Hi everyone! Here's my latest chapter.
Now, just as a warning, this chapter is a bit... iffy. I don't know how to put it. Mm, okay, think of it as a level of 'the birds and the bees' BUT ITS NOT!
Hm, even when typing my explanation I can't get it out right. Uh... okay the 'dark force' from the ending of the last chapter is going to make Jet a teeny bit on the off side.
Ah hell, in a nutshell Jet's going to seduce Amet, if that's the right way to put it. I'm not very good with these things. That's why I have enlisted with the help of my better oriented classmate for help in writing a bit of this chpater, at least the iffy part. Yeah, the iffy part.
I'll put up warning labels in the chapter if you're the kind of person (like me) who would rather skip the 'iffy scene (I'm using iffy a lot aren't I). If I could, I'd rather nto put that scene as a part of the story but for future reference, it's necessary.
So... yeah excuse my awkwardness enjoy!
Meanwhile I slept on my side of the cave, perfectly fine. However Jet's shadow overwashed me, and I felt that same presense again. I shot my eyes open and found Jet standing above me. I made a face, blinking my eyes. "Oh, it's just you Jet." I grinned, my hand behind my head. I sat up. "I got kinda scared there for a minute." When he didn't reply, I tilted my head. "Uh, can I help you?"
(Okay here's the start of the weird part. Skip down if you want onto the next bold print.)
"Actually you can," he said with a gruff voice. I arched my eyebrows at him as I saw him remove his white shirt, revealing his oh-so-familiar bare chest. My face fell into one of embarrassing distortion as I felt my hands and right eye twitch. Before I was able to ask him what he was doing he tackled me. I landed familiarly on the ground on my back, Jet's stern hands on my wrists. Didn't he sleep on the other side of the cave to, uh, you know AVOID this kind of situation?
"Jet get off me!" I demanded, trying to push him off, but his legs and arms had me pinned down to this quite uncomfortable ground. I regretted the fact I wasn't as strong as him. Note to self Amet: work out. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"
Rather than reply, he smirked. My eyes widened and before I could talk back he suddenly and forcefully kissed me.
Again, another kiss on my lips. I struggled and managed to make him stop, but he starred down at me with a victorious look. "What the heck do you think you're doing Jet," I said venomously.
"You said you wanted to be with me, didn't you," he said, coming closer again and blowing into my neck. I felt shivers and had the urge to hit him, anywhere, but I was still pinned down. I couldn't show him I was afraid. "I'm merely showing you my feelings, my true desires."
'I'm dreaming. I'm totally dreaming.'
"You're nuts!" I retorted.
"Sure about that? I feel totally sober," he said, feeling the lining of my face with his finger. I would've moved my hand with his grip gone, but I felt too stiff and numb to move anything at this point. Nervous felt more like it.
"You better get off me before I-!"
He forcefully kissed me again, going even deeper compared to last time. But there was something strange about this. It didn't feel right. Heck I wasn't supposed to feel anything actually. I felt his tongue penetrate my lips and explore the walls of my mouth. -How am I even able to narrate that? - His tongue tasted every bit of mine, and I did as well, forcefully. I tried to fight back but I felt totally helpless in this situation.
"Before you what, Amunet," he said seductively.
I starred up at his eyes, they had a dark blank shine. No life. I recognized that from somewhere. "Jet?"
"Yes?" He said, kissing at my neck.
I felt a strange tickle to his kisses and I did my best to remain calm and dominant over my emotions. "You're not yourself. You need to wake up."
"Wake up? I am awake," he said, releasing my wrists. They lay on the rocky ground, sore, and he sat on top of me, keeping me pinned down. I tried to shake him off, but instead he began to remove my jean vest. Some how he managed to do that and threw it aside. He looked down at my chest, bra visible behind the still-rain-wet white cloth. I glared and used all my strength to raise my arm and slap him. It managed to make direct contact with his face and his head turned to the side, his dark blonde bangs covering his eyes.
My arm fell back down to the ground (ow). Hopefully that woke him up. "Jet...?"
After a few seconds, the evident smirk re-appeared on his face and he stared back down at me with those possessed looking eyes. It shook me a little on the inside, to see such a look. "Nice try. As hard as it may be to believe, this is the real me, Amunet."
"The real Jet doesn't call me Amunet," I glared.
"Maybe I just like using formalities in bed," he whispered into my ear as my eyes widened in alarm. I could only imagine what this possessed freak was going to do to me, in JET's body. I can only hope this isn't the real Jet. That'd be a huge bummer.
