Okay...so there is one more part to this story, and then it is finished. I'm sorry this has taken so long to get up, but I have had a long list of books to read. I just finished 3 books and finished 2 chapters for my stories all in 3 days. I think that is pretty awesome. But we have been pulling up our carpets to get hardwood, so I have been packing stuff up and cleaning too. I'm sorry and I promise to get the next chapter up sooner.

Previously on Vegas, Baby;

I opened the doors and walked in. There were a lot of people crowded around so I had to push my way through them. They were laughing, and I heard something, but wasn't sure what it was. When I got to the front, I froze.

It was a video on a laptop of Adrian and I getting married, and Eddie, Mason and Christian were beside it laughing their asses off.

"You. Are. Dead." I growled at them. They straightened up to look at me, and their eyes were filled with fear. "Run now so you have a chance to live."

They turned and ran and I gave them a few seconds, and people were backing away from me, realizing that I was about to kill someone. Maybe I will spare their lives, but they will be in pain for a very long time.

I decided I waited long enough and ran after them. I wasn't sure where they would go, but I was thinking it was either to find Lissa and try to get her to save them from me, somewhere there are a lot of guardians (not that they could stop me from my mission), or they were really stupid and went to hide somewhere like the forest. I'll check Lissa through the bond first.

I stopped running and let my mind slip into her head. She was on her way to the church, presumably the attic. She was almost there when Christian ran up behind her and pulled her into the church doors. Eddie and Mason were nowhere to be seen, so I guess they outran him. "Rose?" Lissa asked him.

"Yea! Was it you who brought her there?" Lissa nodded to him. "Well you just sentenced me to death! She caught us laughing at it, and everyone saw. She gave us a few seconds to run, but she could be anywhere by now! I told Eddie and Mason to go to Adrian's since that would be the last place she would look for them. You have to save me from her!" he was looking at her with pleading eyes. He was such a baby.

I pulled out of her head. I will get Christian later, for now I will get the other two. They will be harder to hurt, but I was so angry at them right now I'm sure I could even kick Dimitri's ass.

I took off running for the guest housing. It didn't take me very long to get there, since I had been running more during practice with Dimitri and I was full of anger. Why the hell would they show that to everyone? Eddie was going to die. And it is going to be a very painful death.

I contemplated ways to kill him on my way up the stairs. I would use a cheese grater on him, then pour lemon juice on the wounds. Or I could tie him up and make him listen to bagpipe music until he wants to kill himself. I like the first one better.

I got to the door and thought about how to do this. I could knock calmly and they might not think it's me and open the door, I could knock loudly and scare the shit out of them, or I could break down the door and go in forcefully. I'm going to go with knocking the door down.

I stood back, and with as much force and I could muster, kicked in the door. It swung off its hinges and opened. I stepped in and saw the three boys jump up from the couch. I must have looked murderous because when they saw me they started screaming.


We were sitting on the plane for what felt like forever. I was sitting next to Mason, and he was still a little hungover from the night before. I didn't drink too much, so all I had was a light headache.

"Hey guys!" Lissa said from a few rows behind us.

"Yea?" Everyone said.

"We all have to promise not to tell anyone at school about what happened this weekend. Especially about Rose and Adrian. I just wanted to let you know."

"But that's no fun! Why can't we? They decided to go along with the marriage anyway." I said.

"That doesn't matter. People will just say stuff about me being a blood whore or using him for his money. I really don't need that." Rose said. I glanced at Adrian and he looked really sad. He probably wants to tell everyone that they are married.

"Fine. We won't say a word. I promise." Mason said.

"Same with me." I grumbled.

"Good." Lissa said, and they turned back towards each other and stared talking again. Girls.

"Well this sucks." I said.

"Not really. I have a plan!" Mason said.

"Will this plan make Rose kill us?" I asked.

"She might, but did you hear what I promised her? I said I wouldn't say a word, and you said the same. So, if we don't say anything then we don't go back on our promises!"

"How are we going to tell people without saying anything?"

"Easy! You have the video, just start playing it in the dining hall or something, and then you won't have to say anything."

"That's genius! How could I not have thought of that?" I exclaimed. Some people looked over, but Rose didn't hear. Thank god.

"Well I guess I'm the smarter one, huh?"

"Shut up, Mase. If we do this, it would get her back for all the times she has embarrassed us in class by beating us up! It's perfect!"

"Yup! But one problem; if she finds out we are planning this she may kill us. She will definitely try to kill us if she finds out after we do it. So are you willing to put your life on the line to do this, Eddie?"

"Of course-"

"What are you talking about?" Christian said, peeking around from the seat in front of us. Could we tell him? I think we can. He would do a lot to make fun of Rose.

"We are planning on showing the video of Rose and Adrian getting married in the dining hall later. Want to help us?" I asked him.

"Yes. This is why you were talking about loosing your lives?" I nodded. "Well it's a great way to die. I'm in."

We spent the rest of the plane ride thinking of where, when and how we were going to do this. It's going to be awesome!

When we landed at the school a few hours later, and Rose left really quickly with all of her stuff. The three of us grabbed our bags and started going to Christians dorm, because that is the least likely spot Rose could find us.

