Chapter 1:

"Bridget!" Rebecca Smith yelled as she pounded on the bathroom broom. "Bridget, hurry up it's gonna start!"

"Hold on!" came the muffled voice from behind the white door.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and hurried across the living room. Leaping over the back of the couch, she landed with a satisfying bounce of the springs. Grabbing the popcorn bowl she glanced back at the bathroom door and rolled her eyes again.

"You're gonna miss it!" she sang, munching on the popcorn. There was a crash from the bathroom and a muffled 'ow!'.

The door burst open then and Bridget McAshton hurried from the now vacant bathroom. With a triumphant 'woop!' she dived onto the other side of the couch and stretched out with her torso dangling off the side. Reaching over she snatched the bowl from her best friend's hands and started munching away happily. Lighting flashed behind the curtained windows followed by a loud clap of thunder. The girls were unfazed.

"What'd you break?" Rebecca asked not moving her eyes from the TV screen.

"Pfft, nothing," Bridget lied, flipping her light brown hair out of her eyes.

The two grew quiet as the usual intro to their favorite movie started to roll across the screen. They were watching Newsies. True they'd both seen it about a million times but they had yet to tire of it and watched it together religiously every Friday at Rebecca's house.

Rebecca Smith was an average height fourteen year old girl with curly black hair that framed her light brown face nicely. She had dark brown eyes that were usually protected behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses but tonight she wore her contacts. She stretched out now, resting her feet on Bridget's lower back.

Bridget McAshton was also fourteen, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair was longer than Rebecca's by a few inches and her bright blue eyes made her whole face light up when she smiled, which was pretty often. She was about an inch shorter than Rebecca and only one month younger but acted around five years younger sometimes.

The two girls had been inseparable for the last three years which was saying a lot for living in different boroughs. Bridget lived in upper Manhattan while Rebecca made her home in Brooklyn. They had met in central park quite on accident when they were both eleven.

Bridget had been dancing wildly down the walkway, eye closed, ipod blaring to the Newsies soundtrack and rammed straight into Rebecca. There had been a moment of confused and indifferent silence until Rebecca realized what was blasting from Bridget's headphones. It had been immediate friendship after that. They'd helped each other up and moved to a bench to listen to the rest of 'The World Will Know'.

And so there they were, three years, and countless numbers of screamed version of 'Carrying the Banner' later. Bridget hiccupped, causing Rebecca's feet to bounce and they both laughed. They quieted down however as a young Christian Bale aka Jack "Cowboy" Kelly was shown sleeping on the screen.

"He's sooo cute," Bridget mumbled, gnawing on her own finger, not appearing to noticed she'd already eaten her mouth full of popcorn. Rebecca nodded, eyes more focused on Mush who was now playfully punching said Cowboy. Bridget squealed in excitement and Rebecca promptly dug her heel into her backside. Lighting flashed outside.

Try bottle alley or the harbor

Try Central Park it's guaranteed

There was another clap of thunder and the image on the screen faltered. Both girls jumped up, eyes wide in worry. Bridget made to crawl off the couch and promptly fell on her face.

"Fix it!" came her muffled cry as Rebecca hurried over to kneel by the TV. She pushed the power button three times in a row but nothing happened. Cursing, she smacked the side of it as Bridget finally walked over and started fiddling with the antenna.

"Stupid storm," she mumbled under her breath. "Stupid apartment."

Suddenly the power cut out to what seemed liked the entire block and both girls flinched. There was absolutely no hope f the TV back on now. they both growled in annoyance. This weather was messing with their tradition! Lighting lit up the sky and now they were both standing.

"What should we do?" Bridget asked, still fiddling with the antenna uselessly. They were in Rebecca's apartment alone since her mom was at a work dinner. The black hair girl shrugged, hand resting on the flat top of the television still.

"I guess we should just wait it-"

She never got to finish the word 'out' as the loudest clap of thunder yet shook the apartment building. Lighting flashed across the sky and into the tiny apartment making both girls gasp as the TV suddenly came to life. Electronic, blue light danced across there faced and they shrieked as sparks jumped from the antennae. The hazy black and white flashed across the screen and both girls leaned in, albeit stupidly, hoping that their movie would come back on and everything would turn on again and be fine.

But there was no such luck as the screen suddenly showed all white and Rebecca was suddenly sucked into it with a shriek of terror. Bridget screamed, feeling like her hand was glued to the antennae as she fought to run away from the demented television. Another flash and she was sucked into the screen as well, being cut off mid scream.

The TV continued to flicker for a few seconds before going black and throwing the now empty apartment into complete darkness.

Wow first chapters up! This one was written by meee! –YumKiwiDelicious! :D the next one will be written by Writer24 and we'll go back and forth every chapter. Ok, byeee!