'Okay okay Amet. Think before you act.' I decided to try and let his guard down. What I was willing to do to get out of this situation was well against my own beliefs and feelings, but I was desperate.
I stopped struggling and let him kiss me again. Praying for strength, I played along and began to kiss back, moving my tongue around. It was a strange sensation I'd never find myself doing, but I felt I had no choice at the moment. I've heard about French Kissing somewhere along the lines of high school, but that doesn't seem to matter right now. I could feel I caught him by surprise, but it seems he didn't mind the entertainment. I've never really kissed anybody either, and I never pictured being in this situation for it.
As I kissed back passionately, again pretending, I felt Jet release his grip on my arms as he held my face, entangling his fingers in my hair. I got my arms free, now I just need to get him off me. I'm not strong enough to just throw him off. So I too began to pretend to be into the scene, using my hands to touch Jet's chest. They explored his abs, feeling them. I used this opportunity to actually ease my curiosity. 'Man he really does have abs. I wonder when he started working out.'
Slapping myself mentally in the head I focused back to the real problem at hand. Dang, my conscience will never let me live that thought down. I felt myself loosing air in the long never ending kiss so I pulled away. At that instant I took in as much oxygen as I needed for another expecting distracting kiss.
"I see you enjoying yourself now," Jet grinned, yet somehow still serious.
Alright Amet, don't act too into it. He'll suspect something. "I still hate what you're trying to do to me."
"Believe me babe, I'm not trying anything," he said, scaring me out of my mind once more, but I kept my still face as he reached down again for my lips. I allowed him entrance, yet he still refused to get off me. I needed to think fast before I faint out on myself. Then I'm truly a goner.
As I fake-made-out with him, making use of my hands and distracting him with touch along his chest, beyond my closed eyes I felt him pull me up into a sitting position, still keeping our lips connected. However he still remained sitting on my lap, and I didn't want to risk my advantage by trying to throw him off when I might not be able to. I was getting close though in this charades. However his purpose for sitting us up made me realized his next move. His hands reached for the bottom of my white shirt as he lifted it up, feeling my waist. I was about to loose it then and snap at him, but I kept my apparently rising temper under control and continued to play along.
I let him remove my shirt, only my white bra still on. He then sat me against the wall, still on my lap leaving me unable to get away yet. However I found an opportunity beginning to come about. He stood ourselves up, his hands traveling around my hair again as I held him. I was about to make a run for it but it was then I lost the chance. He pressed his body against mine, my back digging into the solid rock wall behind me. I winced, my voice muffled by the kiss but heard nonetheless.
Jet broke off, keeping our foreheads connected. His eyes were still dark, untrusting. "Hurt?"
"You think?" I glared, steadying my breath. Maybe I should become an actress one day, if I ever regain my dignity.
"Well let's see if we can find another more distracting feeling." Keeping his upper body pressed against, he undid his belt. Fear instilled my mind as I realized I was running out of time and chances. The flashback of what happened in his room came up again. But then was an accident. Now, I have no idea what to call this. "Kiss me," he ordered.
This time it was me who leaned in. I kissed him without hesitation, throwing my arms around him over his shoulders. My hands caressed his sandy hair in a distracting love he found amusing, and he continued with his previous job. I felt him reach for my bra and I knew I had to do something. I had to get away somehow, but he keeps pinning me down somehow. I need to be the one one top and be the lead if I want him to stop trapping me. He undone one of the hooks out of two behind my back.
To prevent him from further removing my bra I deepened the kiss even more, if that was remotely possible. His hands removed from my back, but instead I felt Jet tug on my pants, and reminded myself I still had underwear on. Still some time left before he made his final move. He removed my pants and left my pale legs bare, and he pressed against me more, trying to take back his part as the lead. Don't forget the immense pain in my back against the cave's walls.
Taking one last-minute plan into action I clung to Jet's shoulders with my arms, holding our kiss, and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt a bulge I pretended to ignore as I pretended to deepen the kiss. Jet released his hold on me against the wall and turned around. At that instant I opened my eye.
(Alright end of iffy part! Next few sentences may be a bit confusing but, if you need to know, Amet is in her underwear, and Jet is shirtless.)
I released my body's relying grip on his and performed my highest kick against his chest. He fell back, and I ran, grabbing whatever piece of cloth I could find. I managed to find my pants and managed to put them on while Jet sat up. His teeth tightened and I saw an angry dagger glare in his eye. Oh boy.
