Author's Note: We hate to nag but reviews are nice.(: Sorry for the delay in updating. Maddy left me (*sob sob*) but we've decided to keep writing but over email and stuff.(:
Disclaimer: We don't own any of the characters featured in the True Blood series but the story line and OC are ours. Thanks.
Godric POV
After receiving the call from Rob about Jared's suspicious death I decided I might need some help with this. I knew Eric would only be too happy to oblige. I phoned a few airline companies to get flight details, it had been such a long time since I had been to Edinburgh. I think it was 1842, the day that Queen Victoria visited Scotland for the first time, the crowds were huge, that was where I first met Rob. I smiled to myself it would be interesting to see how much the city had changed. I picked up the phone and dialed the number for Fangtasia.
Eric POV
I was sitting in my office at Fangtasia, discussing next week's delivery of merchandise with Pam when my mobile rang. Pam rolled her eyes at me as I reached for it on my desk.
"Problem, Pam?" I fixed her under my gaze.
"Of course not Eric, you just know how much I despise those things." She spat out the words and I smiled. Ahh, typical Pam, I thought to myself.
"Eric Northman speaking," I answered the phone in my smoothest voice, leaning back in my leather chair.
"Eric, I need your help." It was Godric. I suddenly sat forward, my full attention on my maker. Pam noticed my change in stance and looked concerned. I mouthed 'Godric' at her and she nodded once.
"Godric? What is wrong?" I said quickly.
"Eric, my old friend Rob in Scotland has contacted me," Godric explained. Rob? That sounded familiar…
"Rob? The old guy we sent Jared to?" I remembered now. A while back we had a young vampire called Jared working at Fangtasia. He was a hit with the ladies but he got distracted to easily and didn't pull his weight, so I shipped him off to Scotland hoping that Rob might whip him in to shape a little.
"Yes, my child, that is correct. He has asked for our help. Jared has been killed and the Were suspects are pleading not guilty. We must answer Rob's call and see to it that this case is solved. How soon can you be in Dallas?" Godric asked. I glanced at the clock on my desk and saw it was only just past nine o'clock.
"I can be there in a few hours. I'll just need to make a few arrangements."
"I will see you soon Eric" with that Godric hung up the phone.
I turned back to Pam who looked at me with interested eyes.
"Pam I need you to take over here for a while. I need to go to Scotland for a while, Godric needs my help." I explained.
"Scotland? Why Scotland?" she looked somewhat disgusted.
"You remember Jared, yes?" She nodded in reply.
"Well he's just been murdered and they don't know who did it. Since Rob doesn't really have the time to investigate and since Godric and I sent him there we're going to have to solve this one," Pam looked briefly shocked, "I'll be leaving very soon, so I need you to look after this place till I get back."
"Okay. How long will you be gone?" she asked.
"I really don't know, could be a few weeks, could be a month, it depends how quickly we can track down the murderer" I stood up and headed out the office, quickly packing a few things then flying off towards Dallas.
Georgi POV
Now that the word had gotten round that a vamp had been found dead right outside the club, the rate of customers had definitely slowed down. I was slumped behind the bar looking at the deserted club. A grand total of eight people, that was a first. Ana was perched on a bar stool in front of me, she looked exhausted. She'd been out all last night with a shifter she's been seeing, who knows what they got up to. I saw Rob exit his office and he walked over to us.
"I've just got a reply from the Vamps in Dallas, there leaving now and should be here tomorrow night and I want you to be here to greet them, you're the only two human workers here I trust with welcoming them." Rob explained to us.
"Well that's very flattering," I said, straightening up and looking at him dead in the eye.
"Gee thanks Rob, but I am knackered. And I don't think me spending time with a shifter lately will help the situation much either..." Ana said, shrugging her shoulders. I agreed with her on that, Vamps and shifters aren't really the best of friends.
"Well I would appreciate it if you were there girls. I mean, you were the two who discovered Jared so your input into this investigation would be highly appreciated. I know you wouldn't lie to me, and I can make sure the Dallas Vamps will believe me, Godric is an old friend. Plus, I think you'll fine if you do help, it could be highly profitable…" Rob winked slyly. I looked across at Ana who nodded, we sure wouldn't mind the extra money for a change to the odd tips from sleazy guys.
"Sure Rob, we'll be there." I smiled encouragingly and Ana did too.
"Great!" Rob exclaimed with enthusiasm, "Just hang around after work tomorrow and then we can get down to business." Rob spun on his heels and headed for his office again. I turned to Ana who was still slumped on the barstool.
"I think you'd better head girl, you look dead on your feet, and I'm sure that won't help us tomorrow. Go home, I'll man your tables for you." I patted her on the shoulder as she smiled feebly and slid off the stool.
"Thanks Georgi, I seriously don't know what I'd do without you." She hugged me feebly and I smiled.
After such a long day, and even longer nights I have to add, I was so relieved to get home. The club didn't need me that badly tonight, it was as dead as I had ever seen it. I almost immediately crawled into bed after grabbing a drink of my favourite sweet tea. The house was cold and my bed and electric blanket were extremely welcoming to my tired body. I turned on my bedside light and saw a hand written note laying beside the lamp. It was written on a piece of crumpled paper, splattered with something dark. I put down my tea and reached for the note tentatively.
I will get you and you will suffer like Jared did.
I screamed.
Author's Note: Reviews?(: We've got lots of ideas for the next chapter so hopefully an update soon! :D