Individuals matter very little to a god. They're like insects, sometimes bothersome and annoying but ultimately not worth consideration or feeling. Or so Sylar tells himself. Somewhere deep down, he vaguely remembers that he wasn't always a god. He wasn't always special.

Special, that word brings up memories of a woman. And snow . No, snow globes. Someone who had feelings for him. His moth-

No matter now. All in the past. The past is not something Sylar cares about, for in the past he was weak. In the past these people treated him like he was nothing, insignificant. Dirt. But all just obstacles to overcome. Every great man has a troubled past, trials and tribulations. Labors from which he emerges stronger and better than before.

Now he was on a quest. A hunt. He had a gift, and with it came a desire, a compulsion, a yearning. A hunger. Sylar was meant to find other individuals who were special, but less so than he was. And these people, who didn't want their powers and didn't know how to use them, he would relieve them of their burdens. If they couldn't appreciate what had been given to them, he would take it. Because he was destined to be something great. He knew that, had always known that. It just took someone to open the door.

Suresh. Chandra Suresh had shown him what he could be. And abandoned him, just like everyone else. Still, he played an important role before he was disposed of in the end. Chandra, after all, was the gateway. He provided the list. All those lovely powers, compiled so nicely for him. It was like Chandra was blessing his quest. And no matter what he said later, he knew. All those sessions where he kept coming back with new powers.

Of course, there was that brief moment of weakness, after the first one. What was his name? Drake. David. Davis. Brian Davis. After he took Brian's power he was nervous. It was his first time and he was still used to thinking within societal norms. Within human limitations. He tried to kill himself. Luckily that passed. He shuffled off his mortal coil and left his weaker self behind, rising above the insects of the world.

Still, bugs can manage to be quite troublesome. They managed to stop him from getting to the cheerleader. Someone he would have to revisit later. Such a delicious power is not to be given up so easily. But first, he has to stay here, with Chandra's son. Mohinder.

Mohinder is the reason for all of Sylar's recent reflection on the human race. It seems this younger Suresh might actually mean something in the grand scheme of things, even without having any powers of his own. He is genuinely kind to Sylar, and cares for him. They get along. Mohinder is passionate and intelligent and beautiful. He almost makes Sylar wonder what would happen if he gave up his hunt and went back to being a little more normal. Because no matter how much he tries not to think about it, even gods get lonely sometimes.

But the hunger is too persistent. And there's this woman with enhanced hearing…