Chapter 1: Tides of Change

December 4th

No ones p.o.v.

Ten people all meet in a room to speak of something urgent and go on a special mission.

"So everyone's here." an orange haired teen asked.

"Yup, so who are we looking for anyway," an orange haired girl says.

"Well, we're looking for a girl with strong spiritual presser." a short white haired boy says. "We fear the Aizen is after her."

"The portals all ready, the info I've gathered is she lives in a town called Barre located in Vermont," a blonde haired guy says. "Oh also remember that in this dimension she lives in America. No formalities okay."

"Alright." the short white haired boy nodded and ordered. "Remember we don't let Aizen get her and protect her at all cost."

"Hai!" they all said and the 8 people hoped through the portal to Barre, Vermont.

My p.o.v.

I woke up groggy and tired as always. "Well it just another boring day."

I got up every day at 5:30 took a shower and did my daily routines. But today I was in for a surprise. When I got to school I saw Julia, Krishna, Lauren and Emily waiting outside the school like always. I walked up to them. "Hey guys."

"Hey, Shauna!" Julia exclaimed. "Did you hear we're getting new students?"

"Really, awesome!" I smiled in excitement.

"Yea." Lauren says. "I heard the came all the way from Japan."

"Sweetness!" Emily commented in excitement. We all walked inside and went into our homeroom and Julia an I said good morning to Mrs. Glennon. At 7:35 we started math class, oh yippee. When Mrs. Glennon came back she brought 8 people, well 3 girls and 5 boys.

"Alright class we have 7 new students." Mrs. Glennon asked them. "Why don't you introduce yourselves."

"I'm Toushiro Hitsugaya." a boy around 13 or 14 says, he has odd colored hair it was white and he has topaz colored eyes. He's kinda short around 5'.

"I'm Rukia Kuchiki." a girl with black hair and purple eyes said. She was around 4'7".

"I'm Orihime Inoue." a girl with orange hair says, she has grey eyes and is my height, don't forget the big bust.

"I'm Uryuu Ishida." a guy with bluish black hair says, he had glasses on and he was about 5'6".

"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." a guy with bright orange hair said, was about 5'7" and he looked very familiar.

"I'm Sado Yasutora, but call me Chad." a very tall guy said, he has tanned skin and he is………..really tall for a middle schooler.

"And I'm Rangiku Matsumoto." a lady with orange blonde hair said, she is maybe 5'8" and had a huge bust. I bet all the guys were drooling. "I'll be watching over the new students."

"If you have any questions ask me or a another teacher." Mrs. Glennon says to them.

"Also why don't we all introduce are selves, we'll go in order stand up when it's your tables turn." Mrs. Glennon says. When it was my turn to stand I did and told them my name and they had a surprised face for some reason. After math class I met up with Lauren.

"Don't they seem a little familiar?" I asked Lauren.

"No not really." she said bluntly.

Then Orihime came up to me. "Hi I'm Orihime you?"

"I'm Shauna, but my friends call me Hana." I said to Orihime.

"I think we're gonna be great friends!" she says with a smile.

"Yea, I think so to." I say also with a smile. I looked at her hairclips and instantly I knew about them, it was weird. All day I pondered why they looked familiar, my friends I guess where worried why I was so quiet through study hall at the end of the day and I realized they where bleach characters.

I went over to Julia. "There bleach characters."

"What are you taking about, Shauna and what's Bleach?" she questioned. I was shocked

December 12th

It's been a week since they came and I became best friends with Rukia, Orihime, Miss Matsumoto, and even good friends Ichigo, Toushiro, Uryuu, Renji and Chad, but I call him by his first name. I was walking home from school because my idiotic father didn't come and pick me up. When I rounded the corner to go to my house, I saw sirens at my house. My eyes widened and I ran to my house. I saw police men, ambulances. I walked up to two and over heard them talking.

"Wonder how this happened, there were no bullet wounds and no finger prints. Except there was a huge hole on the right side and most of the left side of the building was destroyed." one of them said.

"Yeah it's impossible, but I feel sorry for the girl that lived here she's the only one who's not dead." the second man said. My eyes widened and tears came to my eyes.

"Yeah, all the others died, who knows what killed them." the first one said.

I couldn't take it so I ran crying, I didn't know where I was going but I ran. By the time I stopped I was at my house again, but this time no one was there and I saw ya know those yellow things that says do not enter. I went in up the stairs and into my house. I saw a huge by where the computers and I saw my computer was still intact (which I really strange) so I picked it up. I went into my room and sat on the flour with my head on my knees crying silently.

"So you where here. We finally found you." a familiar voice said. I look up to see none other than………Ichigo and everyone else in my room.

'Oh my god, why are bleach characters in my room. (teehee here's the title^_^) It's bad enough my family was killed.' I thought. 'What if!'

"Go away!" I told them boldly.

"We're sorry about your family." Ichigo says with apologetic eyes.

Suddenly I felt anger inside of me. I stand up quickly. "Sorry! Sorry isn't going to bring them back, I know that your shinigami or soul reapers or whatever!"

They where shocked that you knew.

"How did you-." Renji was going to ask but I cut him of.

"I known for along time. I know your characters from this show Bleach that me and Julia watched together!"

"But I…..I….!" I cried out. I started to cry more hugging myself. "I just, I just want my family back."

Orihime stepped up to me and gave me a hug. "We all know what it's like to lose someone precious to us."

I hugged her tightly. "It's not fair! The hallow wanted me didn't it!"

"It's not fair." I whispered. The rest looked at me with soft eyes knowing who sent the hollow.

"In any case. It's not safe here anymore. The only option is to take you back with us to our world." Toushiro says seriously. I let go of Orihime and looked at Toushiro in shock.

"But……….what about my friends?" I asked Toushiro. "I cant leave them behind. I can't leave my whole life behind."

"If you stay here any longer more hallows will come and be a threat to you." Toushiro told me. "And your friends."

Reality struck me. I knew if I stayed here any longer they could die and I…..I couldn't let that happen. "Fine. I'll go with you, but can I at least say good bye to all my friends."

"Sure. Meet us at the Barre city school soccer fields. " Toushiro says.

I ran out of the house heading over to Julia's house, when I got there I took out my cell phone and called Kina, Lauren, Krishna, and Shelby.

I knocked on Julia's door and asked her to come walk with me. She said yes. When we got to the soccer fields and I saw everyone.

"So Shauna…." Kina asked me. "What was so important we had to rush over here."

"Yea you seemed sad on the phone." Krishna says.

"Yea and you didn't talk all the way here." Julia says to me.

"Well, I brought you all here because…….." I said sadly. "I'm here to say good bye."

"What are you, talking about?" Krishna asks.

"What, you can't leave!" Lauren shouts at me.

"Yea, what are we gonna do without you." Shelby says in tears.

"Well, when I realized it was my fault my family died, a hollow killed them and I…I.." I say tears running down my face. "Didn't want you all to get hurt."

Unfortunately now Krishna was crying, then Julia started, then Jacinda and then everyone else was. I walked up to Krishna, Shelby, Julia, Jacinda, Lauren, and gave them a hug and said goodbye.

"The portals ready, Shauna." Rukia says to me.

"Okay." I turn to everyone. "Goodbye everyone! I'll miss you. And thank you for everything!"

I turn around and walk toward the portal.

"You better come back soon!" Julia shouts at me. "You hear!"

"Yea or we're gonna kick your but when ya come back!" Kina shouts at me.

"We'll miss you!" Shelby says.

"Don't you dare forget us!" Krishna yells.

I turn my head to look at them. "Yeah, of course, I promise I wont!"

We all rush into the portal to a new adventure.