"Deceit," he said. "You know I hate lying."
"You lie all the time how can you hate lying!" I snapped, giving chase. "And since when do you know the definition to deceit?" As we ran around the still lit fire, me managing to keep away, I grabbed my vest from the ground putting that on over my bra as well. Too bad I couldn't find my shirt.
"Get back here Amet," he said teasingly. "I never knew you could be so dirty. It only makes me want you more."
"Get away from me you sicko!" He cornered me suddenly and I ran at him on full charge, punching him in the face and getting around him. 'Sorry, Jet.' I reached my back pants-pocket and noticed my deck box open to grab my cards before they could fall out. On its face was a blank white card. "What the..."
"An evil card," said my Magician's Valkyria. "Just like the Armageodon Knight card that attacked you when you time traveled. That card you saw earlier in your duel with Jet was sent from the Dominion of the Beasts, to try and get you and Jet to drift apart."
"WELL THAT MIGHT HAVE WORKED IF THEY TRIED SOMETHING MORE BELIEVABLE INTEAD OF HAVING JET RAPE ME!" I yelled out in an explosion of anger, me taking it out on the nonchalant magician. "Now hurry up and tell me what this card is before Jet catches me. Possessed or not, he's pretty strong surprisingly."
"There you are," said Jet's sinister sounding voice.
I resumed running, Magician's Valkyria following beside, floating invisibly. "Jet isn't possessed. The card you're dealing with here is the magic card Change of Hearts."
"And according to the game it allows you to control another monster, or in this case Jet!" I panicked, running for my life in the cave, barely escaping Jet's tackle.
"Well in real life, the Change of Hearts has many other abilities, one including that of being able to induce the darkness in one's heart."
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" I screamed, running faster.
"The card must have overtaken Jet in his sleep. Put simply in words you can comprehend it awakens Jet's deepest longing in his heart, and turning it into a dark sinister desire."
"So how the heck do I stop it!"
"The Change of Heart is a powerful magic card. Its spell can't be broken very easily. Your best bet is using a card from your deck to help you."
"What card could I possibly have to help me in this situation?"
"You really are dense," she stated, giving me a vein. "Use your Spell Shattering Arrow magic card. It should be able to negate all affects of any other magic card, though it might hurt Jet a little."
"If it's gonna hurt Jet then I'm not choosing that option!"
"Got any other ideas for your lover boy?" she asked flatly, seeing Jet still chasing me.
"Alright alright!" Making another lap around the fire I grabbed my bag from the ground, managing to find my deck box and duel disk. I inserted the deck into the machine and I managed to dodge more of Jet's attempts at catching me, miraculously. I drew the magic card and played it. "Go Spell Shattering Arrow!" Instead a bright light appeared in front of me and there formed a yellow arrow with a white end. It floated down into my hand as I stared disbelievingly at it. "Oh man! Why do I have to do it?"
"Just hurry up!" yelled my magician.
However Jet caught me from surprise from behind, covering my mouth and making me drop the arrow. He turned me around, holding me from the waist. "It's all games with you isn't it."
"Jet stop it!" I yelled, using one hand to try and pound his bare chest. "You've got to wake up right now! I know this isn't you so you have to help me here!"
"The Jet you know isn't here."
"Yes he is now wake up you idiot!" At that call Jet's eyes were left unmoved. Sweat appeared down the sides of his face, and I felt his other hand try to move. It shook, as if a force was trying to prevent him from doing so. He quickly reached into his pocket, and pulled out a card. "J-Jet...?" I asked unsure.
He gritted his teeth, placing the card onto my duel disk. "Hurry, Amet," he said in a strained voice. My eyes widened as I realized Jet talking to me. At that instant I jumped back, away from him as his evil confident smirk returned. I looked at the card Jet gave and saw Harpie's Brother. I narrowed my eyes and starred up at Jet. At that moment, the card activated, and the male Harpie materialized into the real world. He flew behind Jet and grabbed his arms, holding him back and away from me.
"Let go of me you beast!" Jet dictated.
"Hurry Amet use the arrow!" Magician's Valkyria told me, appearing at my side again.
She scares the living daylights out of me I swear. "Where were you when I needed Jet restrained!"
"I can't touch him. Only his monsters are able to make physical contact with him," she said. "Now hurry and use the arrow before Harpie's Brother looses his hold on Jet."
