Goombella? Have you found anything yet?" He asked.

Goombella shook her head, "I'm sorry sir but I have to pick up my husband at the police stations." Anthony slammed his fist on his desk causing the petite goomba to jump.

"Again?" he asked in rage and confusion, "This is the third time this month. Goombella when we are in the middle of a major terrorist attack we can't have people leaving whenever they choose."

"But sir, I'll come back as soon as I drop him off at home," Goombella pleaded but Anthony held up his hand.

"Very well…" he nodded, a lot calmer then before, "But be quick." Goombella nodded and walked out the door.

Anthony groaned to himself and picked up his office phone. "Hi yes… tell Cesar to take Goombella's spot for the time being," Anthony told the person on the other side. "Yes… she will be gone for a little."

4:37 – Abandoned Barn

Brent exited the room where his two partners were taking. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and typed in a number.

"Hey, this is Brent!" He said in a sneaky tone. "Yeah we have the bomb." He smiled glancing at the bomb that was in the room with him. He paused as if listening to a question asked by the person he was talking to.

"Yeah, we are going to bring it to the buyer soon." Brent answered. "Hopefully Flame can convince Boomer that it is the right thing to do." He listened again to the person on the other line. "Yeah Boomer has this hold the city hostage plan, but he will be talked out of it."

"No, no problems," Brent reassured. "Yes I promise… just keep up your work at CTU and make sure that we don't get caught."

Dramatic music began to play as the readers realized that he is talking to an employee of CTU.

"I will keep you updated," Brent promised hanging up the phone.

The camera changed to the other side of the conversation hanging up and putting the phone back in his pocket. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening to him and stepped out of the bathroom. The person who stepped out of the shadows was Dex.

Peach was in her room putting on her makeup. She desperately wanted to tell her parents about Mario but did not know how to do it. Her thought process was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door.

"Come in," she said and the door opened revealing Toadette, her maid.

"How are you princess," Toadette smiled.

"Not that great Toadette," Peach replied giving a weak smile. She sighed and continued thinking.

"Is this about Mario again?" Toadette responded and was answered by Peach's nod. "Why can't you just tell them?" she asked.

"They want me to merry Prince Pine," Peach groaned, "Don't get me wrong… Pine is a nice guy and all but I love Mario."

"They are not animals princess," Toadette explained, "I'm sure they will understand."

"I guess," Peach sighed but soon found that she had gained a newfound confidence, "Thanks Toadette it is time to tell them."

"That is what I'm here for," Toadette smiled as she began to make the bed.

Peach raced out her room and headed towards the master bedroom where her parents were enjoying a cup of tea.

The split screen shows Brent pacing while Flame and Boomer argue in the background, Peach approaching her parent's bedroom but immediately having second thoughts, Mario sitting around bored out of his mind, and Goombella driving to the police station.

The camera zoomed into Brent.

Bang! A gun shot sounded causing Brent to jump he ran into the main room where Flame was standing over Boomer's body.

"Dude what the hell," Brent yelled at the murderer.

"This is a one man job," Flame responded a crazed look in his eye, "I am sorry Brent…"


