A/N: The premise of this is that Jasper has gone to Seattle for a three day work experience with his father and the company he works for.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Honeymoon Period

21st July 2010

Alice POV

Rosalie snapped her fingers in my face, making me jump. I broke out of my daze and looked at her sheepishly. She was the closest one to me, yet there were three other sets of eyes watching me, too.

"Sorry, you guys," I mumbled, sitting up a little straighter in the chair. We were at Emmett's house, not that Sarah needed any more teenagers under her roof, and I was missing Jasper like crazy. He'd been gone for only a day, and I still had another two days to go before I saw him next.

"That's the third time you've done that today," Rosalie muttered, shooting me a teasing glare. "He's been gone maybe twenty-four hours, and he's going to be home again in two days. I dread to think what you'd be like if you had to go months apart like Emmett and I had to."

I pulled a face, feeling the faint sense of anxiety settling into my stomach. What would I do if I had to go months without Jasper? I'd probably go insane, and I was certain Jasper would, too.

"To be fair, Rose, you and Emmett have been together so long you're practically married these days," Bella mused, smiling to herself. "I think it was a healthy that you had that time apart."

Emmett chuckled as Bella glanced at me. "Besides, Alice and Jasper are in the honeymoon period. I remember what that was like. Where the world was seen through rose tinted glasses and going even a couple hours apart was hard."

Looking away from them all, I tried to hide the grin on my face. Bella was right, and I didn't want them to see how much I loved being in the honeymoon period. It had been so long since I'd felt anything like this, and I was revelling in how happy it made me.

However, being apart from Jasper, I could only feel half of that happiness, as if the other half was with him, and only when we were together was it whole again. The realisation should have been scary to know that, at nineteen, it felt as if I'd be living a half life if we spent our time apart.

As much as I loved Robbie, as strong as our bond had been, I couldn't remember it ever feeling like this.

"Right, that's it," Rosalie said, snapping me from my thoughts once again. "I'm calling Jasper."

My eyes widened and I sat up higher. "No, Rose, he might be bus-"

But she'd found his number already and put the phone to her ear. I watched, chewing on my lip, to see if Jasper was going to answer. The only reason I hadn't been calling him myself was because I'd been worried I'd disrupt him. We talked in the evening, but the daytime, I never knew when he would be free.

"Hey, Jasper," Rosalie said, sitting back in her seat as he answered the phone. I perked up a little, now wishing I were the one on the phone. "No, everything is fine here. We're just at Emmett's house…"

She paused. "Yeah, Alice is here, too."

I smiled to hear he'd asked after me, but tried to hide it on my face as I listened to what else Rosalie had to say.

"She's just sitting there, off in her own little world," she continued, flashing me a quick grin as she listened to Jasper's response. "Yeah, I was hoping you could tell her you'll be back in a few days so she can join in when we talk to her."

Rosalie laughed at something he said, and then passed the phone over to me. I took it eagerly, bringing it to me ear immediately.

"I miss you, too, Alice," he said softly, obviously sensing I now had the phone. My body relaxed completely at the sound of his voice. He knew I was acting up because I missed him, and strangely, that thought comforted me.

"Now you have to do what Rosalie says, okay? I'm forbidding you from thinking about me again until I call you later, got it?"

I smiled, holding back a giggle. "I don't know if that's even doable, but okay."

He laughed exuberantly. "How's this? I'll try and stop thinking about you, if you try and stop thinking about me, deal?"

"Deal," I said with a sigh, wondering whether he knew I'd never be able to stop thinking about him for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

"Good. Look, I have to go again, but we'll talk later." He paused. "I love you."

I closed my eyes, forgetting that I was in a room full of my friends. "I love you, too."

The line went dead soon after. When I returned my gaze to the others, I could tell they were all trying to occupy themselves so it didn't look as if they were sitting there listening to my conversation.

When I handed the phone back to Rosalie, I moved a little closer to make it easier for me to join in. A short while later, Emmett and Edward disappeared off upstairs at the command of Henry and Lewis. I knew it was some kind of Xbox business, so none of us went up to interrupt them.

Bella, Rosalie and I were left to talk between ourselves in the main room. The conversation waned after a while, and we sat in silence for a little while, before finally Bella broke it.

"So, Alice…you and Jasper are saying 'I love you'? Is that a recent thing…or…?"

Her voice trailed away, leaving it open for me to continue. I smiled to myself, as I thought back to the first time he'd told me he loved me. It was hard to believe it had been over two months since that day.

"Since about the start of May, so not really recent," I told them after unsuccessfully trying to remember the specific date. "It was only a few weeks after we got together, but…after everything, it was natural, you know?"

They both nodded; their expressions wistful.

"I can remember when Edward first said it to me," Bella said quietly, smiling delicately to herself as she played with the tassel of her top. "It was just after my sixteenth birthday. He was playing me something, and suddenly he stopped and just came out with it."

I sighed gently, remembering the day she'd told me. It was so…Edward, and it never failed to make me smile. Not many people knew that Edward could play the piano, hell, I wasn't even sure Emmett knew, let alone Jasper. But he played a lot for Bella, and in turn, she'd describe it to me and Rosalie.

I'd never heard him play, but I knew one day that he'd share his apparent talent with the rest of us.

"What about you, Rose?" Bella went on. "Didn't Emmett say it when you were kids?"

Rosalie laughed, nodding along. "We were ten. To his credit, he said it on Valentine's Day. He had this stupidly big grin on his face, and he suddenly blurted it out. I doubt he really knew what it meant at that age…but I never forgot it."

A smile spread across my face as she finished. Like with Edward, Emmett's first declaration of love was so in character. It made me think about the first time Jasper told me, and I knew that he was just the same as his best friends.

It was then that I realised I'd broken the small promise we'd made to each other. I'd told him I wouldn't think about him, but since the call, I'd done nothing but think about him.

I giggled to myself, gaining a few quizzical looks from Bella and Rosalie, as I realised it didn't actually matter.