I nodded and picked up the arrow, I walked up to Jet, seeing him struggle to break free. He starred down at me and smirked. "You're really willing to hurt your best friend? I'm still Jet, you know."
My eyes glared. "Just so you know, I don't give into guilt that easily. I'm too concerned with my own problems. And besides, Jet, this can be payback for running away from Domino." Jet's void eyes widened as I thrust my arm back. My hand glowed a circular pink as I thrust the arrow into Jet's chest. It was a duel monsters card so hopefully it didn't really penetrate his chest. He screamed and held his head back, the pink light emitting from the arrow. I turned around and saw another being materialize before me from the impact of the arrow. "The Change of Hearts." It screeched and was sealed back into its white card, turning back into it's simple magic card form.
Harpie's Brother began to disappear and drop Jet. I managed to catch him, his moaning head resting on my shoulder. I made a flat smile as I held him close. "Ugh... what just happened..." he groaned, supporting on me to keep barely standing.
I smiled, holding him. "You're just fine now." I managed to help him stand back up. He felt his face where I punched him. "Oh, sorry, that's my fault."
"Man, you sure have a good left hook then," Jet managed to joke.
I smiled and felt the bruise on his face, being careful to be gentle. "We'll take care of it later. It's not too bad."
He looked down at himself, seeing his shirt missing. "What happened to my shirt?" he looked at me, making a face of steering awkwardness. "And yours."
I blushed and made a grin, laughing nervously. "Heheh, yeah, about that-" We heard the familiar cackling of fire and turned around seeing our white shirts caught on the fire. ". . . " The possessed Jet must've tossed them in the fire's direction by accident. Okay maybe not on accident but still. We both screamed and darted for the fire, reaching for the remaining fragments of our shirts. However, major parts of them had already burned away. Totally unwearable now.
"Well, so much for warmth," Jet frowned, seeing his tank top.
"At least we still have your jacket right?"
It was then we looked over at the previously wet jacket resting on the rock, only to see it smaller than I remembered. It appeared to have shrunken while it was drying. "You're kidding me right?" Jet said to no one in particular.
Anime tears flew down my eyes. "Why do all the bad things always happen to the good guys?" However I spotted the familiar magic card on the ground. Walking over to it I picked it up. The Change of Hearts. Geez, this card caused enough problems. Now I have to look at it? Glaring down at the card, I threw it into the fire, watching it burn at its base.
Suddenly flashes of moments went before Jet in his mind. He recalled what just happened, what the magic card made him do. What it made his dear friend Amet do, which explained her turing red with embarrassment. It was then Jet now recalled why they had lost their shirts as well. "A-Amet, I didn't do anything too bad did I?"
"Do you remember anything?"
"It's all kind of foggy, but yeah, kinda." Jet picked up his belt on the floor. "Did we, um, you know..."
My hands jumped in front of me. "No no no no no no nothing like that no!" I took in a breath. "Well, I mean, we almost did. You weren't yourself and uh, I just-" Suddenly I winced, feeling a sharp pain in my back. I felt to my knees as my hands went to my left shoulder.
"Amet what's wrong?" Jet asked in complete concern. It was nice to have him as himself again.
"My back," I said, one eye shut. "I kind of injured it earlier."
"Here remove your vest." I felt a slight draw back then but I did as he was told, wincing a little as I moved my arms to remove the said vest, leaving me in my bra. Jet looked at my back seeing some marks of blood. "Just a few scratches. How'd you get all these?"
I blushed darkly, thankful Jet was behind me and unable to see. "You, kind of held me against the walls of the cave and I, guess I must've gotten hurt along the way."
I could imagine Jet's face saddening with guilt. "So I did this."
"No no you didn't it was totally my fault too!" I panicked in assurance, holding my head up. I couldn't take Jet feeling any more guilty than he already had. And to add to my bad luck, all of a sudden I felt the last hook on the back of my bra snap, and I felt the straps of my bra fall loose.
My bare back was revealed to Jet as my chest a was left exposed in front of me, my bra falling to the ground. By late reaction I screamed three seconds later on the dawn of realization, and I think Jet did too.
I jumped up, using my arms to cover my chest. I ran to a corner of the cave and huddled in it, my back facing the rest of the cave as I tried desperately to cover my chest. 'Oh man. How embarrassing!' I recalled Jet reacting in panic as well. Nonetheless, feeling like crying like a little girl, I surprisingly heard footsteps behind me. By instinct I hugged my arms harder. But then, I felt Jet's poking finger on my shoulder and I snapped my worried head behind me.