"What are you guys planning on doing?" Lissa asked. Shit.

"What are you talking about?" Mason asked her.

"I'm talking about the fact that you guys were talking really secretively on the plane, and now you are all going somewhere together. You know what? I don't want to know, but if you go and do something stupid I'm not helping you out after." We all looked at her questioningly, and she just grabbed her bags and walked to her dorm.

"Well I guess we can't go to her when we are trying to outrun death." Christian said.

"Oh well. We'll find a way to survive this. Let's go to your room and we can put this plan into action!" I said. We went back to his room, and I got my laptop and camera out. I uploaded a few copies of the video so she couldn't delete them all, and I also had it on my camera still. I felt like a ninja.

A while later we went down to the dining hall, and there were a lot of people there. Good. More people to witness this. We went over to a table close to the middle of the room and turned on the computer. I stood up on the table and tried to get everyones attention.

"If you want to see the funniest video ever, taken by yours truly, then I suggest you find a place around the laptop and prepare to laugh." I got down off the table and people came swarming around us. Lissa was there too, and I think she knw what we were doing.

"Guys, she is going to kill you if you show this."

"We know. We thought we would have a little fun before we died though."

"Well, like I said earlier, I'm not going to be here to fix everything." She walked away. She already saw the video anyway.

"Here we go." Mason said, starting the video. It started in the lobby of the wedding chapel, and went to the actual ceremony, if that's what you would call it. Everyone was shocked and some were laughing a lot. It was just at the part where Adrian was about to kiss Rose when I heard gasps and more laughter. Christian, Mason and I were standing beside the laptop laughing with everyone else, and we all looked up when we saw people being pushed away. Oh shit shit shit. It was Rose, and she looked pissed.

"You. Are. Dead. Run now so you have a chance to live." she growled at us. We can take a hint. The three of us turned and ran out of there as fast as we could.

"Where do we go now? She is going to murder us! And she'll make it painful now!" Mason yelled.

"I know! We can go to Adrian's room! She would never think that we would go there. It's perfect!" I said.

"I'm not going with you guys. I think I'll go find Lissa. Maybe she can save me!" Christian said. I was surprised, because he looked a little frightened. But I don't think Lissa is going to save him now. Sucks to be him. We have Adrian! Hopefully.

We took off in a sprint to the guest housing, and we ran up to his room. I knocked frantically on the door, hoping he was actually there. He opened the door a few minutes later, and we pushed him out of the way to get in. "What are you doing here?" he mumbled. It sounded like he just woke up. He must have went straight to bed when we got back.

"Rose is trying to kill us!" Mason yelled.

"What did you do to her? And why come here?"

"Um...well we kinda showed the video of you two getting married in front of almost the whole school and she walked in while it was going. And we came here because it's the least likely place she would look for us." I said. "Can we please hide here for a while?"

"Sure. Want a drink?"

"Some water would be great. We just sprinted across half the school."

"Well at least now we don't have to hide it. Now everyone knows!" He must be a little drunk too, or the spirit craziness is messing with his head.

We sat down on the couch and he turned on the TV. He had a lot of channels. We ended up watching a football game. We were really getting into it when we heard a huge slam. We all jumped up and looked at the door. It was Rose, and she looked angry. We started yelling and looking for a way out. We could trap her inside somehow and run out the front door, but that would be hard to do since she kicked in the door.

"You thought I wouldn't find you here? Well you thought wrong. What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled.

"Uh...um...we thought it would be better for yours and Adrian's futures. Because now you don't have to hide your relationship. So you should be thanking us." Mason said. That's it. I'm getting a new best friend.

"Thanking you? Really? Now everybody is just going to say I'm a fucking blood whore and I'm using him for his money! I can't believe you would do this to me." She didn't just look angry anymore. She almost looked like she would cry, and that is something I have never seen her do. This is worse than I thought.

"We're sorry Rose. We can go tell everyone it was a joke if you want." I said, trying to stop her from crying. I don't know what I would do if she started doing that.

She let out a small, humorless laugh. "You really think that would work? Then you are dumber than I thought. And that was pretty dumb. I don't think you could ever make up for this." Oh no. Here come the tears.

"Please don't cry! Be angry as hell at us and beat us up or something! Anything other than this!" I said.

She just looked at us and turned around, but not before I saw the tears fall. Now I feel like an ass hole. But it was Eddies idea.

The three of us were just standing there in shock. None of us has ever seen Rose cry. I don't think she ever has.

"Well I'm going after her. You guys can stand there and do nothing, or you can go find a way to make her feel better. I have never seen her like this. He aura went from all red and black to dark blues and grays. She was really upset." Adrian said before he ran after her.

"I can't believe we made her cry." Mason said.

"I know. In all the years I have known her she has never cried. This is really bad. How the hell are we going to fix this?"

"I don't know if we can. We can make fools of ourselves or try and tell people it was all a joke and they didn't really get married, but I don't think that will fix things."

"You know what?" I asked. "We are going to find a way to make this up to her, even if we have to be her slave for a month!"

"Shit, this is going to be hard. Aren't you glad you listened to my plan now?"

"Yea, I'm ecstatic."

If you have any ideas for what should happen at the end, tell me and I'll see if I can put it in here.