He held the strap of my bra, head turned away from me respectfully. "Here. Put it on. I won't look," he said coolly.
I starred at the bra for a moment before grabbing it swiftly. Having your best guy friend hold your bra for you is just degradding, to me at least. Jet stood far off as I put the girl's garnet back on. Some days like this I think it'd be easier to be a boy. Thunder clapped outside the cave in the rain, and once it was securely on, I looked behind me in my still sitting position. I saw Jet walking back towards me, holding one of our burned shirt remains, soaked with water. "For your back. You want me to do it or would you feel better doing it yourself?"
I starred at him. The real Jet, he really never would hurt me. "I'd feel a lot better doing it myself after all that's happened, but I'd probably hurt myself even more trying to reach for the scratches."
Jet nodded understandingly and sat himself down behind me. I hugged my knees as the shirtless teen rubbed my back with the cool cloth. I winced a little, but found it quite soothing as Jet patted the scars on my back with the soft shirt. I felt myself smile a little., but then I began to wonder about what Magician's Valkyria said:
"Put simply in words you can comprehend, it awakens Jet's deepest longing in his heart, and turning it into a dark sinister desire."
Dark desire... If his deepest heart's longing wasn't so corrupted by that magic card, what exactly would his heart's deepest longing be? Deciding to stray away from that thought, a distraction came up. We saw something glowing from my bag. Placing my vest back on, I walked over to the bag, taking out the Millennium Shard.
"It's glowing," Jet said.
"Yeah," I agreed, knowingly only that something was about to happen. The bright light filled the cave, over lighting the fire.
By the time Jet and I opened our eyes, we found ourselves in an entirely different environment. No longer in our cave of bad memories, I recognized the world we were above.
"What is this?" Jet asked, looking all around?"Did your Millennium Shard do this-?" He noticed me not move. "Amet?"
"We're here again," I said, re-feeling a nervous-breakdown kind of nausea. "The Dominion of the Beasts."
His eyes widened in alarm. "Seriously?"
"Sort of. We didn't do this on purpose. We're being shown a vision."
"So this is what you always see," Jet said, hovering next to me.
"Oh no!" shouted a little girl's voice. Jet and I glanced downwards all the way into the Utopian city. On the grassy woods was the familiar Princess Valkyria.
"It's her again," I whispered in worry. So it's a vision of the past again.
"She looks kinda like you, Amet," Jet noticed, catching my attention. So he thought so too? "The face, I mean."
"She's supposed to be my past self. We're seeing the past of the Dominion of the Beast, before the war." I centered my eyes. "But where's Noles?" I spoke aloud. She ran toward a large white building. The scenery shifted to the inside of a dark room, like a basement cellar with prison bars for hostages. Various creatures were in the cells, but one held a boy, human-looking. Jet and I both saw him, and immediately I knew who it was.
"T-That boy looks like me...!" Jet stammered.
"He's supposed to," I frowned.
"Noles! Are you down here!" shouted the princess's voice. She hurried down the stone steps and arrived at the right cell. Prince Noles ran up to the bars, a glad expression on his face. "You moron. I see you got yourself into trouble again."
"So?" said the boy Noles, stubborn.
"Sooo, I heard talk from the adults, how they've captured 'the Prince of the Low Dominion'. They plan on executing you," she said with a serious dead-on expression. Our eyes widened, including the young boy's. "What you don't really think I'm gonna let them do that are ya?" she winked, pulling out a black key from her clothes.
"Y-You're gonna let me go?" he asked disbelievingly.
"Hey just because you're from the enemy's side that doesn't mean I'm beyond having people killed. I don't like that very much. It makes me feel sad." Valkyria opened the door. "And besides, we're friends aren't we?" she smiled.
Noles starred for a moment, then smiled too. "I won't forget this, princess."
"I told you, it's Valkyria. I already call you by your name so you call me by mine alright?"
Noles nodded. "I better get out of here. Goodbye, Valkyria."
The boy ran up the stairs which led outside. Valkyria smiled. "Goodbye, Noles."
"I thought they were supposed to be enemies, those kids," said Jet as we hovered invisibly.
"It seems as kids they were on decent terms," I said. The scene shifted again back to the outside. An evil wind blew as we glanced down below. On the plains was the sight of battle. Warrior-type monsters versus Magician type monsters, and a few in between of different types of other monsters. I managed to recognize a few Harpies on the Magicians' side.
"This place," Jet faltered, starring down at the scene before him.
"Everyone's fighting," I frowned, having a slight feeling of panic in me. "It's a time shift forward, to the battle Harpie Girl told us about before." My stare hardened. "Which must mean that Valkyria and Noles shouldn't be too far."
Jet's eyes scoured the battlefield. His head lifted in realization. "Amet, down there!"
Looking over my eyes widened as I saw a flying figure clad in blue, hovering above and fighting airborne warriors with her Magician's scepter. Her amethyst eyes sparkled in the vividness of her power. I knew no doubt who it was. "Valkyria." She was much different from the previous form we saw her in. She had grown up, practically an adult now. She had a new magician's wand for her magic, and she fought with much emotion and dedication in her eyes. But, she was so innocent and peaceful before...
"Show me!" she screamed out blasting another warrior monster who had attempted to strike her with their blade. "Show me your leader!" Of course no enemy responded to her with words, and they just continued fighting. I witnessed below Valkyria as many monsters on either side of the war lost their life. You think being a duelist, I'd be used to see monsters disappear from life. But this was a whole new experience, even if it was just an experience from the past.
Suddenly an even more powerful warrior-type monster flew up and fast, charging his sword towards Valkyria's back. My eyes widened in fear, but Valkyria sensed the attack, and countered with her scepter, plunging it through the monster's chest, instantly killing him. The rain of blood from the lethal wound made me scream and cover my mouth from shock, but I was pulled in by Jet's arms. His hand behind my head buried my face against his bare shoulder, shielding my sight from this war. Even though my sight was black now, I couldn't erase the image of Valkyria killing that monster, the ruthlessness in her eyes and vicious malor in her willingness to take a life.
It was like watching myself kill.
"Why is this happening?" I whispered, shaking in Jet's hold as we continued to hover over the battlefield. "What happened to her? Why is she like this!"
"I don't know," Jet said calmly. I could feel him trying to be strong for me. However his voice suddenly made a startled noise, and I felt his head jump. I turned my head and found in a distance another arriving monster, clad in armor of brown and red. His blade had an aura of power around it, emitting a true sense of war.
Valkyria stopped her fighting and saw the forecoming monster. She assumed another battle stance with her wand at hand. Eventually the monster came into full view, and our eyes widened, as did Valkyria's. The figure before her, the leader of the Low Dominions and Warriors. "... Noles...?" she said breathlessly.
"N-No way..." Jet stammered, starring at the being we recognized as that little boy from before. Valkyria seemed to have recognized him as well, very much surprised like us. "That was... me?"
"Noles..." Valkyria repeated. I looked down into Nole's eyes. I noticed a lifeless stare in them I knew all to well from my experiences with the Millennium Items. I knew those eyes. Valkyria seemed to have noticed, too. "There is darkness in your heart."
"... Fight me," Noles stated, reaching for his sword.
Valkyria stood her ground of defense. "No I won't fight you! Noles you remember me don't you!"
He unsheathed his sword, his face unchanging. "Will you not battle for your land?"
Valkyria's face, full of emotion and regret, those emotions clouded her judgement of her own safety. "No..." she whispered in denial.
"Then you will die," Noles stated simply, void of feeling. Quickly he swung his blade. Just when I thought Valkyria would die, just like in the story, she countered the attack with her scepter, holding off his sword with her physical strength, not something a Magician was well known for.
"Your eyes..." she gritted through her teeth. "The royal family of the Low Dominion, their corrupt blood runs through your veins," she speeched with valor. "You have fallen plague to that blood."
"Then kill me."
"You aren't in your right mind!"
A slash of blood. My eyes widened at the contact, metal piercing through skin. Valkyria's shoulder was pierced with Noles's sword, and he pulled it back out. Valkyria's hand darted up to her shoulder to stop the bloodflow, but she kept her stance, keeping grip on her scepter.
"Fight," Noles continued in his trance-like state. "Defend your people like a true ruler. Otherwise you are pathetic for letting past relations get in the way of a battle."
"You're wrong," Valkyria cried under her breath, feeling the pain of the wound. "Noles what happened to you all these years? What did they do to you?" Instead Noles went for another strike, which this time Valkyria manged to block with her wand. I was surprised by her strength to do so with her shoulder in that condition. With a bit of her strength I watched her scepter's end glow with a bright blue light, and she blasted Noles a good enough distance away.
I clutched my fingers into my palm, most likely making marks in my skin. I felt Jet's hold around me tighten as well. I could only imagine what was going through his mind. Valkyria and Noles, they were us, in our past lives. To know we were like this at one point.
Valkyria proceeded with her magic, lifting her scepter pointing at the recooperating Prince Noles. "I call upon the light of the three dragons! Seek for me the light of Prince Nole's soul!"
At that instant I watched a beam of light emit from the top of her wand. It flew like a shooting star across the battle field, and I expected the light to lead towards Nole's body, but it just passed right over him.
"Where's that light going...?" Jet said aloud, thinking the same thoughts as me. Following its brightness we saw a large pyramid in a distance. Made me wonder how we missed that. Aside from that thought, on the pyramid was a recognizable symbol I knew from duel monsters. A seal on the front of the pyramid, the same symbol from the magic card Monster Reincarnation.
"That symbol," I spoke. "That must be Prince Nole's tomb."
Jet's eyes looked opposite tat horizon. And on the far left borderline he saw a similar pyramid. It's seal was that similar to the magic card Monster Reborn. "And that pyramid must be Valkyria's tomb."
"But that light before," I spoke. "Valkyria was looking for Nole's soul."
"Your soul is sealed within your own tomb," Valkyria gasped under her breath.
Suddenly from a full burst of vengeance, Noles flew at Valkyria with his sword. Valkyria put up her strongest defence and began to defend against him, using full tactics of battle she had been using previously. Although she was careful not to hurt him. "He doesn't know what he's doing. With his soul sealed inside his tomb there's no way that..." As she fought, a look of enlightenment dawned upon her. "The Magicians said that tombs were meant to hold the soul of their intended, but only one soul. If another soul enters Nole's tomb, then his soul will be released."
"Did you hear her?" Jet asked me.
The same assumptions went though my mind. "Is she...?"
With one final blast towards Noles to get him away, Valkyria flew up higher above the plains and the war. She made a seal with her wand, a magic circle forming underneath her feet. An invisible wind blew from beneath her as light emitted from the magic circle. Tattoo markings made their way along visible lines of her skin, and her eyes reopened. "I'm doing this for you, old friend."
"Valkyria!" I shouted, pushing myself away from Jet, however he held me back. This Princess Valkyria, the monster I've been talking to all this time, the same one who's been guiding me. This was her, wasn't it. This was her.
Within the magic circle Valkyria's body began to disappear into magic dust, her entire being being absorbed into the distant pyramid that was Nole's intended tomb. I watched in disbelief as my beloved monster disappeared for good.
"She's gone..." I chocked, seeing the place where she once was.
"She's not dead though," Jet spoke up behind. I turned around to face him, my face holding mixed emotions of sadness and confusion. "Valkyria just sealed herself into that tomb. She was never killed by Noles like the story said."
"But Harpie Girl told us that Noles was still evil! If Valkyria freed his soul, then-"
A bright light emitted from the said tomb, and a suddenly flying comet-like being flew steadfast across the battlefield. Jet and I watched the instant it started. If you blinked, you would've missed it. The 'light' flew sound-fast towards Nole's figure, piercing him like a stab from a blade into his back. However, when he opened his eyes, I recognized them. The same eyes Jet has. Jet and I were speechless as we waited to see the outcome. The monsters below still continued to fight, clashes of metal complimented by the scream of war filling the background air.
Noles starred confused at his hand. Looking above he saw a floating blue Magician's scepter. The magic circle disappeared, and the wand decended downwards. Noles caught the wand, and instantly memories of the previous scenes replayed in his mind. With an expression of disbelief he clutched onto the wand desperately.
"Valkyria..." he whispered, shutting his eyes. "She sacrificed herself to save me." So this was the real Noles...? "It's all my fault... She's gone because of me!" He clutched harder onto the wand. "I chose power over all else... and look what happened..." Glancing up across the plains, he saw Valkyria's pyramid, her intended tomb where she would no longer be able to rest, becuase she was sealed away elsewhere.
Standing upwards, he flew towards her pyramid, lifting his own sword. The handle glowed with a similar red light. Then a magic circle of his own accord materialized underneath his own feet, as Valkyria's wand drifted towards back to the ground, like sinking through water. His feet began to disintegrate into magic dust as well, being absorbed into the tomb before him . "Valkyria... You said we were friends, didn't you?" A faint smile appeared as he kept grip on his sword. "I could never repay the friendship you gave me so long ago... I don't deserve to live in the midst of your sacrifice for this lowly life." Half of his body had disappeared, but he continued to smile. He looked up. I saw Jet's true face in this man. "I'll seal myself in your tomb, as you sealed yourself in mine. I'm sorry..."
The prince had fully disappeared, all being left inside his magic circle being his sword. As the magic circle disappeared, the sword began to fall, and it landed next to Valkyria's wand.
Jet and I were left frozen in the air. This was...the true history? Our history, actually. The home-returning light clouded our eyes, and I felt myself be pulled back to the real world, away from this vision.
I felt the physical feeling of my body again, one of my hands clutching the Millennium Shard. Awakening from that vision I sat up from the sore ground. It was then I felt an overwhelming cold along my skin. I remembered I only had my bra and my school vest, my cargo pants feeling unchanged from before. Jet in a distance laid on the ground, still shirtless and unconscious.
I crawled over, tiredly shaking him. "Jet? Jet wake up, we're back."
Rolling him over Jet laid on his back, wincing from the rocks beneath him. Opening his eyes he saw my weary one. "What just..."
My eyes kept the same. And at that instant we knew what had happened in the Dominion of he Beasts, however long ago that was. Much later into the night we sat around the fire, trying to keep warm. The storm outside was still raging, thunder clapping every now and then. Surprise surprise.
"This is so confusing now," I spoke, hugging my knees. "Harpie Girl says the Lower Dominians are still overtaking the land led by Noles."
"But Noles isn't there right now. And he never killed Valkyria either," Jet concluded. This was all so mind-bobbling. "But there has to be someone in charge, someone leading those guys."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Did you already forget?" Jet said to me with a serious face. "All those times monsters were sent to this place, to attack you. When they invaded Kaiba Corp, the school, everything else. And they all held the Millennium Symbol over their foreheads." How could I forget? "What I think is that whoever the true bad guy is here, he's the one who sent those controlled monsters."
"Maybe," I yawned, already tired. "But now that we know the truth, or at least most of it... now what?"
"We can't go home, that's for sure," Jet confirmed. "Whether we like it or not, we're those duel monsters reborn, and there's no going back to being normal Domino High students."
For some reason that fact saddened me. My face faltered. "Are you sure?"
"Well I'm not joking if that's what you're considering," he said to me. "Your mom and dad know I'm going to kill you in the future. No doubt they and all the other adults we know are looking for us right now. There's no telling what'll happen to us if we're pulled back home. They could separate us. Send one of us to a boarding school. Put us on opposite sides of the world." That was even worse. "Prophecy or whatever, I'm not giving up that easily."
"So what do we do now?"
He sent me a look. "And to think I thought you were the leader of the two of us. Isn't it obvious?" He said, still not smiling as he usually would in dark situations like these. "If we want to stop this once and for all we have to go back to the Dominion of the Beasts and end the war."
"Are you serious?" I asked with risen eyebrows. "Reincarnations or not we're just human, Jet. How can we possibly end a war that we aren't even associated in?" Honestly, I really just wanted to go back home and act as if this had never happened. Because truth be told, Noles from that vision was so... evil. Scary. He obviously didn't turn bad on his own. Something happened to him to make him so corrupt. I didn't want the same thing to happen to Jet if we were to go back to the Dominion of the Beasts. He's already lost his smile.
"We have to try, don't we?" he said with a hopeful look in his eye. "Besides, we made a promise before, remember? That after all this drama was over, we'd have the best summer vacation ever?"
'He's really up for this, isn't he?' I glanced down at the Millennium shard in my hand, and no sooner I found myself clutching onto it like it was the only hope we had left of ever returning to normal. "Alright. We'll go."
Jet nodded, and with the Millennium Shard sitting on my left, Jet and I sat back to back against one another, sitting in meditating position. In order to get to the Dominion of the beasts, we can't go there physically. We can only go through this way.
'Mom, Dad, I'm sorry.'
Geez am I glad this chapter's over with .
I thank my friend, who prefers to be nameless, for helping me write that iffy part. Ugh, never again I hope will I have to do that.
Sorry for my immaturity with iffy scenes. I just feel REAL awkward with those kinds of things, no offence to those who find amusement in them!
My nameless frien's like that, I think. The only thing awkwarder (I know that's not a word) than thinking up and typing the scene was planning it out. You see, my friend is actually my best guy friend, which at this moment I question why I turned to him of all people to help write this.
And he kept making fun of me, too. -_- wahh
Anywho, review, await the next chpater. Oh, and thanks for the reviews from before! You know who you are ^^